14-31686 Report_Redacted14-31686 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 05/26/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense459-RPC OfficerCORNELL,ERIC ARMAN Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-31686 Supplement NoORIG Reported Date05/26/2014 Reported Time10:53 CAD Call No 141460636 Rpt Typ INCIDENT-ARREST REPORT Primary Offense BURGLARY - RESIDENTIAL Location LIME AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 05/26/2014 From Time 10:53 Officer 10328/CORNELL,ERIC ARMAN Assignment PATROL/EAST/CFS/W3 2nd Officer DILLON,JACOB A AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 Entered by10328 AssignmentPATROL/EAST/CFS/W3 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer8126 Approval Date05/26/2014 Approval Time19:15:40 Photos TakenYes StatementsYes Suspect in CustodyYes # Offenses 1 Offense 459-RPC Description BURGLARY - RESIDENTI Complaint Type Link VIC Involvement VIC Invl No 1 Name Race Sex DOB Person Summary Invl ARR Invl No 1 Type I Name BENSON,TYQUAN MNI Race B Sex M DOB 08/23/1995 Invl ARR Invl No 2 Type I Name MILES,DEMAURIEL JR MNI Race B Sex M DOB 02/21/1994 InvlVIC Invl No1 TypeI Name MNI Race Sex DOB Invl WIT Invl No 1 Type I Name MNI Race Sex DOB Report Officer 10328/CORNELL,ERIC ARMAN Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 1 of 11 14-31686 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT ARRESTEE 1: BENSON,TYQUAN Involvement ARRESTEE Invl No 1 Type Individual Name BENSON,TYQUAN MNI Race Black Sex Male DOB 08/23/1995 Age 18 Juvenile? No Height 5'08" Weight 125# Hair Color Black Eye Color Brown PRN Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 05/26/2014 TypeFBI number ID No TypeJail ID ID No Type Misc ID Number D No Type Operator License ID No OLS Type Operator License ID No OLS Type State Criminal Identification Number(CII) ID No OLS Phone Type Home Phone No Date 05/26/2014 Alias NameBENSON,TYQUAN RaceBlack SexMale DOB08/23/1995 Alias NameBENSON,TYQUAN MARKEITH RaceBlack SexMale DOB08/23/1995 Alias Name BENSON,TYQUAN MARKITE Race Black Sex Male DOB 08/23/1995 Alias Name BENSON,TYQUAN MARKITH Race Black Sex Male DOB 08/23/1995 Alias Name BENSON,TYQUAN MARQUES Race Black Sex Male DOB 08/23/1995 Alias Name BENSON,TYQUAN MARQUEZ Race Black Sex Male DOB 08/23/1995 Alias Name BENSON,TYQUAN MARQUISE Race Black Sex Male DOB 08/23/1995 Alias NameBENSON,TYQUAN MARVEN RaceBlack SexMale DOB08/23/1995 Alias NameGIBSON,ANTOWN RaceBlack SexMale DOB08/23/1994 Alias Name LIL SMALL TRAY Race Black Sex Male DOB 08/23/1994 Alias Name LIL T Race Black Sex Male DOB 08/23/1995 Alias Name LIL TRAY Race Black Sex Male DOB 08/23/1995 Alias Name MONIKER,BABY SMALLVILL Race Black Sex Male DOB 08/23/1995 Alias NameMONIKER,LIL SMALL TRAY RaceBlack SexMale DOB08/23/1995 Alias NameMONIKER,LIL SMALL VILL RaceBlack SexMale DOB08/23/1995 Alias Name MONIKER,LILT Race Black Sex Male DOB 08/23/1995 Alias Name MONIKER,LITTLE T Race Black Sex Male DOB 08/23/1995 Mark TypePIERCED EYEBROW, NONSPECIFIC Mark CodePierced body parts DescriptionPIERCED BODY PARTS Mark Type ARM, NONSPECIFIC Report Officer 10328/CORNELL,ERIC ARMAN Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 2 of 11 14-31686 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Mark Type ARM, NONSPECIFIC Mark Code Tattoo Description both sleeved Mark Type ARM, NONSPECIFIC Mark Code Tattoo Description NUMEROUS Mark Type CHEST- TATTOO Description "ALEXIS" ON RIGHT Mark TypeCHEST- TATTOO DescriptionALEXIS Mark TypeCHEST- TATTOO Description"ALEXIS" Mark Type CHEST- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description ALEXIS Mark Type CHEST- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description CHEST: TWO STARS "ANYLAH 12-07-11" Mark TypeCHEST- TATTOO Mark CodeTattoo DescriptionANYLAH Mark Type CHEST- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description ALESIS Mark Type ARM, LEFT- TATTOO Description LB, BK Mark Type ARM, LEFT- TATTOO Description"T","TW","23" Mark TypeARM, LEFT- TATTOO Mark CodeTattoo Description B Mark Type ARM, LEFT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description LB WITH K ON L Mark Type ARM, LEFT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo DescriptionLB Mark TypeARM, LEFT- TATTOO Mark CodeTattoo Description EXCLUSIVE Mark Type ARM, LEFT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description BK Mark Type ARM, LEFT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description STARS Mark TypeARM, LEFT- TATTOO Mark CodeTattoo DescriptionGG Report Officer 10328/CORNELL,ERIC ARMAN Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 3 of 11 14-31686 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Mark Type ARM, LEFT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description MASK Mark Type ARM, LEFT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description XCLUSIVE Mark Type ARM, LEFT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo DescriptionMTB Mark TypeARM, LEFT- TATTOO Mark CodeTattoo Description SLEEVED Mark Type ARM, LEFT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description FLIPPIN BYRDS Mark Type ARM, LEFT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo DescriptionDJ Mark TypeARM, LEFT- TATTOO Mark CodeTattoo Description MONEY SIGNS Mark Type ARM, LEFT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description "LB" FLAMES "BROWN X" Mark Type FINGER(S), LEFT HAND- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description "KAY" - left knuckles Mark TypeHAND, LEFT- TATTOO DescriptionRIP ANT DOG Mark Type HAND, LEFT- TATTOO Description "ANT DOG" Mark Type HAND, LEFT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description RIP ANT DOG Mark TypeHAND, LEFT- TATTOO Mark CodeTattoo DescriptionRIP Mark Type SHOULDER, LEFT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description "TRUST NO BITCH" "FLIPPIN BIRDS" Mark Type SHOULDER, LEFT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description SKULL W/LAUGH NOW Mark Type WRIST, LEFT - TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo DescriptionRIP ANY DOG Mark TypeFOREARM, LEFT- TATTOO Description "STARS","LB" Report Officer 10328/CORNELL,ERIC ARMAN Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 4 of 11 14-31686 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Mark Type FOREARM, LEFT- TATTOO Description STAR WITH DJ IN THE MIDDLE Mark Type FOREARM, LEFT- TATTOO Description LB Mark Type FOREARM, LEFT- TATTOO DescriptionSTAR WITH DJ ON IT Mark TypeFOREARM, LEFT- TATTOO Description "CITY OF LB" Mark Type FOREARM, LEFT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description LB Mark Type FOREARM, LEFT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo DescriptionDJ IN A STAR Mark TypeNECK- TATTOO DescriptionTB, LATANYA Mark Type NECK- TATTOO Mark Type NECK- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description LATONYA Mark Type NECK- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description CHOCOLATE Mark TypeNECK- TATTOO Mark CodeTattoo DescriptionFRONT NECT "TB" Mark Type NECK- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description back, CHOCOLATE Mark Type NECK- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description TB Mark TypeNECK- TATTOO Mark CodeTattoo DescriptionLATANYA Mark Type NECK- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description LATAYNA Mark Type ARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Description "LB",STAR,"DJ","EXCLUSIVE" Mark Type ARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Description23 WITH FEATHER Mark TypeARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Mark CodeTattoo Description 23 with stars Report Officer 10328/CORNELL,ERIC ARMAN Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 5 of 11 14-31686 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Mark Type ARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description L Mark Type ARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description 23 Mark Type ARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo DescriptionFEATHER Mark TypeARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Mark CodeTattoo Description STARS Mark Type ARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description SLEEVED Mark Type ARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo DescriptionFAT FAT Mark TypeARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Mark CodeTattoo Description TWO DOVES Mark Type ARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description "23" + FEATHER LOVERS OVER WITH STARS Mark Type ARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description BIRDS Mark TypeFINGER(S), RIGHT HAND - TATTOO Mark CodeTattoo Description"LOVE" - right knuckles Mark Type HAND, RIGHT - TATTOO Description "DARNELL JR" Mark Type HAND, RIGHT - TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description "DARNELL JR" Mark TypeHAND, RIGHT - TATTOO Mark CodeTattoo DescriptionDARNELL Mark Type WRIST, RIGHT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description III Mark Type FOREARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Description PIC OF STARS Mark Type FOREARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Description"T" Mark TypeFOREARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Mark CodeTattoo Description T Report Officer 10328/CORNELL,ERIC ARMAN Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 6 of 11 14-31686 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Mark Type FOREARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description DOVES & STARS Mark Type FOREARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description PIC OF STARS & BIRDS Mark Type FOREARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description"FAT FAT" "L" 2 FIVE POINT STARS Relationship Name Sex Address City State Z P Code Phone TypeHome Phone No Employer/School UNEMPLOYED InvolvementARRESTED Arrest TypeARRESTED Arrest Date05/26/2014 Arrest Time11:00:00 Booking No3983362 Book Date05/26/2014 Book Time12:24:00 StatusBOOKED Arrest Location LIME AV City LONG BEACH Rep Dist 331 Place of Birth Beat 21 Charge 459PCRES Level F Charge Literal RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY ARRESTEE 2: MILES,DEMAURIEL JR Involvement ARRESTEE Invl No 2 Type Individual Name MILES,DEMAURIEL JR MNI Race Black Sex Male DOB 02/21/1994 Age 20 Juvenile? No Height 6'00" Weight 130# Hair Color Black Eye Color Brown PRN TypeHOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 05/26/2014 Type FBI number ID No TypeOperator License ID No OLS TypeState Criminal Identification Number(CII)ID No OLS Phone Type Home Phone No Date 05/26/2014 Miscellaneous Comments 1 Rolling 20s gang affiliation / moniker D.D. Alias NameMILES,DAMAREL RaceBlack SexMale DOB02/21/1994 Alias NameMILES,DEMAURIEL RaceBlack SexMale DOB02/21/1994 Alias Name MILES,DEMAURIEL Race Black Sex Male DOB 02/24/1994 Alias Name MONIKER DD Race Black Sex Male DOB 02/21/1994 Height 6'00" Weight 130# Hair Color Black Eye Color Brown Alias Name MONIKER DEE DEE LOC Race Black Sex Male DOB 02/21/1994 Alias NameMONIKER LIL D RaceBlack SexMale DOB02/21/1994 Alias NameMONIKER,D RaceBlack SexMale DOB02/21/1994 Alias NameMONIKER,DEE DEE LOC RaceBlack SexMale DOB02/21/1994 Report Officer 10328/CORNELL,ERIC ARMAN Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 7 of 11 14-31686 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Alias Name YOUNG,DEJONH Race Black Sex Male DOB 02/21/1994 Mark Type ABDOMEN- TATTOO DescriptionJOSHUA Mark TypeARM, NONSPECIFIC Description "XCLUSIVE" (LEFT) Mark Type ARM, NONSPECIFIC Description "YTL" (YOUNG TINY LOCS) Mark Type CHEST- TATTOO Description "MOB"(MONEY OVER BITCHES) Mark TypeCHEST- TATTOO Mark CodeTattoo DescriptionMOB Mark TypeARM, LEFT- TATTOO Description GAS MASK, CA, FLAMES, LB Mark Type ARM, LEFT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description FD Mark Type SHOULDER, LEFT- TATTOO DescriptionEXCLUSIVE "X" Mark TypeARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Description RIP JOSHUA Mark Type ARM, RIGHT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description XTREME Mark Type LEG, RIGHT- TATTOO DescriptionROLLIN 2X10 Mark TypeSHOULDER, RIGHT- TATTOO Description"D" "F" Relationship Name Sex Address City State Z P Code Phone TypeHome Phone No Employer/School UNEMPLOYED Involvement ARRESTED Arrest Type ARRESTED Arrest Date 05/26/2014 Arrest Time 11:19:00 Booking No 3983427 Book Date 05/26/2014 Book Time 14:53:00 Status BOOKED Arrest Location LIME AV City LONG BEACH Rep Dist 331 Place of Birth California Beat 21 Charge 459PCRES Level F Charge Literal RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY Charge148(A)(1)PC LevelM Charge LiteralRESIST/OBSTRUCT PUBL Charge594(A)(2)PC LevelM Charge LiteralVANDALISM:DAMAGE PRO Report Officer 10328/CORNELL,ERIC ARMAN Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 8 of 11 14-31686 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative "Demauriel!" Benson stated no one responded from inside the residence, so he entered through the window and yelled, "Demauriel! Demauriel! Let's get out of here!" Benson stated that's when he decided to leave, and saw the officer on the southeast corner of the property. Benson jumped out of the window, ran westbound in the backyard, saw Officer Ornelas ordering him to lay on his stomach, and complied with Officer Ornelas' commands. Benson was booked as charged, and released to the custody of the 6th floor Men's Jail without further incident. Report Officer 10328/CORNELL,ERIC ARMAN Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 11 of 11 14-31686 Supplement No 0001 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 05/26/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense459-RPC OfficerMONTELL,ROGER D Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-31686 Supplement No0001 Reported Date05/26/2014 Reported Time10:53 CAD Call No 141460636 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense BURGLARY - RESIDENTIAL Location LIME AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 05/26/2014 From Time 10:53 Officer 6010/MONTELL,ROGER D Assignment PATROL/EAST/CFS/W3 2nd Officer DILLON,JACOB A AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 Entered by6010 AssignmentPATROL/EAST/CFS/W3 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer8126 Approval Date05/26/2014 Approval Time18:52:34 Use of ForceYes Evidence CollectedYes Photos TakenYes Narrative On 05/26/14 at 1054 hours I, (R. Montell # 6010) was working uniform patrol as unit 2B14 when I assisted units on a residential burglary in progress at Lime Avenue. Call # 636. The reporting party described the suspect as a male Black wearing a black beanie, black gloves, and a black long sleeve shirt. The calling party added the subject was trying to get into the residence through a window. I responded to the above location where I was tasked with taking up a perimeter spot at the southeast corner of the property. While on the perimeter, two subjects emerged from inside the residence and were taken into custody. For further, see main report. The residence was searched for additional suspects. During the search, Unit K7 (V. Ortiz # 5983) advised me that he observed the attic access panel to appear to have been tampered with. He stated the panel had been put back on the access upside down (with the insulation facing down) and there was some dust/debris around the access point. Officer Ortiz also advised me that an ammunition box with pistol rounds was located inside the residence. Based on Officer Ortiz's observations, and with other officers maintaining observation of the access point, I returned to my vehicle and obtained the 40mm less lethal launcher from the vehicle. I returned to the above residence where several officers where positioned in and around the residence. I heard Officer Ortiz communicating with a suspect (later identified as Demauriel Miles) in the attic. I approached the attic access point (located in the closet of the central bedroom) and observed Officer Ortiz using an attic mirror to maintain observation of, and communicate with Miles. Officer Ortiz gave Miles several orders to surrender himself and to put his hands up. Miles refused to comply. Officer Ortiz advised Miles that if he did not surrender, a K-9 would be sent into the attic. Officer Ortiz went to his vehicle and obtained his K-9. He went back to the attic access where he advised Miles that the K-9 was going to be sent into the attic if he did not immediately surrender. Miles began to move around in the attic and came towards the access point. I could hear movement towards the north side of the residence. Miles walked near the access point and then said, "You guys are the one's that shot my brother" and "I'm not coming down." Officers ordered Miles to come down and told him there was no where go. Miles walked past the access and to the north. I could hear banging noises in the attic and heard officers outside say that Miles was trying to get out. I exited the residence and went to the driveway. I observed the gable vent being kicked out of the wall. I saw Miles feet kick Report Officer 6010/MONTELL,ROGER D Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 1 of 2 14-31686 Supplement No 0001 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative at the gable vent several times before the vent and debris fell to the ground below the window. I did not know if Miles was armed when he entered the residence or if had armed himself with a weapon located inside the residence. Based on his actions, I formed the opinion that he was kicking out the gable vent to gain a tactical advantage (high ground) over us. Miles stuck his head, torso, and left arm out of the hole in the gable. He was now looking down at us from high ground. This action prompted me to take aim at him with the 40mm less lethal launcher. Miles had not yet exposed his right arm and had now obtained high ground and the ability to observe us. Miles began to yell at us. He yelled, "Fuck You" and "You killed my brother." He also yelled, "Shoot me then" and said, "I'm just making a living." Officers ordered Miles to surrender and told him to go back to the closet and "Give up." Miles refused to do so. Based on Miles refusal to comply with our lawful orders, possibly having a weapon, and now possessing high ground, I deployed the 40mm less lethal launcher. The projectile struck Miles on his left hand. Miles stopped yelling, pulled his left arm back, and looked at his left hand. I removed the used cartridge case from the launcher, announced that I was reloading, and loaded the launcher. His hand immediately started to bleed. Miles demeanor changed instantly. He yelled, "I give up" and "I'm coming out." Miles retreated from the opening, and back towards the center of the house while yelling that he was coming out. I heard a loud crash, and heard Miles yell, "I fell through the hole." Officers inside the residence took Miles into custody. (For further see attached reports). Paramedics were requested for Miles. I collected the projectile and cartridge case from the 40mm and maintained them in my control until placing them into evidence. (For further see evidence report). Report Officer 6010/MONTELL,ROGER D Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 2 of 2 14-31686 Supplement No 0003 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 05/26/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary OffenseK9BITE OfficerORTIZ,VICTOR M Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-31686 Supplement No0003 Reported Date05/26/2014 Reported Time14:21 CAD Call No 141460636 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense LBPD K-9 BITE REPORT Location LIME AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 05/26/2014 From Time 14:21 Officer 5983/ORTIZ,VICTOR M Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W3 2nd Officer DILLON,JACOB A AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 Entered by5983 AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W3 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer8126 Approval Date05/26/2014 Approval Time18:52:49 Narrative On 5-26-14 At approximately 1052 hours, I (Officer V. Ortiz # 5983) was working uniform patrol in a marked black and white Police K9 vehicle as K-7. I heard over the Police radio that unit 3B21, Officer Ornelas, was dispatched to a burglary in progress one residence north of Lime Ave. It was later determined that the actual address was Lime Ave. The calling party stated that the suspect was a male Black 22 years old wearing black beanie and black gloves. The calling party also stated that the residents who lived there were on vacation and not home. For further, refer to Call # 636. As I was driving up to Lime Ave, I heard unit 3B80,Officer Dillon (# 5998) say over the Police radio that he could hear someone inside the residence and it sounds like they are near the back of the house. I then heard again over the Police radio unit 3B21, Officer Ornelas (#6209) state that he could see a suspect exiting the back of the residence. All the Officers from the front of the residence ran towards the rear of the residence. I ran towards the south east side of the residence to take a perimeter spot when I saw a suspect jump out the south east window and land in the yard of Lime Ave. I yelled out to the suspect to stop but he continued to run south through the yard. I deployed my Electronic control device attempting to stop the fleeing suspect but the darts missed him. I then took out my service gun and pointed it at the suspect and ordered him to get on the ground. The suspect then laid on his stomach and gave up.I handcuffed the suspect and escorted him to unit 3B24, Officer Corona (#6196) and he took custody of the suspect. Officer Dillon requested me over the Police radio to clear the residence with my K-9 partner. Due to the fact that we already had two felony suspects in custody and there could be additional suspects hiding inside the residence, I believed the safest tool we had available to clear the residence was to deploy my partner K-9 Trex into the residence. I retrieved Trex from my vehicle and walked to the rear open door of Lime Ave. I gave two loud K-9 announcements advising anyone inside to give them self up to the nearest Officers and they would not be harmed. I also stated that if the did not give up a Police dog would be used to find him and he my be bitten. I waited several seconds with no response then gave my partner the command to search the residence. I entered the residence behind Trex and noticed in the southwest bathroom a military style ammo can full of handgun bullets. I advised the Officers that were inside the residence assisting with the search of the bullets and there my be an outstanding gun. Trex cleared the residence but entered the south middle bedroom closet and showed interest towards the attic crawl space. I took a closer look and noticed that the board to the crawl space was put in upside down and the insulation was on the floor. I advised the Officers that due to the fact that we located ammo and there was a good chance that a third suspect was hiding in the attic and he had not been searched for weapons yet the safest thing to due was to get a attic mirror and clear the attic and much as possible prior to sending Trex Report Officer 5983/ORTIZ,VICTOR M Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 1 of 2 14-31686 Supplement No 0003 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative to clear the attic. I put Trex back inside my Police vehicle and grabbed my attic mirror. I pushed open the attic door with the attic mirror and began searching the attic with my light. On the west portion of the attic I saw a male suspect laying on his stomach. I ordered the suspect to come down from the attic. I told him that I could see him and he looked directly at the mirror and we made eye contact. The suspect refused to obey my commands. I then told the suspect that I could see him and described what he was wearing and to give up or a Police dog would be used to bite him. The suspect ignored me and I determined that the only safe way to take the suspect into custody was to use my Police service dog. I retrieved Trex and went back inside the bedroom where the attic was located. I gave several K9 announcements and had my partner bark three times. Let it be noted that the suspect was approximately ten feet from the attic opening when I gave the announcements and Trex barking. I then heard the suspect moving towards the attic opening and I advised the Officers that I was going to exit the bedroom so they could take him into custody. I walked into the west bedroom and could hear Officers giving the suspect orders to get down. An Officer yelled out, "He just ran towards the north side of the attic and he is trying to kick out a vent." I ran back inside the bedroom with the open attic door and could see that there was a lot of light coming in from the north portion to the attic. I then heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen which is located in the north portion of the residence. I ran into the kitchen with my partner and noticed that his legs were hanging out from the ceiling. I then ordered the suspect to come down from the attic. The suspect yelled at me, "You Mother Fuckers Shot me" and began to pull himself back into the attic. The suspect was able to get one leg back inside the attic as I grabbed his right foot. I was ordering the suspect to come down but he continued to pull his right leg up. I started to lose a grip of the suspect's foot and feared he would barricade himself back inside the attic. I gave my partner the command to bite the suspect. My partner Trex jumped onto the kitchen counter then jumped and bit the suspect's right leg. I was then with two hands able to grab a hold of the suspect's right leg. I ordered the suspect to come down from the attic. The suspect then lowered himself down and landed on his left leg while Trex was still biting his right leg. I ordered the suspect to lay on the ground which he did. Officer Zavala (#10555) grabbed control of the suspect's left hand. I then gave Trex the command to release which he did. The total time Trex bit the suspect was approximately 15 seconds. Officer Zavala handcuffed and escorted the suspect to the front of the residence and had him sit on the front curb. I walked out to where the suspect was sitting. I asked him how he was feeling and if he was okay. The suspect replied, "My hand and leg hurt. I know you were just doing your job. I'm not retarded I should of just came out when you told me to, I just thought I could out wit you." Fire was dispatched to treat the suspect for his injuries. Long Beach Fire rescue and engine 11 arrived on scene and treated the suspect for his injuries. Unit SK9, Sergeant Hodge (# 5484), was notified and arrived on scene to conduct his interviews. WC3, Lieutenant Zapalski, was also notified of the incident. Officer Cornell (#10328) photographed the scene. I drove to Lakewood Hospital emergency room and contacted the head nurse. The nurse advised me that Dr. Chapman was treating the suspect but was very busy. She also advised me that suspect's injuries were not life threatening. Officer Visser (#6061) photographed the suspect's injuries at the Hospital. At the scene I was able to see the suspect's injuries from the K9 bite. There were several scratches and two K9 punctures on the suspect's right lower leg which are consistent with a K9 contact. Report Officer 5983/ORTIZ,VICTOR M Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 2 of 2 14-31686 Supplement No 0006 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 05/27/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense459-RPC OfficerDODSON,JOHNNY A Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-31686 Supplement No0006 Reported Date05/27/2014 Reported Time09:22 CAD Call No 141460636 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense BURGLARY - RESIDENTIAL Location LIME AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 05/26/2014 From Time 10:53 Officer 5147/DODSON,JOHNNY A Assignment INVEST/DET/ADULT/BURGLARY 2nd OfficerDILLON,JACOB A AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 Entered by5147 AssignmentINVEST/DET/ADULT/BURGLARY RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer5147 Approval Date05/27/2014 Approval Time09:28:34 Narrative I contacted the victim regarding the residential burglary. I spoke to victim He said that the house was currently un-occupied. He said that he and several other Hispanic persons had lived in the home prior to moving out. He said he and the other the tenants moved out at the first of the month. He had left a few items behind. The house currently had a refrigerator, stove, a couch and a few misc. items within the house. He asked how he could get reimbursed for the damage to the house. He indicated that the door was damaged, a window damaged, the drywall was damaged, and would need to be repainted in places where damage occurred. I advised him he could ask for restitution at the preliminary hearing if one was held. He said he only saw one of the suspects, but nobody had permission to enter or take any items from the house. Report Officer 5147/DODSON,JOHNNY A Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 1 of 1 14-31686 Supplement No 0007 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 05/27/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense459-RPC OfficerDILLON,JACOB A Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-31686 Supplement No0007 Reported Date05/27/2014 Reported Time10:49 CAD Call No 141460636 Rpt Typ EVIDENCE ONLY Primary Offense BURGLARY - RESIDENTIAL Location LIME AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 05/26/2014 From Time 10:53 Officer 5998/DILLON,JACOB A Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 2nd Officer ORNELAS,MARC N AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 Entered by8445 AssignmentINVEST/DET/ADULT/EVIDENCE RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7074 Approval Date05/27/2014 Approval Time13:12:35 Property Prop # 1 Involvement EVIDENCE Invl Date 05/27/2014 In Custody? Yes Security No Tag No 811563 Item No 1 Serial No NONE # Pieces 2 Description #1 - (2) BLK SOCKS,WORN BY SUSPECT Typ A CatOTHER ARTICLES/GUNS/FIREARMS/DRUGS ArticleSOCKS ModelNONE Entered Date05/27/2014 Entered Time10:49 RMS TransferSuccessful Control8445 0527141054 Report Officer 5998/DILLON,JACOB A Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 1 of 1 14-31686 Supplement No 0008 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 05/27/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense459-RPC OfficerHODGE,MARCUS D Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-31686 Supplement No0008 Reported Date05/27/2014 Reported Time10:55 CAD Call No 141460636 Rpt Typ EVIDENCE ONLY Primary Offense BURGLARY - RESIDENTIAL Location LIME AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 05/26/2014 From Time 10:53 Officer 5484/HODGE,MARCUS D Assignment PATROL/FIELD SUP/SPEC ENF/K9 W2 2nd OfficerDILLON,JACOB A AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 Entered by8445 AssignmentINVEST/DET/ADULT/EVIDENCE RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7074 Approval Date05/27/2014 Approval Time13:12:50 Property Prop # 1 Involvement EVIDENCE Invl Date 05/27/2014 In Custody? Yes Security No Tag No 811566 Item No 1 Serial No # Pieces 1 Description #1 - COMPACT DISC Typ A CatRadio, TV, and sound entertainment devices ArticleCompact Disk/Audio Disc, Laser ModelNONE Entered Date05/27/2014 Entered Time10:55 RMS TransferSuccessful Control8445 0527141116 Report Officer 5484/HODGE,MARCUS D Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 1 of 1 14-31686 Supplement No 0009 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 05/27/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense459-RPC OfficerMONTELL,ROGER D Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-31686 Supplement No0009 Reported Date05/27/2014 Reported Time11:22 CAD Call No 141460636 Rpt Typ EVIDENCE ONLY Primary Offense BURGLARY - RESIDENTIAL Location LIME AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 05/26/2014 From Time 10:53 Officer 6010/MONTELL,ROGER D Assignment PATROL/EAST/CFS/W3 2nd Officer DILLON,JACOB A AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 Entered by8445 AssignmentINVEST/DET/ADULT/EVIDENCE RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7074 Approval Date05/27/2014 Approval Time13:13:06 Property Prop # 1 Involvement EVIDENCE Invl Date 05/27/2014 In Custody? Yes Security No Tag No 811567 Item No 1 Serial No NONE # Pieces 1 Description #1 - EXPENDED CARTRIDGE CASING Typ A CatOTHER ARTICLES/GUNS/FIREARMS/DRUGS ArticleCASING ModelNONE Entered Date05/27/2014 Entered Time11:22 RMS TransferSuccessful Control8445 0527141123 Prop # 2 Involvement EVIDENCE Invl Date 05/27/2014 In Custody? Yes Security No Tag No 811567 Item No 2 Serial No NONE # Pieces 1 Description#2 - PROJECTILE TypA CatOTHER ARTICLES/GUNS/FIREARMS/DRUGS ArticlePROJEC ModelNONE Entered Date05/27/2014 Entered Time11:22 RMS Transfer Successful Control 8445 0527141123 Report Officer 6010/MONTELL,ROGER D Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 1 of 1 14-31686 Supplement No 0011 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 05/27/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense459-RPC OfficerDILLON,JACOB A Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-31686 Supplement No0011 Reported Date05/27/2014 Reported Time11:27 CAD Call No 141460636 Rpt Typ EVIDENCE ONLY Primary Offense BURGLARY - RESIDENTIAL Location LIME AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 05/26/2014 From Time 10:53 Officer 5998/DILLON,JACOB A Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 2nd Officer ORNELAS,MARC N AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 Entered by8445 AssignmentINVEST/DET/ADULT/EVIDENCE RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7074 Approval Date05/27/2014 Approval Time13:13:24 Property Prop # 1 Involvement EVIDENCE Invl Date 05/27/2014 In Custody? Yes Security No Tag No 811568 Item No 1 Serial No NONE # Pieces 1 Description #2 - BLK SKI MASK Typ A CatOTHER ARTICLES/GUNS/FIREARMS/DRUGS ArticleS MASK ModelNONE Entered Date05/27/2014 Entered Time11:27 RMS TransferSuccessful Control8445 0527141130 Report Officer 5998/DILLON,JACOB A Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 1 of 1 14-31686 Supplement No 0012 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 05/27/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense459-RPC OfficerCORONA,LUIS E Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-31686 Supplement No0012 Reported Date05/27/2014 Reported Time11:59 CAD Call No 141460636 Rpt Typ EVIDENCE ONLY Primary Offense BURGLARY - RESIDENTIAL Location LIME AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 05/26/2014 From Time 10:53 Officer 6196/CORONA,LUIS E Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 2nd Officer DILLON,JACOB A AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 Entered by8445 AssignmentINVEST/DET/ADULT/EVIDENCE RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7074 Approval Date05/27/2014 Approval Time13:13:37 Property Prop # 1 Involvement EVIDENCE Invl Date 05/27/2014 In Custody? Yes Security No Tag No 811579 Item No 1 Serial No NONE Owner Applied No MY SON ALWAYS # Pieces 1 Description#1-2006 GRAD RING "LANCERS" & ON SIDES TypJ CatOTHER ARTICLES/GUNS/FIREARMS/DRUGS ArticleNon-serialized jewelry TypeRing Entered Date05/27/2014 Entered Time 12:00 RMS Transfer Successful Control 8445 0527141207 Prop #2 InvolvementEVIDENCE Invl Date05/27/2014 In Custody?Yes SecurityNo Tag No811579 Item No2 Serial No # Pieces1 Description#2 - KENNETH COLE WHITE METAL WATCH TypJ Cat OTHER ARTICLES/GUNS/FIREARMS/DRUGS Article Non-serialized jewelry Type Watch (incl wrist, pocket and stopwatch) Entered Date 05/27/2014 Entered Time 12:01 RMS Transfer Successful Control 8445 0527141207 Report Officer 6196/CORONA,LUIS E Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 1 of 1 14-31686 Supplement No 0013 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 05/28/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense459-RPC OfficerDODSON,JOHNNY A Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-31686 Supplement No0013 Reported Date05/28/2014 Reported Time08:58 CAD Call No 141460636 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense BURGLARY - RESIDENTIAL Location LIME AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 05/26/2014 From Time 10:53 Officer 5147/DODSON,JOHNNY A Assignment INVEST/DET/ADULT/BURGLARY 2nd OfficerDILLON,JACOB A AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 Entered by5147 AssignmentINVEST/DET/ADULT/BURGLARY RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer5147 Approval Date05/28/2014 Approval Time08:58:04 Narrative I (Detective Dodson) reviewed telephone calls make from men's jail on the day the defendant was booked. I checked the number listed on Benson's booking information, listed as his mothers address.. The following is a small portion of the conversation. For further see full audio submitted into evidence. I heard the caller say his name as "Tyquan" when prompted. When a female answered the phone he addressed her saying "Momma ". She asked what happened? The male (Tyquan) said, "I was with DEE-DEE, I promise you". By Dasha house. " He just broke (In) to the house. "I tell him-"The Police" and then I got guns in my face saying" get on the ground". Further into the conversation the mother asks, "The dog bit Dee- Dee?" Tyquan answers"Yeah". The complete conversation was not transcribed, but retained on CD. Report Officer 5147/DODSON,JOHNNY A Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 1 of 1 14-31686 Supplement No 0014 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 05/28/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense459-RPC OfficerDODSON,JOHNNY A Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-31686 Supplement No0014 Reported Date05/28/2014 Reported Time09:15 CAD Call No 141460636 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense BURGLARY - RESIDENTIAL Location LIME AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 05/26/2014 From Time 10:53 Officer 5147/DODSON,JOHNNY A Assignment INVEST/DET/ADULT/BURGLARY 2nd OfficerDILLON,JACOB A AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 Entered by5147 AssignmentINVEST/DET/ADULT/BURGLARY RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer5147 Approval Date05/28/2014 Approval Time09:15:29 Narrative I called witness He was the first caller, who initially asked to be anonymous. He told me that he first noticed the garage window at the victim's residence was open. He had never seen that window open previously. He could see a tall, slender male black, wearing dark clothing standing near a window to the house, on the south side of the residence. He believes he was holding a screwdriver, or like tool to pry open the window. He was wiggling the tool to force the window open. He described the suspect as wearing at least one black glove on his right hand, and had on some sort of beanie cap on his head. He said he later saw the same person detained in front of a Police car at the time of the incident. I called the victim and asked where the ammo box had been prior to the incident, and where it was after the crime. He said the ammo box contained 40 cal ammunition. He had left the box stored in the closet in the bedroom. After Police arrived and left he found it was now in the hallway, in front of the bathroom. The box had been opened Report Officer 5147/DODSON,JOHNNY A Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 1 of 1 14-31686 Supplement No 0015 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 06/30/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense459-RPC OfficerGRIMES,CLINTON Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-31686 Supplement No0015 Reported Date06/30/2014 Reported Time11:58 CAD Call No 141460636 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense BURGLARY - RESIDENTIAL Location LIME AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 05/26/2014 From Time 10:53 Officer 5561/GRIMES,CLINTON Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 2nd Officer DILLON,JACOB A AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 Entered by5561 AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7108 Approval Date07/01/2014 Approval Time07:47:57 Narrative On May 26, 2014 at approximately 1053 hours, I (SGT C. Grimes #5561) responded to assist officers at the dispatched location. When I firsts saw the suspect he was trying to escape out of the attic via the vent on the north side of the house which he had kicked out. I observed Officer Montell shoot the suspect in the left hand with the less lethal 40mm launcher, after officers had ordered the suspect to surrender and he had defiantly refused to do so. Once struck by the 40mm round, the suspect agreed to comply and retreated back into the house through the vent. I heard a loud noise and went back into the house where I saw a hole in the kitchen ceiling, the suspect on the kitchen floor, and the K9 biting the suspect's leg. The suspect was taken into custody without further incident. Report Officer 5561/GRIMES,CLINTON Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 1 of 1 14-31686 Supplement No 0016 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 07/02/2014 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense459-RPC OfficerALDORISIO,CATHERINE RO Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No14-31686 Supplement No0016 Reported Date07/02/2014 Reported Time14:32 CAD Call No 141460636 Rpt Typ LAB REPORT Primary Offense BURGLARY - RESIDENTIAL Location LIME AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 05/26/2014 From Time 10:53 Officer 10486/ALDORISIO,CATHERINE ROSALIE Assignment INVEST/DET/CRIME LAB/FORENSIC 2nd OfficerDILLON,JACOB A AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 Entered by10486 AssignmentINVEST/DET/CRIME LAB/FORENSIC RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer10251 Approval Date07/02/2014 Approval Time15:15:33 Property Prop # 1 Involvement EVIDENCE Invl Date 07/02/2014 In Custody? Yes Security No Tag No 813887 Item No 1 Serial No # Pieces 1 Description #1.1) Swab of black socks (tag 811563) Typ A CatOTHER ARTICLES/GUNS/FIREARMS/DRUGS ArticleSWAB BrandBODE Entered Date07/02/2014 Entered Time14:32 RMS TransferSuccessful Control10486 0702141436 Prop # 2 Involvement EVIDENCE Invl Date 07/02/2014 In Custody? Yes Security No Tag No 813887 Item No 2 Serial No # Pieces 1 Description#2.1) swab of ski mask (tag 811568)TypA CatOTHER ARTICLES/GUNS/FIREARMS/DRUGS ArticleSWAB BrandBODE Entered Date07/02/2014 Entered Time14:33 RMS Transfer Successful Control 10486 0702141436 Prop # 3 Involvement EVIDENCE Invl Date 07/02/2014 In Custody? Yes Security No Tag No 813887 Item No 3 Serial No # Pieces 1 Description#1.1) swab of class ring (tag 811579)TypA CatOTHER ARTICLES/GUNS/FIREARMS/DRUGS ArticleSWAB BrandBODE Entered Date07/02/2014 Entered Time14:34 RMS Transfer Successful Control 10486 0702141436 Prop #4 InvolvementEVIDENCE Invl Date07/02/2014 In Custody?Yes SecurityNo Tag No813887 Item No4 Serial No # Pieces1 Description#2.1) swab of wristwatch (tag 811579)TypA CatOTHER ARTICLES/GUNS/FIREARMS/DRUGS ArticleSWAB BrandBODE Entered Date07/02/2014 Entered Time14:34 RMS Transfer Successful Control 10486 0702141436 Report Officer 10486/ALDORISIO,CATHERINE ROSALIE Printed At 11/02/2020 13:16 Page 1 of 1