BlueTeam rpt UOF2014-0039Long Beach Police Dept
Use Of Force Report
Incident Details
Date Received Date of Occurrence Time of Occurrence
01/27/2014 01/27/2014 19:45
Record ID Number DR Number IA No
7502 14-5989 UOF2014-0039
Date/Time Entered Entered By Assigned Investigator
01/28/2014 17:19 Lieutenant Robert Bernsen [Incident pending assignment]
Incident Summary
Officer Fox #6186 and Officer Brearley #6226 made a subject stop in the area of 55th Street and Long Beach Blvd. which
resulted in the arrest of two people for outstanding warrants.
Officer Brearley was in the Sixth Floor Men's Jail, Strip Search room, when the use of force occurred.
During the strip search, the suspect reached into the waistband of his boxer shorts and removed contraband. He
immediately placed the narcotics in his mouth and fell to the ground with his arms beneath his chest. Officer Brearley
did not want the suspect to swallow the narcotics so he attempted pain compliance by applying pressure to the
Mandibular Pressure Point. The suspect began actively resisting Officer Brearley, and attempted to bite him. The
suspect was also kicking and thrashing about. Officer Brearley applied the Carotid Restraint to gain compliance of the
The suspect was transported to St. Mary's Hospital for medical evaluation after ingesting the narcotics and the
application of the carotid. There were no other injuries.
Officer Brearley was not injured.
Officer A. Hunt #10011 responded to take photographs of the suspect, Officer Brearley and the location of occurrence.
Booking Sergeant S. Solarzano said he would order the video from the jail and place it into evidence. There is no direct
view of the strip search room.
I spoke to Jail Officer Lira and placed his statement in a follow-up report.
I responded to St. Mary's Hospital to interview the suspect, Michael Snyder. He was non-responsive to me and did not
give a statement. For further see my follow-up report. I tape recorded the interview.
Based on my investigation, the Use of Force by Officer Brearley was reasonable, justified and within policy.
I notified WC1 Lt. K. Coy of the incident.
NOTE: On 4/15/2019, Sergeant Eric Fernandez conducted a SB1421 review of this incident and identified a duplicate UOF
Blue Team entry documented by SSO Sergeant Murillo under UOF2014-0038. Sergeant Fernandez attached a PDF file of
UOF2014-0038 to this incident for future reference. UOF2014-0038 was deleted from IA PRO.
Incident Location
Latitude, Longitude = [33.76920, -118.19636]
400 Broadway W, Long Beach, CA, 90802
- Location of Occurrence: Los Angeles
Use of Force Details
Reason For Using Force Service Being Rendered More Than 1 Citizen Involved
Resistive/Combative Jail Incident No
Weather Condition Light Condition Distance to Citizen
Clear Night-Darkness 1 feet to 3 feet
Citizen Injured Citizen Hospitalized Citizen Arrested
No Yes Yes
Citizen Build Citizen Height Citizen Influence Assessment
Small 5'0'' to 5'3''Signs of Drug Impairment
Officer(s) Injured Officer(s) Taken to Hospital
No No
Reporting/Involved Citizen
Michael anthony Snyder
Date of Birth: 11/03/1966 Race: White Ethnicity: Unknown Gender: Male
Addresses [None Entered]
Phone Numbers [None Entered]
Role: [None Entered]
Type of Resistance Citizen Used Against Officer
• Failure to Comply
• Bodily Force
Injuries Sustained By Citizen
Injury Region Injury Location
No injuries noted or visible
Charges Against Citizen
• Felony
Incident Officers
Sergeant Joshua Brearley - 6226
Assignment at time of incident: Police Officer Cop/Patrol/North/Comm Pol/Staff Shift C Afternoons
Video Footage: [None Entered]
Role: [None Entered]
Force used by this Officer against Citizen
• Carotid - Force Effective: Yes
Less lethal force used by this Officer against Citizen
Force Used Force Effective Region Point of Contact
Carotid Yes 2, 2 1, 2
1 2
Injuries Sustained By Officer
No injury
Officer Witnesses
Special Services Off Joseph Lira - 8347
Assignment at time of incident: Special Services Off Cop/Support/Jail/Detention/W2
Video Footage: [None Entered]
Role: [None Entered]
• Available for Public Disclosure
Task Description Date Due Date Completed Summary
Running Sheet Entries
No running sheet entries to show
Date Attached Attachment Description Attachment Types
04/15/2019 UOF2014-0038 pdf
01/28/2014 Interview with Michael Snyder at St. Mary's Hospital VOC
Assignment History
Date/Time Sent From To Activity
04/19/2014 13:34 DEP R Conant Released back to IAPro
Chain of Command History
Routing Number: 1
From Lieutenant Robert
To Lieutenant Kevin Coy
Date/Time Sent 01/28/2014 17:51
Instructions From [Lieutenant Robert Bernsen ] To [Lieutenant Kevin Coy ]
Lt. Coy, please review the following use of force report. I am Officer Brearley's sergeant and Lt.
Hebeish is his Lieutentant. Thank you.
Comments/Response From [Lieutenant Kevin Coy ]
Forced used by the officer was appropriate and necessary. Within policy.
Routing Number: 2
From Lieutenant Kevin Coy
To Cop Ast Wally Hebeish
Date/Time Sent 02/02/2014 18:55
Instructions From [Lieutenant Kevin Coy ] To [Cop Ast Wally Hebeish ]
Forwarding to North Division Lt Hebiesh for review.
Comments/Response From [Cop Ast Wally Hebeish ]
Force used was reasonable and within Department Policy
Routing Number: 3
From Cop Ast Wally Hebeish
To Commander Robert Luman
Date/Time Sent 02/08/2014 16:43
Instructions From [Cop Ast Wally Hebeish ] To [Commander Robert Luman ]
Please review and forward to Patrol Bureau. **Jail Video placed into evidence**
Comments/Response From [Commander Robert Luman ]
Force used appears reasonable and within policy.
Routing Number: 4
From Commander Robert Luman
To Lieutenant Christopher
Date/Time Sent 02/14/2014 14:10
Instructions From [Commander Robert Luman ] To [Lieutenant Christopher Morgan
Please review
Comments/Response From [Lieutenant Christopher Morgan ]
[Forwarded by Lieutenant Christopher Morgan]
Routing Number: 5
From Lieutenant Christopher
To Deputy Chief Richard
Date/Time Sent 02/25/2014 11:57
Instructions From [Lieutenant Christopher Morgan ] To [Deputy Chief Richard Conant ]
Use of force has been reviewed and approved.
Comments/Response From [Deputy Chief Richard Conant ]
Routing was NOT handled in BlueTeam. The incident was forwarded into IAPro by IAPro
user Lieutenant Richard Conant