BlueTeam rpt UOF2015-0073_RedactedLong Beach Police Dept Use Of Force Report Print Incident Details Date Received Date of Occurrence Time of Occurrence 04/10/2015 04/10/2015 00:33 Record ID Number DR Number IA No 9361 150021572 UOF2015-0073 Date/Time Entered Entered By Assigned Investigator 04/10/2015 03:46 Sergeant Daniel Mendoza [Incident pending assignment] Incident Summary DISPATCH: Officer Reno was dispatched to a domestic violence/unknown trouble call at Plenty Street. FORCED USED: Officer Reno used bodily force and the carotid restraint to subdue and overcome suspects resistance. INJURIES: Male suspect did not sustain any injuries as a result of the the force used by Officer Reno. Male suspect prior to officers arrival smashed a glass window with his arm/hand and sustained a laceration from the broken glass. Officer Reno sustained minor scratches/abrasions to right elbow. He was also exposed to the suspects blood whom is possibly HIV positive. PHOTOGRAPHS/VIDEOS: Officer Loughlin took photographs of Scene, suspect, victim, and Officer Reno. Officer Sandoval took photographs of the evidence recovered. There was no video available. STATEMENTS: Suspect refused to provide a statement. Recording has been uploaded. CONCLUSIONS/ACTIONS: In my opinion, the force used was reasonable, effective and within policy. NOTIFICATIONS: I notified WC, Lt. Gaynor. Incident Location Addresses Latitude, Longitude = Plenty Street, Long Beach, CA, 90805 - Location of Occurrence: Los Angeles Use of Force Details Reason For Using Force Service Being Rendered More Than 1 Citizen Involved Detention/Arrest Call For Service No Weather Condition Light Condition Distance to Citizen Clear Night-Darkness 1 feet to 3 feet Citizen Injured Citizen Hospitalized Citizen Arrested Yes Yes Yes Citizen Build Citizen Height Citizen Influence Assessment Small 5'7'' to 5'9''None Officer(s) Injured Officer(s) Taken to Hospital Yes Yes Reporting/Involved Citizen Diego armando Gonzalez Date of Birth: 11/05/1990 Race: Mex/Hisp Ethnicity: Unknown Gender: Male Addresses Phone Numbers [None Entered] Role: [None Entered] Type of Resistance Citizen Used Against Officer • Bodily Force • Failure to Comply Injuries Sustained By Citizen Injury Region Injury Location None 2 1 Charges Against Citizen • Felony Incident Officers Police Officer Jeremy Reno - 10023 Assignment at time of incident: Police Officer Cop/Patrol/North/Cfs/W1 Shift A Graveyard Video Footage: [None Entered] Role: [None Entered] Force used by this Officer against Citizen • Carotid - Force Effective: Yes Less lethal force used by this Officer against Citizen Force Used Force Effective Region Point of Contact Carotid Yes 2 1 1 Injuries Sustained By Officer Injury Region Injury Location Minor F 1 1 1 Citizen Witnesses Date of Birth: Race: Ethnicity: Gender: Role: [None Entered] Addresses Phone Numbers Date of Birth: Race: /Ethnicity: Gender: Role: [None Entered] Addresses Phone Numbers Officer Witnesses Police Officer Fernando Martinez - 5745 Assignment at time of incident: Police Officer Cop/Patrol/North/Cfs/W1 Shift A Graveyard Video Footage: [None Entered] Role: [None Entered] Categories • Available for Public Disclosure Tasks Task Description Date Due Date Completed Summary Running Sheet Entries No running sheet entries to show Attachments Date Attached Attachment Description Attachment Types 04/10/2015 Suspect Refused Interview WMA Assignment History Date/Time Sent From To Activity 08/19/2015 14:18 Lie K Giesige Released back to IAPro Chain of Command History Routing Number: 1 From Sergeant Daniel Mendoza To Lieutenant Joseph Gaynor Cc: Date/Time Sent 04/10/2015 06:52 Instructions From [Sergeant Daniel Mendoza ] To [Lieutenant Joseph Gaynor ] Sir, For your review. Thanks, Sgt. Mendoza Comments/Response From [Lieutenant Joseph Gaynor ] Force was reasonable, within policy, and needed to control a violent and combative felony suspect who was bleeding from a arm wound. Routing Number: 2 From Lieutenant Joseph Gaynor To Lieutenant David Faris Cc: Date/Time Sent 04/16/2015 21:47 Instructions From [Lieutenant Joseph Gaynor ] To [Lieutenant David Faris ] For your review Comments/Response From [Lieutenant David Faris ] After reviewing all the reports I determined the force used was reasonable, necessary and within policy. No Action Required. Routing Number: 3 From Lieutenant David Faris To Commander Rudolph Komisza Cc: Date/Time Sent 04/25/2015 23:01 Instructions From [Lieutenant David Faris ] To [Commander Rudolph Komisza ] For your review. Comments/Response From [Commander Rudolph Komisza ] [Forwarded by Commander Rudolph Komisza] Routing Number: 4 From Commander Rudolph Komisza To Lieutenant David Poss Cc: Date/Time Sent 04/30/2015 15:54 Instructions From [Commander Rudolph Komisza ] To [Lieutenant David Poss ] Use of force incident reviewed in entirety and determined to be within Departmental policy. No further action recommended. Comments/Response From [Lieutenant David Poss ] The UOF was in policy. No further action is required. Routing Number: 5 From Lieutenant David Poss To Lieutenant Kerry Giesige Cc: Date/Time Sent 06/19/2015 16:15 Instructions From [Lieutenant David Poss ] To [Lieutenant Kerry Giesige ] The UOF was in policy. No further action is required. Comments/Response From [Lieutenant Kerry Giesige ] Routing was NOT handled in BlueTeam. The incident was forwarded into IAPro by IAPro user Lieutenant Kerry Giesige