BlueTeam rpt UOF2014-0521_RedactedLong Beach Police Dept Use Of Force Report Print Incident Details Date Received Date of Occurrence Time of Occurrence 05/26/2014 05/26/2014 10:53 Record ID Number DR Number IA No 8221 14-31686 UOF2014-0521 Date/Time Entered Entered By Assigned Investigator 05/26/2014 13:41 Sergeant Clinton Grimes [Incident pending assignment] Incident Summary On May 26, 2014 at approximately 1053 hours, I (SGT C. Grimes #5561) responded to assist officers at address. I was notified that officers had the suspect trapped in the attic. When I first saw the suspect he was trying to escape out of the attic via the vent on the north side of the house which he had kicked out. Officer Montell shot the suspect in the left hand with a 40mm less lethal round, after the suspect refused officers' orders to surrender. Once struck by the 40mm round, the suspect retreated back into the house through the vent. The suspect was bitten by a police K9 in the lower legs. The suspect was taken into custody without further incident. For further see DR# 14-31686 I inspected the suspect's injuries, which were a contusion on his left hand consistent with a 40mm round, and marks on his lower legs consistent with dog bites. I called the WC, LT Zapalski and notified her of the UOF. Photos were taken. The suspect refused answer any questions without a lawyer present. There was no video available. For information on the K9 contact please see K9 SGT Hodge’s UOF report. The suspect was transported to the Lakewood Regional Hospital by LBFD where he was diagnosed with a broken hand. I contacted IA SGT J. Richardson who responded to the hospital. The suspect was treated and released for booking. As a result of my investigation and observations, I concluded that the force used was justified and the suspect’s injuries were consistent with the officer’s statements. Incident Location Addresses Latitude, Longitude = Lime N Avenue, Long Beach, CA, 90805 - Location of Occurrence: Los Angeles Use of Force Details Reason For Using Force Service Being Rendered More Than 1 Citizen Involved Fleeing/Escaping Subject Call For Service No Weather Condition Light Condition Distance to Citizen Clear Daylight 15 feet to 18 feet Citizen Injured Citizen Hospitalized Citizen Arrested Yes Yes Yes Citizen Build Citizen Height Citizen Influence Assessment Small 5'10'' to 6'0''None Officer(s) Injured Officer(s) Taken to Hospital No No Reporting/Involved Citizen Demauriel Miles Date of Birth: 02/21/1994 Race: Black Ethnicity: Unknown Gender: Male Addresses Phone Numbers Role: [None Entered] Type of Resistance Citizen Used Against Officer • Failure to Comply • Fleeing Injuries Sustained By Citizen No injury Incident Officers PO Off DetectIVe Roger Montell - 6010 Assignment at time of incident: PO-FTO Cop/Patrol/East/Cfs/W3 Shift C Afternoons Video Footage: [None Entered] Role: [None Entered] Force used by this Officer against Citizen • Other Less Lethal - Force Effective: Yes Less lethal force used by this Officer against Citizen Force Used Force Effective Region Point of Contact Other Less Lethal Yes 6 1 Injuries Sustained By Officer No injury Categories • Available for Public Disclosure Tasks Task Description Date Due Date Completed Summary Running Sheet Entries No running sheet entries to show Attachments Date Attached Attachment Description Attachment Types 05/27/2014 Medical Release Form PDF Assignment History Date/Time Sent From To Activity 1 12/08/2014 14:14 DEP R Conant Field assigned 04/06/2015 15:15 Lie K Giesige Released back to IAPro Chain of Command History Routing Number: 1 From Sergeant Clinton Grimes To Commander Dina Zapalski Cc: Date/Time Sent 05/26/2014 15:44 Instructions From [Sergeant Clinton Grimes ] To [Commander Dina Zapalski ] LT- Pls review. V/R, Clint Comments/Response From [Commander Dina Zapalski ] Changes per our conversation. Routing Number: 2 From Commander Dina Zapalski To Sergeant Clinton Grimes Cc: Date/Time Sent 06/30/2014 12:19 Instructions From [Commander Dina Zapalski ] To [Sergeant Clinton Grimes ] Changes per our conversation. Thanks. Comments/Response From [Sergeant Clinton Grimes ] [Forwarded by Sergeant Clinton Grimes] Routing Number: 3 From Sergeant Clinton Grimes To Commander Dina Zapalski Cc: Date/Time Sent 06/30/2014 12:46 Instructions From [Sergeant Clinton Grimes ] To [Commander Dina Zapalski ] LT- Revamped, pls review. V/R, Clint Comments/Response From [Commander Dina Zapalski ] Sgt UOF report reviewed and approved. Routing Number: 4 From Commander Dina Zapalski To Volunteer Gail Dennison Cc: Date/Time Sent 08/24/2014 14:44 Instructions From [Commander Dina Zapalski ] To [Volunteer Gail Dennison ] Officer Montell is a W2 East Officer. For your review and approval. Comments/Response From [Volunteer Gail Dennison ] Incident routing was closed out by IAPro user Lieutenant Richard Conant and the incident was re-routed to Sergeant James T Foster [5570] Routing Number: 5 From Deputy Chief Richard Conant To Lieutenant James Foster Cc: Date/Time Sent 12/08/2014 14:14 Instructions From [Deputy Chief Richard Conant ] To [Lieutenant James Foster ] Sir. Please review this incident for Lt. Dennison. Upon completion, please forward it through the proper chain for review. Thanks Rich Comments/Response From [Lieutenant James Foster ] Sir, for your review Routing Number: 6 From Lieutenant James Foster To Commander William Lebaron Cc: Date/Time Sent 12/08/2014 15:45 Instructions From [Lieutenant James Foster ] To [Commander William Lebaron ] Sir, for your review Comments/Response From [Commander William Lebaron ] UOF by East Divsion Officer Montell approved. Routing Number: 7 From Commander William Lebaron To Lieutenant Christopher Morgan Cc: Date/Time Sent 02/20/2015 13:08 Instructions From [Commander William Lebaron ] To [Lieutenant Christopher Morgan ] Approved and forwarded to Patrol Bureau. Comments/Response From [Lieutenant Christopher Morgan ] [Forwarded by Lieutenant Christopher Morgan] Routing Number: 8 From Lieutenant Christopher Morgan To Lieutenant Kerry Giesige Cc: Date/Time Sent 03/02/2015 20:08 Instructions From [Lieutenant Christopher Morgan ] To [Lieutenant Kerry Giesige ] UOF appropriate and within policy. No further action . Comments/Response From [Lieutenant Kerry Giesige ] Routing was NOT handled in BlueTeam. The incident was forwarded into IAPro by IAPro user Lieutenant Kerry Giesige