BlueTeam rpt UOF2014-0195_RedactedLong Beach Police Dept
Use Of Force Report
Incident Details
Date Received Date of Occurrence Time of Occurrence
05/26/2014 05/26/2014 11:25
Record ID Number DR Number IA No
8222 140031686 UOF2014-0195
Date/Time Entered Entered By Assigned Investigator
05/26/2014 14:35 Lieutenant Marcus Hodge [Incident pending assignment]
Incident Summary
On May 26, 2014 officers were dispatched to investigate a burglary in progress. Officers located a suspect (ARR Miles)
hiding in the attic space of Lime Ave. A Police Service Dog Unit was requested to assist in the apprehension of the
ARR Miles and unit K7 Officer Ortiz and his partner Trex responded. For further on the crime review DR # 14-31686.
Prior to the Police Service Dog contact Officer Montell deployed the 40mm less lethal launcher and struck ARR Miles’ left
hand with a projectile. For further on Officer Montell’s use of force review DR # 14-31686.001.
At approximately 1112 hours multiple K-9 search announcements were made in English into the attic. ARR Miles had
ample time and opportunity to surrender, he chose not to do so, and a Police Service Dog contact occurred at
approximately 1125 hours. For further on the K9 contact review DR # 14-31686.003 filed by Officer Ortiz.
ARR Miles’ sustained broken bones in his left hand as a result of being struck with the 40mm less-lethal projectile. For
further on Officer Montell’s use of force review DR # 14-31686.001 and the Supervisor’s Use of Force Report filed by
Sergeant Grimes.
Sergeant Hodge responded to Lakewood Regional Medical Center and conducted a canine contact investigation. Upon
arrival he found ARR Miles to be alert, responsive, and cooperative. ARR Miles sustained injuries to his lower right leg
consistent with a police service dog contact and he stated these were the only injuries caused by the police service dog.
ARR Miles’ injuries sustained from the police service dog did not require Sergeant Hodge to notify Internal Affairs. For
further on the injuries caused by the police service dog review DR # 14-31686.003 filed by Officer Ortiz.
Officer Visser photographed the arrest scene, the north exterior wall of Lime Ave, ARR Miles, Officer Ortiz and his
partner Trex.
Sergeant Hodge interviewed ARR Miles and he admitted to being inside VIC residence without his permission,
hiding in the attic, and kicking out the gable vent on the north side of the residence. ARR Miles denied hearing officers
ordering him to surrender, being advised a police dog would be used to apprehend him, and hearing the sound of a dog
barking. ARR Miles’ interview was digitally recorded, a copy of the audio file was uploaded into Blue Team, and the
original copy was placed into evidence. For further on ARR Miles’ statements review DR # 14-31686.004 filed by
Sergeant Hodge.
Citizen witnesses were contacted and for further on their statements review DR #s 14-31686, .002, and .005 filed by
ARR Miles did not make any allegations of misconduct and initially declined to sign a medical release. ARR Miles
subsequently signed a medical release for Sergeant Richardson from Internal Affairs and the medical release was given
to Sergeant Grimes.
In this incident ARR Miles committed a felony, had not been searched, and had a tactical advantage over officers
because of his concealment and positioning inside an attic of a residence. The use of other less-lethal tools would have
unnecessarily exposed officers to a potentially lethal threat. The deployment of a police canine in this scenario was
proper, just, and consistent with the policies and procedures of this Department regarding the use of a police canine.
Watch Commander Lieutenant Zapalski was notified.
Incident Location
Latitude, Longitude =
Lime N Avenue, Long Beach, CA, 90805
- Location of Occurrence: Los Angeles
Use of Force Details
Reason For Using Force Service Being Rendered More Than 1 Citizen Involved
Fleeing/Escaping Subject Call For Service No
Weather Condition Light Condition Distance to Citizen
Clear Daylight 1 feet to 3 feet
Citizen Injured Citizen Hospitalized Citizen Arrested
Yes Yes Yes
Citizen Build Citizen Height Citizen Influence Assessment
Medium 5'10'' to 6'0''None
Officer(s) Injured Officer(s) Taken to Hospital
No No
Reporting/Involved Citizen
Demauriel Miles
Date of Birth: 02/21/1994 Race: Black Ethnicity: Unknown Gender: Male
Phone Numbers
Role: [None Entered]
Type of Resistance Citizen Used Against Officer
• Bodily Force
• Failure to Comply
• Fleeing
Injuries Sustained By Citizen
Injury Region Injury Location
Moderate L, 11 1, 2
Charges Against Citizen
• Misdemeanor
• Felony
Incident Officers
Police Officer Victor Ortiz - 5983
Assignment at time of incident: Police Officer Cop/Patrol/Field Sup/Spec Enf/K9 W3 Shift B Days
Video Footage: [None Entered]
Role: [None Entered]
Force used by this Officer against Citizen
• K-9 - Force Effective: Yes
Less lethal force used by this Officer against Citizen
Force Used Force Effective Region Point of Contact
K-9 Yes L, 11 1, 2
Injuries Sustained By Officer
No injury
• Available for Public Disclosure
• Case Disclosed for PRA
Task Description Date Due Date Completed Summary
Running Sheet Entries
No running sheet entries to show
Date Attached Attachment Description Attachment Types
05/27/2014 Medical Release Form PDF
05/26/2014 Sgt Hodge's interview of ARR Miles WMA
Assignment History
Date/Time Sent From To Activity
07/11/2014 13:25 DEP R Conant Released back to IAPro
Chain of Command History
Routing Number: 1
From Lieutenant Marcus Hodge
To Lieutenant Darren Davenport
Date/Time Sent 05/27/2014 11:09
Instructions From [Lieutenant Marcus Hodge ] To [Lieutenant Darren Davenport ]
For your review... Enjoy, Marcus
Comments/Response From [Lieutenant Darren Davenport ]
[Forwarded by Lieutenant Darren Davenport]
Routing Number: 2
From Lieutenant Darren Davenport
To Michael Beckman
Date/Time Sent 06/17/2014 12:41
Instructions From [Lieutenant Darren Davenport ] To [Michael Beckman ]
No issues
Comments/Response From [Michael Beckman ]
Reviewed/Approved. No issues.
Routing Number: 3
From Michael Beckman
To Lieutenant Christopher Morgan
Date/Time Sent 06/17/2014 15:07
Instructions From [Michael Beckman ] To [Lieutenant Christopher Morgan ]
Reviewed/Approved. No issues.
Comments/Response From [Lieutenant Christopher Morgan ]
[Forwarded by Lieutenant Christopher Morgan]
Routing Number: 4
From Lieutenant Christopher
To Deputy Chief Richard
Date/Time Sent 07/02/2014 15:37
Instructions From [Lieutenant Christopher Morgan ] To [Deputy Chief Richard Conant ]
Reviewed and no issues noted.
Comments/Response From [Deputy Chief Richard Conant ]
Routing was NOT handled in BlueTeam. The incident was forwarded into IAPro by IAPro
user Lieutenant Richard Conant