BlueTeam rpt UOF2014-0309_RedactedLong Beach Police Dept
Use Of Force Report
Incident Details
Date Received Date of Occurrence Time of Occurrence
07/13/2014 07/13/2014 23:10
Record ID Number DR Number IA No
8489 14-42552 UOF2014-0309
Date/Time Entered Entered By Assigned Investigator
07/14/2014 04:34 Sergeant William Mcdonald [Incident pending assignment]
Incident Summary
Officer Soldin was working uniformed patrol, when he assisted Sergeant Richens at Long Beach Memorial Hospital with
an unwelcome subject. Officer Soldin transported suspect Carrilo to booking. Officer Soldin used bodily force to control
suspect Carrillo, as suspect Carrillo attempted to pull away from Officer Soldin in booking. No other force was used.
Suspect Carrillo sustained a head injury from the use of force. Internal Affairs Sergeant Richardson was notified and
responded at the hospital.
The suspect was transported to an area hospital for treatment. The suspect was transported back to booking and he
blew .21/.19 on the Breath Intoxilyzer.
A Watch-2 sergeant was contacted to retrieve a video copy of the incident, from Long Beach Memorial hospital. Sergeant
Richardson retrieved a copy of the video from booking.
I advised Suspect Carrillo of his Miranda Rights and he responded "Fuck you I don't want to talk with you, you handcuffed
me already." Suspect Carrillo was extremely uncooperative and he used profanity, when I was advising him of his
Miranda Rights.
My investigation revealed the Use of Force was reasonable, appropriate and within the department policy.
Unit 1A66 Officer Kong #10241 and Officer Robles #10242 interviewed witnesses in booking. See their follow up reports.
No officers were injured in this incident. Suspect Carrillo sustained a laceration above his left eye. Suspect Carrillo has a
laceration to back of his head.
Officer Robles #10242 took photographs of the officer and suspect.
The Watch Commander Lt. Coble was notified of the Use of Force.
Incident Location
Latitude, Longitude = [33.76899, -118.19725]
400 Broadway (Booking) W Street, Long Beach, CA, 90802
- Location of Occurrence: Los Angeles
Use of Force Details
Reason For Using Force Service Being Rendered More Than 1 Citizen Involved
Resistive/Combative Call For Service No
Weather Condition Light Condition Distance to Citizen
Clear Night-Darkness 1 feet to 3 feet
Citizen Injured Citizen Hospitalized Citizen Arrested
Yes Yes Yes
Citizen Build Citizen Height Citizen Influence Assessment
Medium 5'4'' to 5'6''Signs of Alcohol Impairment
Officer(s) Injured Officer(s) Taken to Hospital
No No
Reporting/Involved Citizen
Sergio Carrillo
Date of Birth: 07/19/1986 Race: Hispanic Ethnicity: Unknown Gender: Male
Phone Numbers [None Entered]
Role: [None Entered]
Type of Resistance Citizen Used Against Officer
• Bodily Force
Injuries Sustained By Citizen
Injury Region Injury Location
Minor 1, A 1, 2
Charges Against Citizen
• Misdemeanor
Incident Officers
Po-Fto Michael Soldin - 5149
Assignment at time of incident: PO-FTO Cop/Patrol/West/Cfs/W1 Shift A Graveyard
Video Footage: [None Entered]
Role: [None Entered]
Force used by this Officer against Citizen
• Bodily Force - Force Effective: Yes
Less lethal force used by this Officer against Citizen
Force Used Force Effective Region Point of Contact
Bodily Force Yes H 1
1 2
Injuries Sustained By Officer
No injury
Officer Witnesses
Sergeant Robert Knight - 5632
Assignment at time of incident: Sergeant Cop/Support/Jail/Detention/W1
Video Footage: [None Entered]
Role: [None Entered]
• Available for Public Disclosure
• Case Disclosed for PRA
Task Description Date Due Date Completed Summary
Running Sheet Entries
No running sheet entries to show
Date Attached Attachment Description Attachment Types
07/14/2014 Carrillo recording by Richardson mp3
Assignment History
Date/Time Sent From To Activity
10/08/2014 17:38 DEP R Conant Released back to IAPro
Chain of Command History
Routing Number: 1
From Sergeant William
To Lieutenant Mark
Date/Time Sent 07/14/2014
Instructions From [Sergeant William Mcdonald ] To [Lieutenant Mark Coble ]
Please review UOF
Comments/Response From [Lieutenant Mark Coble ]
The Booking Supervisor and I reviewed the video of the UOF (in Booking) that resulted in the
laceration to the suspect's eye. I also reviewed the audio recording of the suspect's complaint
against the officer. Force used was necessary and within Department Policy.
Routing Number: 2
From Lieutenant
Mark Coble
To Lieutenant
Kerry Giesige
Date/Time Sent 07/21/2014
Instructions From [Lieutenant Mark Coble ] To [Lieutenant Kerry Giesige ]
The Booking Supervisor and I reviewed the video of the UOF (in Booking) that resulted in the
laceration to the suspect's eye. I also reviewed the audio recording of the suspect's complaint
against the officer. Force used was necessary and within Department Policy. Please review and
Comments/Response From [Lieutenant Kerry Giesige ]
[Forwarded by Lieutenant Kerry Giesige]
Routing Number: 3
From Lieutenant Kerry Giesige
To Lieutenant John Kanaley
Date/Time Sent 09/02/2014 23:04
Instructions From [Lieutenant Kerry Giesige ] To [Lieutenant John Kanaley ]
For your review
Comments/Response From [Lieutenant John Kanaley ]
[Forwarded by Lieutenant John Kanaley]
Routing Number: 4
From Lieutenant John
To Lieutenant
Christopher Morgan
Cc: Deputy Chief Richard
Date/Time Sent 09/06/2014 08:19
Instructions From [Lieutenant John Kanaley ] To [Lieutenant Christopher Morgan ]
Bodily force used on intoxicated subject in booking who pulled away from an officer. I.A. called
out on head injury. Force was appropriate. Please review and forward.
Comments/Response From [Lieutenant Christopher Morgan ]
[Forwarded by Lieutenant Christopher Morgan]
Routing Number: 5
From Lieutenant Christopher
To Deputy Chief Richard
Date/Time Sent 09/17/2014 06:52
Instructions From [Lieutenant Christopher Morgan ] To [Deputy Chief Richard Conant ]
Reviewed and UOF is in policy. No action.
Comments/Response From [Deputy Chief Richard Conant ]
Routing was NOT handled in BlueTeam. The incident was forwarded into IAPro by IAPro
user Lieutenant Richard Conant