BlueTeam rpt UOF2015-0073_RedactedLong Beach Police Dept
Use Of Force Report
Incident Details
Date Received Date of Occurrence Time of Occurrence
04/10/2015 04/10/2015 00:33
Record ID Number DR Number IA No
9361 150021572 UOF2015-0073
Date/Time Entered Entered By Assigned Investigator
04/10/2015 03:46 Sergeant Daniel Mendoza [Incident pending assignment]
Incident Summary
Officer Reno was dispatched to a domestic violence/unknown trouble call at Plenty Street.
Officer Reno used bodily force and the carotid restraint to subdue and overcome suspects resistance.
Male suspect did not sustain any injuries as a result of the the force used by Officer Reno.
Male suspect prior to officers arrival smashed a glass window with his arm/hand and sustained a laceration from the
broken glass.
Officer Reno sustained minor scratches/abrasions to right elbow. He was also exposed to the suspects blood whom is
possibly HIV positive.
Officer Loughlin took photographs of Scene, suspect, victim, and Officer Reno.
Officer Sandoval took photographs of the evidence recovered.
There was no video available.
Suspect refused to provide a statement. Recording has been uploaded.
In my opinion, the force used was reasonable, effective and within policy.
I notified WC, Lt. Gaynor.
Incident Location
Latitude, Longitude =
Plenty Street, Long Beach, CA, 90805
- Location of Occurrence: Los Angeles
Use of Force Details
Reason For Using Force Service Being Rendered More Than 1 Citizen Involved
Detention/Arrest Call For Service No
Weather Condition Light Condition Distance to Citizen
Clear Night-Darkness 1 feet to 3 feet
Citizen Injured Citizen Hospitalized Citizen Arrested
Yes Yes Yes
Citizen Build Citizen Height Citizen Influence Assessment
Small 5'7'' to 5'9''None
Officer(s) Injured Officer(s) Taken to Hospital
Yes Yes
Reporting/Involved Citizen
Diego armando Gonzalez
Date of Birth: 11/05/1990 Race: Mex/Hisp Ethnicity: Unknown Gender: Male
Phone Numbers [None Entered]
Role: [None Entered]
Type of Resistance Citizen Used Against Officer
• Bodily Force
• Failure to Comply
Injuries Sustained By Citizen
Injury Region Injury Location
None 2 1
Charges Against Citizen
• Felony
Incident Officers
Police Officer Jeremy Reno - 10023
Assignment at time of incident: Police Officer Cop/Patrol/North/Cfs/W1 Shift A Graveyard
Video Footage: [None Entered]
Role: [None Entered]
Force used by this Officer against Citizen
• Carotid - Force Effective: Yes
Less lethal force used by this Officer against Citizen
Force Used Force Effective Region Point of Contact
Carotid Yes 2 1
Injuries Sustained By Officer
Injury Region Injury Location
Minor F 1
Citizen Witnesses
Date of Birth: Race: Ethnicity: Gender:
Role: [None Entered]
Phone Numbers
Date of Birth: Race: /Ethnicity: Gender:
Role: [None Entered]
Phone Numbers
Officer Witnesses
Police Officer Fernando Martinez - 5745
Assignment at time of incident: Police Officer Cop/Patrol/North/Cfs/W1 Shift A Graveyard
Video Footage: [None Entered]
Role: [None Entered]
• Available for Public Disclosure
Task Description Date Due Date Completed Summary
Running Sheet Entries
No running sheet entries to show
Date Attached Attachment Description Attachment Types
04/10/2015 Suspect Refused Interview WMA
Assignment History
Date/Time Sent From To Activity
08/19/2015 14:18 Lie K Giesige Released back to IAPro
Chain of Command History
Routing Number: 1
From Sergeant Daniel
To Lieutenant Joseph
Date/Time Sent 04/10/2015 06:52
Instructions From [Sergeant Daniel Mendoza ] To [Lieutenant Joseph Gaynor ]
Sir, For your review. Thanks, Sgt. Mendoza
Comments/Response From [Lieutenant Joseph Gaynor ]
Force was reasonable, within policy, and needed to control a violent and combative felony
suspect who was bleeding from a arm wound.
Routing Number: 2
From Lieutenant Joseph
To Lieutenant David
Date/Time Sent 04/16/2015 21:47
Instructions From [Lieutenant Joseph Gaynor ] To [Lieutenant David Faris ]
For your review
Comments/Response From [Lieutenant David Faris ]
After reviewing all the reports I determined the force used was reasonable, necessary and
within policy. No Action Required.
Routing Number: 3
From Lieutenant David Faris
To Commander Rudolph Komisza
Date/Time Sent 04/25/2015 23:01
Instructions From [Lieutenant David Faris ] To [Commander Rudolph Komisza ]
For your review.
Comments/Response From [Commander Rudolph Komisza ]
[Forwarded by Commander Rudolph Komisza]
Routing Number: 4
From Commander Rudolph
To Lieutenant David Poss
Date/Time Sent 04/30/2015 15:54
Instructions From [Commander Rudolph Komisza ] To [Lieutenant David Poss ]
Use of force incident reviewed in entirety and determined to be within Departmental policy.
No further action recommended.
Comments/Response From [Lieutenant David Poss ]
The UOF was in policy. No further action is required.
Routing Number: 5
From Lieutenant David
To Lieutenant Kerry
Date/Time Sent 06/19/2015 16:15
Instructions From [Lieutenant David Poss ] To [Lieutenant Kerry Giesige ]
The UOF was in policy. No further action is required.
Comments/Response From [Lieutenant Kerry Giesige ]
Routing was NOT handled in BlueTeam. The incident was forwarded into IAPro by IAPro user
Lieutenant Kerry Giesige