14-42552 Report_Redacted14-42552 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 07/13/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense602(L)(1)PC OfficerSOLDIN,MICHAEL L Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-42552 Supplement NoORIG Reported Date07/13/2014 Reported Time22:04 CAD Call No 141941365 Rpt Typ ARREST ONLY Primary Offense TRESPASS; POSTED LAND-REFUSE TO LEAVE Location ATLANTIC AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90806 Rep Dist 212 Area 01 Beat 03 From Date 07/13/2014 From Time 22:00 Officer 5149/SOLDIN,MICHAEL L Assignment PATROL/WEST/CFS/W1 Entered by 5149 AssignmentPATROL/WEST/CFS/W1 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7054 Approval Date07/14/2014 Approval Time08:42:57 # Offenses1 Offense602(L)(1)PC DescriptionTRESPASS; POSTED LAN Complaint Type # Offenses 2 Offense 647(F)PC Description DIS CONDUCT - UNDER Complaint Type # Offenses 3 Offense 148(A)(1)PC Description OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFI Complaint Type Person Summary InvlARR Invl No1 TypeI NameCARRILLO,SERGIO M MNI Race H Sex M DOB 07/19/1986 Invl WIT Invl No 1 Type I Name MNI Race Sex DOB Report Officer 5149/SOLDIN,MICHAEL L Printed At 11/10/2020 06:54 Page 1 of 5 14-42552 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT ARRESTEE 1: CARRILLO,SERGIO M Involvement ARRESTEE Invl No 1 Type Individual Name CARRILLO,SERGIO M MNI Race Hispanic/Mexican/Latin Sex Male DOB 07/19/1986 Age 27 Juvenile? No Height 5'06" Weight 170# Hair Color Black Eye Color Brown PRN Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 11/17/2008 Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 10/24/2009 TypeHOME Address City State ZIP Code Date01/08/2010 Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 04/04/2010 Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 02/03/2011 TypeHOME Address City State ZIP Code Date01/07/2012 Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 02/08/2012 Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 08/27/2012 Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date07/14/2014 Type Operator License ID No OLS Alias NameCARRILLO,SERGIO MENDIETO RaceHispanic/Mexican/Latin Sex Male DOB 07/19/1986 Employer/SchoolNONE Position/GradeUNEMPLOYED Involvement ARRESTED Arrest Type ARRESTED Arrest Date 07/13/2014 Arrest Time 22:50:00 Booking No 4031355 Book Date 07/14/2014 Book Time 02:04:00 Status BOOKED Arrest Location ATLANTIC AV City LONG BEACH Rep Dist 212 Place of Birth Beat 03 Charge148(A)(1)PC LevelM Charge LiteralRESIST/OBSTRUCT PUBL Charge647(F)PCALC LevelM Charge LiteralDRUNK, ALCOHOL Charge 602(M)PC Level M Charge Literal TRESPASS: OCCUPY PRO Report Officer 5149/SOLDIN,MICHAEL L Printed At 11/10/2020 06:54 Page 2 of 5 14-42552 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative I had read and sign the Private Person Arrest Report Form (PD form 4100.021).also verbally told me that he wanted to place Carrillo under arrest for trespassing. Once the private person arrest form was signed, I asked Sergeant Richens to place Carrillo into the back seat of my police vehicle. Sergeant Richens placed my handcuffs on Carrillo. Sergeant Richens then seat belted Carrillo into the back seat of my vehicle. As Sergeant Richens was placing Carrillo into my police vehicle, I was conducting a more in depth interview with Once I was done with my interview, I double-checked that Carrillo was seat belted into the back seat of my police vehicle. I then transported Carrillo down to booking. All the way down to booking Carrillo kept on telling me to stop the car so he could get out. I never saw or heard Carrillo bang his head in the police car, while I was transporting him down to booking. Once in booking I escorted Carrillo into the booking area. I was standing on the south side of the booking table and had Carrillo facing the North wall. As I was dealing with Carrillo I could smell a strong odor of alcohol coming from his breath. I could see that he had bloodshot and watery eyes. I could hear that he was slurring his words. Due to these signs and symptoms, it was my opinion that Carrillo was unable to care for his own safety due to alcoholic intoxication. I advised Carrillo that he was being placed under arrest for public intoxication and for trespassing on Memorial Hospital grounds. Once in booking I removed Carrillo's hat and placed it into the booking inventory bag. I did not notice at this time, but later we found that the hat had blood on the front part of the hat. When I took off the hat it was being worn backwards. As I had Carrillo standing next to the booking table I attempted to remove his earrings. Each time I tried to remove an earring he would move his head. He told me "fuck off, you're not taking my earrings." After 30 seconds of me talking to Carrillo he finally let me remove his earrings. As I was removing his property out of his pocket he kept on calling me "Mr. Miyagi". He then would call me "Nappy Head." As I tried to remove his belt he stated, "Mr. Miyagi fucking leave me alone. Let me fucking go. Come on Dog, let me go." As I continued to try and remove the belt Carrillo grabbed hold of the belt and attempted to prevent me from removing his belt. I reached over and pulled the belt from Carrillo's hands. I then tried to remove the belt again, but Carrillo grabbed hold of the belt one more time. I then placed my left hand on his right upper arm and pulled the belt out with my right hand. At this point my attention was focused on removing Carrillo's property and completing the booking process. I was not focused on physically controlling suspect Carrillo. So as soon as the belt came out, Carrillo surprised me and tried to push me off balance, by ramming his right shoulder into my chest. I instantaneously pushed Carrillo back with two open hands. I pushed Carrillo so I could get a little distance between him and me to prevent him from continuing his attack. It also gave me the necessary time and space so I could regain control of Carrillo. When I pushed Carrillo he fell forward over the booking table and I was able to regain control of Carrillo's right arm. I then told Carrillo, "You're not in charge, I am. Don't try and push me again." I then sat Carrillo down in a booking chair and remove his shoelaces. As I was removing the shoelaces I notice that Carrillo had a cut over the left eye and that it needed medical treatment. When I pushed Carrillo away from me, his face must have hit the laminating machine that was on the Booking table. This is probably what caused the cut over the left eye. I notified Sergeant Knight that I need the jail nurse and possibly Long Beach Fire. Sergeant Knight called for Long Beach Fire Department to respond to booking to provide treatment for Carrillo. While waiting for Long Beach Fire, the jail nurse provided medical care for Carrillo. Long Beach Fire Department Engine #1 and Rescue #1 responded to the scene. At the same time Fire arrived Officers V. Kong (10241) and T. Robles (10242) also arrived on scene to assist with the transportation of Carrillo. Long Beach Fire determined that Carrillo needed to be transport to St Mary's Hospital. Officer Kong rode with Carrillo to the hospital. Once at St Mary's Hospital we found that Carrillo also had a cut on the back of the head. We could not determine the cause of this cut, but when we looked at Carrillo's hat we found that it had fresh blood in it and it appears that the cut on the back of the head was caused prior to me arriving at Booking. Report Officer 5149/SOLDIN,MICHAEL L Printed At 11/10/2020 06:54 Page 4 of 5 14-42552 Supplement No 0001 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 07/13/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense602(L)(1)PC OfficerTORRES,MICHAEL S Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-42552 Supplement No0001 Reported Date07/13/2014 Reported Time22:04 CAD Call No 141941365 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense TRESPASS; POSTED LAND-REFUSE TO LEAVE Location ATLANTIC AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90806 Rep Dist 212 Area 01 Beat 03 From Date 07/13/2014 From Time 22:00 Officer 6252/TORRES,MICHAEL S Assignment PATROL/WEST/CFS/W1 Entered by 6252 AssignmentPATROL/EAST/CFS/W3 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7054 Approval Date07/14/2014 Approval Time08:48:49 Narrative On 07-13-14,I (Officer M. Torres #6252) was inside the booking area at the Long Beach Jail waitng for my paperwork for my prisoner to be processed. I observed Officer Soldin walk inside the booking area with his uncooperative prisoner who was yelling and cursing at him. I observed Officer Soldin removing property from his prisoner. The prisoner did not want Officer Soldin to take his ear rings out of his ears and kept twisting and turning as Officer Soldin was attempting to remove those items. The prisoner was very aggitated and kept turning his body. I then saw the prisoner turn his body and move towards Officer Soldin who then pushed the prisoner into the nearby metal counter top where I heard a loud "thud" sound. Officer Soldin then grabbed ahold of the prisoner and seated him in a nearby bench seat and notified the booking Sergeant. As the prisoner was seated I observed a cut above his right eye.. Report Officer 6252/TORRES,MICHAEL S Printed At 11/10/2020 06:54 Page 1 of 1 14-42552 Supplement No 0002 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 07/13/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense602(L)(1)PC OfficerELLIOTT,BRIAN P Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-42552 Supplement No0002 Reported Date07/13/2014 Reported Time22:04 CAD Call No 141941365 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense TRESPASS; POSTED LAND-REFUSE TO LEAVE Location 400 W BROADWAY City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90802 Rep Dist 092 Area 01 Beat 06 From Date 07/13/2014 From Time 22:00 Officer 10027/ELLIOTT,BRIAN P Assignment PATROL/EAST/CFS/W3 2nd Officer TORRES,MICHAEL S AssignmentPATROL/EAST/CFS/W3 Entered by10027 AssignmentPATROL/EAST/CFS/W3 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7054 Approval Date07/14/2014 Approval Time08:49:47 Narrative On 7/13/14 at approximately 2300 hours, my partner (Officer M. Torres, #6252) and I (Officer B. Elliott, #10027) were in the booking area of 400 W. Broadway Street (Long Beach Police Headquarters) during a use force incident (call #1365). I was standing in the booking area leaning up against center counter facing northbound when Officer M. Soldin, #5149 entered the booking area with a subject. While in the booking, I overheard the subject calling Officer Soldin names and refusing to comply with Officer Soldin's directions. Officer Soldin was attempting to remove items from the subject, such as his belt and earrings but the subject refusing to compy and would not allow Officer Soldin to remove these items. The subject kept twisting and turning away from Officer Soldin in order to keep Officer Soldin from removing the items. It should be noted, the subject was twisting and turning hard enough to make it difficult for Officer Soldin to remove these items. During this time my attention was drawn away from Officer Soldin and the subject awaiting our booking paperwork, when suddenly I heard a loud thump against the counter. I looked in the direction of Officer Soldin and observed the subject he'd entered with leaning against the counter. I overheard Officer Soldin notify the Booking sergeant regarding the use of force. Officer Soldin ordered the subject to sit down and he complied. A short time later, I noticed the subject was bleeding from his left eye brow. The subject was subsequently treated and transported by Long Beach Paramedics to a local hospital. It should be noted, I did not observe the use of force. Report Officer 10027/ELLIOTT,BRIAN P Printed At 11/10/2020 06:54 Page 1 of 1 14-42552 Supplement No 0003 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 07/14/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense148(A)(1)PC OfficerKNIGHT,ROBERT Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-42552 Supplement No0003 Reported Date07/14/2014 Reported Time00:31 CAD Call No 1365 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFICER Location 400 W BROADWAY LBPD City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90802 Rep Dist 081 Area 01 Beat 06 From Date 07/13/2014 From Time 23:10 To Date 07/13/2014 To Time 23:10 Officer 5632/KNIGHT,ROBERT Assignment SUPPORT/JAIL/DETENTION/W1 Entered by 5632 AssignmentSUPPORT/JAIL/DETENTION/W1 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7054 Approval Date07/14/2014 Approval Time08:51:24 Use of ForceYes Suspect in CustodyYes Narrative On July 13, 2014 at approximately 2307 hours, I (Sergeant R. Knight #5632) was working as the booking sergeant. At that time, Officer M. Soldin #5149 brought in an arrestee, later identified as Sergio Carrillo. Upon entering booking, it appeared that Carrillo was giving Officer Soldin a hard time by initially being verbally abusive toward Officer Soldin. As both men approached the southeast corner of the booking table, Officer Soldin informed Carrillo that he would be removing his property that is not allowed up in the jail. When Officer Soldin attempted to remove both of Carrillo's earrings, Carrillo pulled his head away on numerous occasions, preventing Officer Soldin from doing his job. In a professional manner, Officer Soldin informed Carrillo what the procedures are with regard to removal of personal property. For the next few moments, Carrillo allowed the removal of his property, even though he was still being verbally abusive toward Officer Soldin. At approximately 2310 hours, Officer Soldin started to remove Carrillo's belt from his shorts. However, using his left hand, Carrillo held onto the belt making it tougher for Officer Soldin to remove. As Officer Soldin was finally able to remove the belt, Carrillo turned his body toward Officer Soldin in an angry manner and using his right elbow, elbowed Officer Soldin in the midsection. In response, Officer Soldin pushed Carrillo straight forward into the booking table in order to limit his movements and to stop his aggression. The momentum of the push forward caused Carrillo's upper body to be thrust forward into a bent over position over the booking table. During this action, Carrillo struck his left eye on the lamination machine, which was located on the table directly in front of him. This caused a laceration to the Carrillo's left eyebrow. I immediately called Sergeant W. McDonald #5395, who is Officer Soldin's direct supervisor, and had him respond to booking. I also called for a patrol unit to assist with transportation of Carrillo to the hospital to get his injury treated. I also called for the paramedics to respond to conduct the initial examination of Carrillo. They ultimately transported Carrillo to the hospital for treatment and booking clearance. I contacted Jail Supervisor, Sergeant W. Williams, and informed him to pull the booking video evidence and place it into the police evidence locker. No further action taken. Report Officer 5632/KNIGHT,ROBERT Printed At 11/10/2020 06:54 Page 1 of 1 14-42552 Supplement No 0004 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 07/14/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense602(L)(1)PC OfficerKONG,VINCENT Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-42552 Supplement No0004 Reported Date07/14/2014 Reported Time03:14 CAD Call No 141941365 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense TRESPASS; POSTED LAND-REFUSE TO LEAVE Location ATLANTIC AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90806 Rep Dist 212 Area 01 Beat 03 From Date 07/13/2014 From Time 22:00 Officer 10241/KONG,VINCENT Assignment PATROL/WEST/CFS/W1 Entered by 10241 AssignmentPATROL/WEST/CFS/W1 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7054 Approval Date07/14/2014 Approval Time08:53:35 Narrative On 07/13/14 at 2311 hours, my partner (Officer T. Robles #10242) and I (Officer V. Kong #10241) were dispatched to 400 W. Broadway booking tunnel to assist the Men's Jail. Call #1485. The call stated to assist men's jail with a use of force. Upon arrival, LBFD Engine 1 and Rescue 1 were in the booking area and provided medical aid to Unit 1A2's (Officer M. Soldin #5149) prisoner (Defendant Sergio Carrillo). We assisted Officer Soldin on his call. Call #1365. Carrillo was escorted by LBFD Paramedics on to the gurney. The gurney was positioned in front of the booking area double doors. Carrillo sat on the gurney and complained about the handcuffs. He wanted the handcuffs off if he was to lay down on the gurney. LBFD Paramedics told him no and had him lay down. Carrillo hopped backwards and layed down. I noticed there were small amounts of blood stains on the white sheet near his head. LBFD Paramedics placed a strap over his body to prevent him from falling out of the gurney. They transported Carrillo from the booking area to Rescue 1. Rescue 1 was parked outside on Chestnut Avenue. LBFD paramedics placed the gurney into Rescue 1 and Carrillo was cursing and yelling at the LBFD personnel. I sat in the Paramedics Rig (Rescue1) and noticed there were more blood stains on the white sheet. It appeared he had a small laceration to the back of the head. Rescue 1 transported Carrillo to St. Mary's Hospital. En route to St. Mary's Hospital, Paramedics attempted to clean and apply a band aid to the wounds and Carrillo became very uncooperative. He attempted to stand up,but could not because of the straps that bound him to the gurney. I placed my right hand on his shoulder and told him to relax and calm down. Paramedics attempted to place a gauze on the laceration to the left eyebrow and he moved his head away from them. Rescue 1 arrived at St. Mary's Hospital Emergency Room and placed him in Room H. Dr. was the ER Doctor that provided medical aid to Carrillo. In the emergency room, Carrillo was belligerent and uncooperative. He was calm one moment and angry the next moment. He threw the towels off his bed, attempted to rip the curtains off, and attempted to reach for the metal trays. Officer Robles placed a second handcuff (double-locked) on his right arm, and secured the handcuff to the bed. He cursed and yelled at us the whole time. Carrillo told me, "Mr. Miyagi. You're cool. You're all right." Later accused me of hitting him with a baton and twisted his arm while we were at Memorial Hospital. In the emergency room, Officer Soldin handed me a bag with Carrillo's property. There was a blue and red baseball hat and miscellaneous items in the plastic bag. The hat had blood stains to the interior of the hat. I kept the property bag with all of its contents in my possession. Report Officer 10241/KONG,VINCENT Printed At 11/10/2020 06:54 Page 1 of 2 14-42552 Supplement No 0004 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative Unit 1S11 (Sergeant W. McDonald #5395) responded to St. Mary's Hospital. Internal Affairs Sergeant Richardson responded to the St. Mary's Hospital and contacted Carrillo. Dr. applied nine sutures to the front left eyebrow and three staples to the back of the head. Dr. medically cleared him for booking. Officer Robles and I handcuffed (double-locked) Carrillo and transported him to 400 W. Broadway for booking. In booking, I recovered the baseball cap with blood stains from the property bag and booked the item into Evidence. For further see the Property Sheet. In booking, Carrillo was booked and charged for 647(f) PC - public intoxication, 148(a)(1) PC - obstructing a police officer, and 602 (L)(1) PC - trespassing. We escorted him up to 6th floor men's jail and released him to the custody of the men's jail staff. Report Officer 10241/KONG,VINCENT Printed At 11/10/2020 06:54 Page 2 of 2 14-42552 Supplement No 0005 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative Officer Kong released the handcuffs from Carrillo's right wrist and secured the handcuff to the bed rail and Carrillo's left wrist. While Carrillo sat in the hospital bed, he scooted down to the foot of the bed and attempted to close the curtain. I advised Carrillo he was in custody and was at the hospital for medical treatment for his injury. I advised him the curtain will remain open so we can maintain observation of him. I advised Carrillo I was going to photograph his injury. I inspected Carrillo's person and observed he had an approximate one inch laceration above his left eye brow and on the back of his head. Carrillo would not remain still, so I could not determine the size of the laceration on the back of his head. I proceeded to photograph Carrillo and he continued to move around. During one photo, Carrillo grabbed the curtain and attempted to place it over his head. For further on photographs refer to photo log. After I photographed Carrillo he continued to attempt to close the curtain. I placed the curtain near the wall out of reach from him. Carrillo made an attempt to grab the medical supply table with his right hand. I believed Carrillo was attempting to arm himself with any items he could reach in the room. I handcuffed (double locked) Carrillo's right wrist to the bed rail. While we waited for Carrillo to be medically treated, Carrillo made several remarks to Officer Kong and I. He called Officer Kong, "Mr. Miyagi," several times and called me, " Gordo." He proceeded to accuse us of hitting him, then would tell us, " You guys didn't kick my ass,you guys are cool." These accusations and recants continued several times at St. Mary's Medical Center and the through the Booking process. Dr. treated Carrillo's eyebrow with nine sutures and three staples on the back of his head. Dr. medically cleared Carrillo for booking. We transported Carrillo to Long Beach Booking (400 W.Broadway). While in booking I asked Carrillo if he wanted to submit to a breathalyzer test and he stated, " I'll take the test to show you I'm sober." I utilized the Intoxilyzer - Alcohol Analyzer Ca. Model 5000EN Serial Number 68-012323 for the test. Carrillo displayed a blood alcohol level (BAC) of .21% at 0153 hours and .19% at 0156 hours. For further on BAC results refer to the Long Beach Intoxilyzer 5000EN Precautionary Checklist. Carrillo was booked as charged. For further on arrest refer to Officer Soldin's arrest report. We escorted Carrillo to the Long Beach Men's Jail (6th Floor) and released him to the Long Beach Men's Jail Staff without incident. After we released Carrillo to the Long Beach Men's Jail Staff, I contacted on the 6th Floor. was a prisoner brought in by the California Highway Patrol and was in the Booking area during this incident. We escorted from his cell to the interview room. I asked where was he seated during this incident and he stated, " Somewhere down there, I don't remember what seat." I advised an Officer had a use of force with another prisoner in the booking area. I asked if he witnessed this incident and he stated, " I didn't see anything, I'm in jail, I'm not a snitch, I don't even like the Police." I asked no further questions. We escorted back to his cell and released him to the Long Beach Men's Jail Staff without incident. Report Officer 10242/ROBLES,THOMAS MICHAEL Printed At 11/10/2020 06:54 Page 2 of 2 14-42552 Supplement No 0006 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 07/14/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense602(L)(1)PC OfficerKONG,VINCENT Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-42552 Supplement No0006 Reported Date07/14/2014 Reported Time09:59 CAD Call No 141941365 Rpt Typ EVIDENCE ONLY Primary Offense TRESPASS; POSTED LAND-REFUSE TO LEAVE Location ATLANTIC AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90806 Rep Dist 212 Area 01 Beat 03 From Date 07/13/2014 From Time 22:00 Officer 10241/KONG,VINCENT Assignment PATROL/WEST/CFS/W1 Entered by 8383 AssignmentINVEST/DET/ADULT/EVIDENCE RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer5218 Approval Date07/14/2014 Approval Time12:41:10 Property Prop # 1 Involvement EVIDENCE Invl Date 07/14/2014 In Custody? Yes Security No Tag No 814525 Item No 1 Description 1. BASEBALL HAT W/ BLOOD ON INTERIOR Typ A CatPersonal accessories (incl serial jewelry)ArticleHat Entered Date07/14/2014 Entered Time09:59 RMS TransferSuccessful Control8383 0714141000 Report Officer 10241/KONG,VINCENT Printed At 11/10/2020 06:54 Page 1 of 1 14-42552 Supplement No 0007 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 07/13/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary OffenseFNDPROPERTY OfficerROBLES,THOMAS MICHAEL Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-42552 Supplement No0007 Reported Date07/13/2014 Reported Time22:04 CAD Call No 141941365 Rpt Typ PROPERTY REPORT Primary Offense FOUND PROPERTY Location ATLANTIC AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90806 Rep Dist 212 Area 01 Beat 03 From Date 07/13/2014 From Time 22:00 Officer 10242/ROBLES,THOMAS MICHAEL Assignment PATROL/EAST/CFS/W1 2nd Officer KONG,VINCENT AssignmentPATROL/WEST/CFS/W1 Entered by7383 AssignmentINVEST/DET/ADULT/EVIDENCE RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer10251 Approval Date07/14/2014 Approval Time16:04:07 Property Prop # 1 Involvement FOUND Invl Date 07/13/2014 In Custody? Yes Security No Tag No 814554 Item No 1 Serial No E87511714D Description #1) $1 Typ A CatOTHER ARTICLES/GUNS/FIREARMS/DRUGS ArticleCurrency, negotiable items Entered Date07/14/2014 Entered Time11:14 RMS TransferSuccessful Control7383 0714141115 Report Officer 10242/ROBLES,THOMAS MICHAEL Printed At 11/10/2020 06:54 Page 1 of 1 14-42552 Supplement No 0008 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 07/14/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense602(L)(1)PC OfficerRICHENS,MICHAEL T Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-42552 Supplement No0008 Reported Date07/14/2014 Reported Time23:28 CAD Call No 141941365 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense TRESPASS; POSTED LAND-REFUSE TO LEAVE Location ATLANTIC AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90806 Rep Dist 212 Area 01 Beat 03 From Date 07/13/2014 From Time 22:00 Officer 6056/RICHENS,MICHAEL T Assignment PATROL/WEST/CFS/W3 Entered by 6056 AssignmentPATROL/WEST/CFS/W3 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7054 Approval Date07/15/2014 Approval Time13:29:27 Narrative On 07/13/14 at 2233 hours, Sgt. J. Hotchkiss #5596 and myself (Sgt. M. Richens #6056) were working as patrol supervisor unit 1S20. We responded to Memorial Hospital, located at 2801 Atlantic Av. regarding an intoxicated, unwelcomed subject in their main lobby. Call #1365. The text of the call described the unwelcomed subject as a male Hispanic, in his thirties, wearing tan shorts and a plaid shirt. Upon pulling up the driveway shared by the main hospital and Miller's Children's Hospital, I looked east and observed a Memorial security officer talking to a subject that perfectly matched the suspect description. The Memorial security officer was easily identifiable due to wearing a navy blue uniform with visible identification as security. As I approached, I heard the security guard advise the suspect, later identified as ARR Sergio Carrillo that his brother was not at that hospital, and that Carrillo needed to leave the property. Carrillo responded that he was looking for his brother and was not going to leave. I asked the security officer if the hospital wanted Carrillo to leave; he replied in the positive. I asked the security guard if he was willing to sign a Private Person's Arrest (PPA) form if Carrillo refused to leave. He responded emphatically that he would sign a PPA for trespassing if Carrillo refused to leave. This was all done with Carrillo standing less than ten feet away, and loud enough Carrillo should have been easily able to hear. I contacted Carrillo and identified myself as a police officer to him. Carrillo advised me that he was at the hospital looking for his brother. In response, the security officer advised me that the hospital tried to look for Carrillo's brother, but that he was not a patient at their hospital. I looked at Carrillo, repeated to him that the hospital looked for his brother, but he was not there. I advised Carrillo that at that time the hospital was asking for him to leave the property. Carrillo raised his middle finger, and flipped me off, smiling. I advised Carrillo that he could not remain on the property. I advised him that on behalf of the hospital I was ordering him to leave the hospital grounds and to not return. I advised Carrillo if he did not leave, or left and then returned, he would be arrested. Upon hearing this advisal, Carrillo flipped me off again, said a phrase I don't recall with the word "fuck" in it, turned around, and began walking out towards the street. During my brief contact with Carrillo I observed he demonstrated some of the objective symptoms of being under the influence of an alcoholic beverage. His eyes were slightly bloodshot, he drew out some of his words, he appeared somewhat aloof. As he walked away, I could see him walking slowly as if trying to maintain balance. Given I had a cold, I could not smell anything. Report Officer 6056/RICHENS,MICHAEL T Printed At 11/10/2020 06:54 Page 1 of 3 14-42552 Supplement No 0008 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative After walking several feet away, Carrillo suddenly stopped, turned around, and started walking back towards the hospital's entrance. I called out to Carrillo and warned him to turn back around or he would be arrested. Carrillo continued walking towards the hospital and said "It's a hospital. I can be here, they can't kick me out". When Carrillo walked within a few feet of me, and demonstrated his intent to re-enter the hospital, I stepped in front of his path and ordered him to turn back around and leave, or he was going to be arrested. Carrillo advised me that he was not leaving, he was looking for his brother, and that he could not be kicked out of a hospital. I advised Carrillo that the hospital was private property, not public, and that he had to leave or they could arrest him for trespassing. Carrillo remained standing directly in front of me, but refused to turn around and heed my orders and warning. Having observed Carrillo's attempt at walking away, and examining him standing within a foot of me, I formed the opinion that Carrillo was intoxicated to the point he could not make good decisions, and could not care for himself or others. I further formed the belief that Carrillo would not leave the hospital grounds of his own free will. I advised Carrillo that he was under arrest for trespassing and public intoxication. I ordered Carrillo to turn around. Carrillo continued to stand directly in front of me, looking at me. I stepped to the side of Carrillo and grabbed his right hand with my right hand. As I did this, Carrillo began to move. I applied a rear-wrist lock to Carrillo's right wrist, placing it behind his back. Carrillo did not appear to respond to the rear-wrist lock, and replied "you can squeeze as hard as you want, it doesn't hurt bro". Given Carrillo's intoxicated state, and his defiant behavior, I wanted to avoid a physical altercation. Maintaining the rear wrist lock, I turned his fingers pointed upward, with his wrist pointing downward. Immediately Carrillo dropped his body and weight downward. I moved down with him to maintain the wristlock. We moved very close to the ground, with him bent over low, possibly kneeling. I rested my upper torso on top of his back, to prevent any attempt by Carrillo to get up or resist. From this lowered position, I moved over to the right side of Carrillo, maintaining the rear wrist lock. I used my left hand, removed my handcuffs, and applied the handcuffs to his right hand. Sgt. Hotchkiss grabbed Carrillo's left hand, took possession of the cell phone he was holding in it, and pulled the hand behind his back without resistance, and I applied the handcuff to it. During this time Carrillo remained in the lowered position, and did not resist, his back and right arm was relaxed. After handcuffing, Carrillo and I stood back up. I maintained my hold on the handcuffs and conducted a search for weapons of Carrillo, incident to arrest. While searching Carrillo I located a second cell phone in his front left short's pocket. I removed the cell phone and observed it had a cracked screen. Upon seeing the phone, Carrillo stated that was his brother's phone. While performing my search for weapons, Sgt. Hotchkiss removed Carrillo's baseball cap he was wearing and examined its interior.Seeing nothing wrong, he returned the hat to Carrillo's head. I double-locked the cuffs. We walked Carrillo over to a nearby tree planter and assisted him to a seated position, with his legs out directly in front of him, ankles crossed. I ran Carrillo for wants/warrants and discovered he was on felony probation for domestic violence. Carrillo confirmed he was on probation. Unit 1A2 (Ofc. M. Soldin #5149) arrived on scene and assisted. I directed Ofc. Soldin towards the Memorial Hospital security officer that advised he was willing to sign a PPA. I advised Ofc. Soldin that Carrillo was on felony probation and was arrested for trespassing, as well my belief that Carrillo was under the influence of an alcoholic beverage to the extent he could not care for himself or others. Ofc. Soldin requested I exchange handcuffs with him and place Carrillo in the rear of his vehicle while he interviewed the Memorial security officer. Sgt. Hotchkiss and I walked Carrillo to the rear of Ofc. Soldin's police vehicle. At the rear of the vehicle, I ordered Carrillo to spread his legs. Carrillo did this, then suddenly dropped his weight at his hips, dropping down, and laying his head, face down on the trunk. From this position Sgt. Hotchkiss and I removed my handcuffs,and placed Ofc. Soldin's handcuffs on Carrillo; double-locking the cuffs. After switching out the handcuffs, I walked Carrillo to the rear passenger side of the police vehicle and asked him to sit in the rear of the police vehicle. Carrillo appeared to attempt to comply, but seemed hesitant. I calmly told Carrillo to place his left leg first in the car. Carrillo complied, then sat the rest of the way in the car. I seatbelted Carrillo in the car, tightening the chest strap to the appropriate length. Carrillo was given to the custody of Ofc. Report Officer 6056/RICHENS,MICHAEL T Printed At 11/10/2020 06:54 Page 2 of 3 14-42552 Supplement No 0008 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative Soldin without incident. This concluded my contact with Carrillo. Report Officer 6056/RICHENS,MICHAEL T Printed At 11/10/2020 06:54 Page 3 of 3 14-42552 Supplement No 0009 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 07/15/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense602(L)(1)PC OfficerWILLIAMS,WALTER Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-42552 Supplement No0009 Reported Date07/15/2014 Reported Time11:11 CAD Call No 141941365 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense TRESPASS; POSTED LAND-REFUSE TO LEAVE Location ATLANTIC AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90806 Rep Dist 212 Area 01 Beat 03 From Date 07/13/2014 From Time 22:00 Officer 4115/WILLIAMS,WALTER Assignment SUPPORT/JAIL/DETENTION/W3 Entered by 4115 AssignmentSUPPORT/JAIL/DETENTION/W3 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7054 Approval Date07/15/2014 Approval Time13:29:44 Narrative I received direction from Sgt. Knight #5632 to obtain video of the Booking area between 2307 hours and 2320 hours. I placed the video on a CD and placed it into evidence as directed. Report Officer 4115/WILLIAMS,WALTER Printed At 11/10/2020 06:54 Page 1 of 1 14-42552 Supplement No 0010 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 07/16/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense602(L)(1)PC OfficerWILLIAMS,WALTER Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-42552 Supplement No0010 Reported Date07/16/2014 Reported Time14:29 CAD Call No 141941365 Rpt Typ EVIDENCE ONLY Primary Offense TRESPASS; POSTED LAND-REFUSE TO LEAVE Location ATLANTIC AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90806 Rep Dist 212 Area 01 Beat 03 From Date 07/13/2014 From Time 22:00 Officer 4115/WILLIAMS,WALTER Assignment SUPPORT/JAIL/DETENTION/W3 Entered by 8421 AssignmentINVEST/DET/ADULT/EVIDENCE RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7108 Approval Date07/17/2014 Approval Time07:02:07 Property Prop # 1 Involvement EVIDENCE Invl Date 07/16/2014 In Custody? Yes Security No Tag No 814755 Item No 1 Description 1. CD IN A CD ENVELOPE Typ A CatRadio, TV, and sound entertainment devices ArticleCompact Disk/Audio Disc, Laser BrandTDK ModelCD-R Entered Date07/16/2014 Entered Time14:29 RMS TransferSuccessful Control8421 0716141430 Report Officer 4115/WILLIAMS,WALTER Printed At 11/10/2020 06:54 Page 1 of 1 14-42552 Supplement No 0011 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 07/13/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense602(L)(1)PC OfficerMCDONALD,WILLIAM R Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-42552 Supplement No0011 Reported Date07/13/2014 Reported Time22:04 CAD Call No 141941365 Rpt Typ EVIDENCE ONLY Primary Offense TRESPASS; POSTED LAND-REFUSE TO LEAVE Location ATLANTIC AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90806 Rep Dist 212 Area 01 Beat 03 From Date 07/13/2014 From Time 22:00 Officer 5395/MCDONALD,WILLIAM R Assignment PATROL/WEST/CFS/W1 Entered by 7383 AssignmentINVEST/DET/ADULT/EVIDENCE RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7108 Approval Date07/18/2014 Approval Time11:34:32 Property Prop # 1 Involvement EVIDENCE Invl Date 07/13/2014 In Custody? Yes Security No Tag No 814885 Item No 1 Description #1) CD Typ A CatRadio, TV, and sound entertainment devices ArticleCompact Disk/Audio Disc, Laser Entered Date07/18/2014 Entered Time10:41 RMS TransferSuccessful Control7383 0718141043 Report Officer 5395/MCDONALD,WILLIAM R Printed At 11/10/2020 06:54 Page 1 of 1 14-42552 Supplement No 0012 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 09/12/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense602(L)(1)PC OfficerMCDONALD,WILLIAM R Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-42552 Supplement No0012 Reported Date09/12/2014 Reported Time13:47 CAD Call No 141941365 Rpt Typ EVIDENCE ONLY Primary Offense TRESPASS; POSTED LAND-REFUSE TO LEAVE Location ATLANTIC AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90806 Rep Dist 212 Area 01 Beat 03 From Date 07/13/2014 From Time 22:00 Officer 5395/MCDONALD,WILLIAM R Assignment PATROL/WEST/CFS/W1 Entered by 8445 AssignmentINVEST/DET/ADULT/EVIDENCE RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer8543 Approval Date09/12/2014 Approval Time17:11:22 Property Prop # 1 Involvement EVIDENCE Invl Date 09/12/2014 In Custody? Yes Security No Tag No 818329 Item No 1 Serial No NONE # Pieces 1 Description #1 - DISC W/VIDEO Typ A CatRadio, TV, and sound entertainment devices ArticleCompact Disk/Audio Disc, Laser ModelNONE Entered Date09/12/2014 Entered Time13:47 RMS TransferSuccessful Control8445 0912141349 Report Officer 5395/MCDONALD,WILLIAM R Printed At 11/10/2020 06:54 Page 1 of 1