15-21572 Report_Redacted15-21572 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 04/10/2015 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense245(A)(1)PC OfficerPAYAN,GUADALUPE VILLES Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No15-21572 Supplement NoORIG Reported Date04/10/2015 Reported Time00:20 CAD Call No 151000030 Rpt Typ INCIDENT REPORT Primary Offense ASSAULT; NOT FIREARM Location PLENTY ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 233 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 04/10/2015 From Time 00:20 Officer 10557/PAYAN,GUADALUPE VILLESCAS Assignment PATROL/WEST/CFS/W2 2nd Officer SANDOVAL,CARLOS AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W3 Entered by10557 AssignmentPATROL/WEST/CFS/W2 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer10251 Approval Date04/10/2015 Approval Time12:17:11 # Offenses1 Offense245(A)(1)PC DescriptionASSAULT; NOT FIREARM Complaint TypeF Link VIC Involvement VIC Invl No 1 Name Race Sex DOB Link VIC Involvement VIC Invl No 2 Name Race Sex DOB LinkVIC InvolvementVIC Invl No3 NameRENO,JEREMY RaceW SexM DOB # Offenses 2 Offense 459-RPC Description BURGLARY - RESIDENTI Complaint Type F Link VIC Involvement VIC Invl No 1 Name Race Sex DOB Link VIC Involvement VIC Invl No 2 Name Race Sex DOB # Offenses3 Offense69PC DescriptionOBSTRUCT/RESIST EXEC Complaint TypeF LinkVIC InvolvementVIC Invl No3 NameRENO,JEREMY RaceW SexM DOB # Offenses 4 Offense MISCOFFENSE Description 186.22(A)PC GANG Complaint Type F Person Summary InvlVIC Invl No1 TypeI Name MNI Race Sex DOB Invl VIC Invl No 2 Type I Name MNI Race Sex DOB Report Officer 10557/PAYAN,GUADALUPE VILLESCAS Printed At 11/02/2020 08:58 Page 1 of 5 15-21572 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Person Summary Invl VIC Invl No 3 Type I Name RENO,JEREMY MNI Race W Sex M DOB Report Officer 10557/PAYAN,GUADALUPE VILLESCAS Printed At 11/02/2020 08:58 Page 2 of 5 15-21572 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT VICTIM 1: Involvement VICTIM Invl N 1 Individual MNI Race Sex DOB Age Juvenile?Height " Weight # Hair Color Eye Color Means of Attack BATTERY,BRUISES,SCRATCHES Extent of Injury Complaint of pain Dom Violence No PRN Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 04/10/2015 TypeOperator License ID No OLS Phone Type Cell Phone No Date 04/10/2015 VICTIM 2: Involvement VICTIM Invl N 2 Individual MNI Race Sex DOB Age Juvenile?Height " Weight Hair Color Eye Color Means of Attack BATTERY,BRUISES,SCRATCHES Extent of Injury No visible injury Dom Violence No PRN TypeHOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 04/10/2015 TypeOperator License ID No OLS Phone Type Home Phone No Date 04/10/2015 VICTIM 3: RENO,JEREMY Involvement VICTIM Invl No 3 Type Individual Name RENO,JEREMY MNI Race White Sex Male DOB Age Juvenile? No Height 5'00" Weight 160# Hair Color Blond or Strawberry Eye Color Blue Means of Attack CUTTING INSTRUMENT-SCISSORS,BROKEN BOTTLE Extent of Injury No visible injury Dom Violence No PRN Type BUSINESS Address 400 W BROADWAY LBPD City LONG BEACH State California ZIP Code 90802 Date 04/10/2015 Modus Operandi Method of EntryBROKE GLASS Premise TypeRESIDENCE-APT/DUPLEX/CONDO/HOUSE Crime Code(s)BURGLARY RESIDENTIAL Narrative On April 10, 2015 at approximately 0024 hours, my partner (Officer C. Sandoval #10572) and I Officer G. Villescas Payan #10557) assisted unit 3A51 (Officer J. Reno #10023), who requested units to assist immediately (code 3) at Plenty Street regarding a domestic violence incident. Later determined to be a burglary and an attempted assault with a deadly weapon incident (call #0030). The call stated a domestic violence incident had occurred between a male Hispanic and a female Hispanic. The Calling Party (CP) stated they only heard the incident and heard glass break. The call further stated that family members had broken into the residence (3 male Hispanics, 2 female Hispanics), but no one was answering question and a verbal dispute could be heard in the background. While en route, unit 3A54 (Officer J. Meyer #6311) advised via police radio that no further assistance was needed (code 4). Upon arrival, several officers were on scene. I observed a male Hispanic subject (Later determined to be suspect- Diego Armando Gonzalez) was handcuffed and seated on the curb in front of Plenty Street. Gonzalez's, face, Report Officer 10557/PAYAN,GUADALUPE VILLESCAS Printed At 11/02/2020 08:58 Page 3 of 5 15-21572 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative arms and shirt were covered in blood and it appeared he had sustained a laceration to his right forearm. I was advised by officers on scene, that Officer Reno had applied the carotid control hold in order to take the suspect into custody. While taking the suspect into custody Officer Reno sustained abrasions and lacerations on his right forearm/elbow. He was also exposed to the suspect's blood. For further on the incident, refer to Officer Reno Use Of Force report. Long Beach Fire Department (LBFD) Engine 11 and Rescue 11 arrived on scene and transported Gonzalez to Community Hospital for further treatment. Gonzalez sustained abrasions below his left eyebrow, below his left eye and on his left forearm. He also sustained a laceration to his right arm. Officer Reno informed me that Gonzalez had sustained the above injuries prior to him making contact with Gonzalez. Plenty Street is a one story family residence with two bedrooms and one bathroom. The front door faces north and there is a detached garage, which was converted into bedroom south of the residence. A white four-foot tall gate with bars and cider block surrounds the front of the residence. Upon contacting the victims, I observed the front window east of the front door was shattered and there was blood drops on the ledge of the window seal. Inside the residence, there was shattered glass on the living room floor and the computer desk appeared to be disturbed. There were sheets of paper and books scattered all over the floor, which appeared like a struggle, had taken place. There were also drops of blood on the couch. I contacted victim and she told me the following: stated she was in the living room when she heard a loud knock on the kitchen door (located on the eastside of the residence). She did not open the door because she did know who was knocking. She then heard someone knocking loudly on the front window (east of front door). She heard the window break and saw Gonzalez enter through it. She observed Gonzalez holding an unknown object in his right hand, which she believed to be a weapon, which could be used to harm her and her family. She immediately feared for her life and safety and the well being of her children. and her sons immediately pushed Gonzalez to the floor and attempted to restrain him on the ground until police arrived. She stated that Gonzalez was very strong and kept pushing them off him. They were finally able to pin Gonzalez against the couch until Officer Reno arrived. Once Officer Reno arrived, he took Gonzalez by the arm and escorted him outside the residence. stated that Gonzalez was still being very aggressive and was attempting to pull away from Officer Reno. When she looked out the door she observed Officer Reno and Gonzalez on the ground wrestling. She stated Gonzalez was violently resisting by kicking and swinging his arms around until he was handcuffed by Officer Reno. stated Gonzalez appeared to be under the influence of drugs and advised me that her daughter ( had a dating relationship with Gonzalez approximately six months ago. She also advised me that Gonzalez was never granted permission to enter the residence. As a result of an incident,sustained an abrasion on her right knee and bruise on her left arm. She stated that the incident occurred to fast she could not remember if Gonzalez struck her or tried to choke her. I contacted victim and he told me the following: stated he was in his bedroom when he heard a loud knocking on the kitchen door. He walked over to the kitchen and told his mother not to open the door. He then heard someone knocking loudly on the living room window. He heard the window break and saw Gonzalez enter the residence through it. He observed Gonzalez holding a 10-inch screwdriver with a dark handle and silver tip in his right hand. stated he feared for his life and his family safety because he believed Gonzalez was going to use the screwdriver to hurt them. stated he was scared but managed to knock the screwdriver out of Gonzalez hand. With the help of his brother and mother they were able to restrain Gonzalez against the couch until Officer Reno arrived. He stated Gonzalez attempted to choke his mother (while they had him pinnd down. Once Officer Reno arrived on scene, he pulled the suspect out of the residence. The suspect attempted to pull Report Officer 10557/PAYAN,GUADALUPE VILLESCAS Printed At 11/02/2020 08:58 Page 4 of 5 15-21572 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative away from Officer Reno several times. stated that Officer Reno wrapped his arms around Gonzalez neck and applied a hold around his neck. He said both of them fell to the ground and Officer Reno was able to handcuff Gonzalez. Unit 3A22 (Officer S. Loughlin #6308) took photographs of the suspect, Officer, victim and scene. For further, see the photographs Unit 3A19 (Officer F. Martinez #5745) conducted victim and witness statements. For further, refer to his supplemental report. Officer Sandoval conducted victim statements, took photographs and collected evidence. For further, refer to his supplemental report, photographs, and Property Report. Officer J. Oropeza #10549 interviewed Gonzalez at the hospital. During her interview Gonzalez admitted to entering a secured structure with the intent of killing someone. For further, refer to her supplemental report. Unit 3A20 (Officer M. Talavera #5175) conducted knock and talks. For further, refer to his supplemental report. Unit 3A21 (K. Johansen # 10559) transported Gonzalez to booking after he was cleared from Long Beach Community Hospital. Gonzalez was booked as charged and released to the custody of the 6th floor men's jail. 3S35 (Sergeant D. Mendoza #5710) was advised and responded. It should be noted while at the hospital Gonzalez advised Sergeant Mendoza he was an active member of 18th Street gang and went by the moniker of "El Vicio." desired prosecution and was given a Report Receipt and Temporary Restraining Order. Report Officer 10557/PAYAN,GUADALUPE VILLESCAS Printed At 11/02/2020 08:58 Page 5 of 5 15-21572 Supplement No 0001 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 04/10/2015 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense245(A)(1)PC OfficerMARTINEZ,FERNANDO Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No15-21572 Supplement No0001 Reported Date04/10/2015 Reported Time00:20 CAD Call No 151000030 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense ASSAULT; NOT FIREARM Location PLENTY ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 233 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 04/10/2015 From Time 00:19 Officer 5745/MARTINEZ,FERNANDO Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 2nd Officer SANDOVAL,CARLOS AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W3 Entered by5745 AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer10251 Approval Date04/10/2015 Approval Time12:17:31 StatementsYes # Offenses 1 Offense 245(A)(1)PC Description ASSAULT; NOT FIREARM Complaint Type Link VIC Involvement VIC Invl No 1 Name Race Sex DOB VICTIM 1: Involvement VICTIM Invl N 1 Individual MNI Race Sex DOB Age Juvenile?Height " Weight # Hair Color Eye Color Means of Attack CUTTING INSTRUMENT-SCISSORS,BROKEN BOTTLE Extent of Injury No visible injury Dom Violence No PRN Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 04/10/2015 TypeOperator License OLS Phone Type Cell Phone No Date 04/10/2015 Modus Operandi Method of Entry BROKE GLASS Point of Entry WINDOW/SLIDING Entry Location Front Premise Type RESIDENCE-APT/DUPLEX/CONDO/HOUSE Crime Code(s) BURGLARY RESIDENTIAL Narrative I, Officer F. Martinez # 5745, was assisting Unit 3A51, Officer. J. Reno # 10023, who was dispatched to E. Plenty St, regarding a possible domestic violence in progress, Call # 30. The calling party (CP) stated they could hear glass breaking and arguing between a male and a female. The daughter of the family involved in the dispute had asked the CP to call police. Officer Reno was first on scene. When I arrived, I could see several people standing and screaming on the front porch of E. Plenty. I could hear them screaming to me, "Help him" as I made my way to house. The people were pointing to the ground of their front yard. As I approached their yard, I could see Officer Reno holding a Report Officer 5745/MARTINEZ,FERNANDO Printed At 11/02/2020 08:59 Page 1 of 3 15-21572 Supplement No 0001 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative male subject, later identified as suspect Diego Armando Gonzalez, in a carotid hold on the ground. Diego and Officer Reno were both lying on the ground and on their right sides of their bodies, facing northbound towards Plenty Street. Diego was covered with blood. He had blood on both arms, face and clothing. Once Officer Reno saw me, he slowly turned Diego onto his stomach. Officer Reno pulled his right arm from underneath Diego's neck and grabbed ahold of Diego's right arm. Diego was now on the ground on his stomach, with his left arm tucked in underneath his body. I approached them and slowly placed my right knee on Diego's mid back, applying slight pressure. I put my right arm on his upper left shoulder, to prevent him from moving around on the ground. My next step was to pull Diego's left arm out from underneath him. Before I pulled his armed, I asked the people standing on the porch if they knew the subject's name and they told me it was Diego. I asked Diego to put his left arm behind his back and he did not respond. I then asked Diego the same thing but this time in Spanish and Diego complied. Diego put his arm behind his back and I handcuffed him. After Diego was handcuffed, Officer Reno and I both got up and placed Diego to his side. We were able to get Diego to sit up and eventually stand him up. We asked Diego how he got so much blood on himself and he told us he cut himself with glass. Long Beach Fire Department was requested to respond for Diego's injuries. While waiting for LBFD, we had Diego sit on the curb in front of E. Plenty Street. I asked Officer Reno if he was okay and he stated to me he was fine. He mentioned to me he sustained some lacerations from broken glass that was on the ground, as he was holding Diego down. I got some of Diego's blood on my hands as I handcuffed him. As soon as I found time, I cleaned my hands with hand sanitizer. Once things calmed downed, I spoke with , who lives at the dispatched location. I asked her if she could give me her account of what occurred and she told me the following. told me she dated Diego for approximately 5 years. Diego lives in the rear house of their property. They broke up on September 14, 2014. They have no children together. has been avoiding Diego ever since. She keeps it cordial between them by saying hello when ever she see's him. Other than that, she does not call or text him because she does not want to give him the wrong impression. Today, she was asleep in her bedroom, which is located in the rear of the house, on the south end. She was asleep on her bed with her headphones on, when she heard some banging from her bedroom window. She did not think anything of it and continued sleeping. She then heard some more banging, coming from the side door of the house, which is located in the kitchen and the east side of the house. Again, she remained in her bed and did not get up. What made her get up was the glass breaking in the living room, which is located in the north end of the house. got up from her bed and made her way up to the living room. She could hear her brothers and mom yelling. When she got to the living room, she could see her brother and mother wrestling with Diego. saw that Diego was holding on to a large screwdriver. Sometime during the struggle, Diego dropped the screwdriver somewhere in the living room. Diego was yelling for them to let him go. made eye contact with Diego but did not say anything to him. Diego seemed to stop fighting with her family after seeing ran to her neighbors house and asked them to call police and to help them. ran back to the house and could see that her family had detained Diego. A short time later, a police officer arrived (Officer. Reno) and took Diego from her brothers. Diego resisted with the officer by pulling away from him. The officer was able to take Diego to the ground and hold him there while other officers arrived on scene. told me she was not harmed by Diego while he was inside the house but did fear for her safety. Especially while Diego held the large screwdriver and had forced himself into their home. I asked if she had any contact with Diego today and she stated, "No". I asked Eileen if she knew why Diego would act this way and she told me, "No". I asked when was the last contact with him and she told me, "Two weeks ago". I asked her when was the last time Diego tried making contact with her and she told me, "Yesterday. He texted me asking me why I did this to him". I asked her if she knew if Diego does drugs or alcohol and she stated, "I don't know about drugs but he does drink". I asked her if she had any clue why Diego would do this today and she told me, "No". I asked while Diego was in the house did he make any threats to her and she stated, "No." I asked her if Diego was saying anything while he was knocking on the windows and door and she said, "I had my headphones on but I think I could hear him calling my name". Report Officer 5745/MARTINEZ,FERNANDO Printed At 11/02/2020 08:59 Page 2 of 3 15-21572 Supplement No 0001 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative No further questions were asked of her and no further statements were given to me regarding the incident. Report Officer 5745/MARTINEZ,FERNANDO Printed At 11/02/2020 08:59 Page 3 of 3 15-21572 Supplement No 0002 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 04/10/2015 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense245(A)(1)PC OfficerSANDOVAL,CARLOS Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No15-21572 Supplement No0002 Reported Date04/10/2015 Reported Time00:20 CAD Call No 151000030 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense ASSAULT; NOT FIREARM Location PLENTY ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 233 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 04/10/2015 From Time 00:20 Officer 10572/SANDOVAL,CARLOS Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 2nd OfficerPAYAN,GUADALUPE VILLESCAS AssignmentPATROL/WEST/CFS/W2 Entered by10572 AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W3 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer10251 Approval Date04/10/2015 Approval Time12:18:38 Evidence CollectedYes Photos TakenYes StatementsYes # Offenses 1 Offense 245(A)(1)PC Description ASSAULT; NOT FIREARM Complaint Type Link VIC Involvement VIC Invl No 1 Name Race Sex DOB Link WIT Involvement WIT Invl No 1 Name Race Sex DOB VICTIM 1: Involvement VICTIM Invl N 1 Individual MNI Race Sex DOB Age Juvenile?Height " Weight # Hair Color Eye Color Means of AttackVERBAL THREATS Extent of InjuryNo visible injury Dom ViolenceNo PRN Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 04/10/2015 Type Operator License ID No OLS Phone TypeHome Phone No Date04/10/2015 WITNESS 1: Involvement WITNESS Invl No 1 Individual me MNI Race Sex DOB Age Juvenile?Height " Weight # Hair Color Eye Color PRN Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 04/10/2015 Type Operator License ID No OLS Report Officer 10572/SANDOVAL,CARLOS Printed At 11/02/2020 08:59 Page 1 of 2 15-21572 Supplement No 0002 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Phone Type Home Phone No Date 04/10/2015 Narrative On 4/10/15 at 0023 hours, my partner (Officer G. Payan #10557) and I (Officer C. Sandoval #10572) assisted Unit 3A51 (Officer J. Reno #10023) who was dispatched to E Plenty Street, regarding a possible domestic violence in progress (call #30). While en route, Officer Reno requested via police radio for units to assist him code-3 (lights and sirens). Upon arrival, I observed multiple units at the scene and a male Hispanic subject (Arrestee Diego Gonzalez) handcuffed and sitting on the south curb of Plenty Street. Gonzalez was had some blood on his person, but I was unable to locate where it was coming from. I observed the front window (furthest east, facing Plenty St) of the house shattered off of the window frame (window screen was removed and laying on ground on front porch area) and the inside of the living room appeared to be ransacked. I contacted (victim) who related the following information to me. Today (4/10/15), he was asleep in his room when he was woken up to a loud banging on one of the house windows. mother (who he described as being scared and shaking) ran into his room and asked him to come out to the living room. heard the living room window shatter and observed Gonzalez enter the living room through the broken living room window. Gonzalez had a large screwdriver ( described as a 10 inch screwdriver with a dark handle and silver tip) in his right hand. was not sure why Gonzalez was acting in this manner. When observed Gonzalez had his right arm raised as if he was going to stab someone he feared for his life and was scared he was going to be stabbed. brother ( grabbed Gonzalez right arm and took hold of his left arm. stated a struggle ensued to unarm Gonzalez of the screwdriver. Gonzalez escaped from and hold and pushed their sister ( in the chest using both arms. observed Gonzalez lunge at his mother (and pin her down onto the sofa bed located in the living room. Gonzalez began choking using his right hand (around her neck) and kept her pinned down on the bed. and jumped on top of Gonzalez in order to protect their mother. stated they were able to fend Gonzalez off until the police officer arrived at the location. stated when the police officer (Officer Reno) arrived, he announced he was a Long Beach Police Officer and told them to back away. observed Officer Reno get Gonzalez in a "head-lock" (described as a hold of Gonzalez upper body) and somehow ended up outside in the front yard. did not observe anything after that as he was scared for his safety and remained inside the house. did not have any further information regarding the incident. I contacted (witness) who related the following information to me. was not present during any of the incident. was coming home from work when everything occurred. arrived at the residence when Gonzalez was already in custody and being escorted to the curb. stated Gonzalez and his daughter ( dated for approximately one-year. confirmed Gonzalez lived in the back house and had told him he would be moving out in the next day or so. Pedro did not have any further information regarding the incident. I located and recovered the screwdriver (underneath the sofa bed in the living room) Gonzalez was armed with when he entered the home. The screwdriver is approximately 10 inches long with a silver tip and a blue/red/transparent handle. I kept the screwdriver in my possession until I later booked it into evidence, for further refer to the Property Report. Prior to recovering the screwdriver, I photographed where it was located. For further refer to the photo log. For further regarding the incident, refer to the main and supplemental reports. Report Officer 10572/SANDOVAL,CARLOS Printed At 11/02/2020 08:59 Page 2 of 2 15-21572 Supplement No 0003 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 04/10/2015 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense245(A)(1)PC OfficerOROPEZA,JESENIA Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No15-21572 Supplement No0003 Reported Date04/10/2015 Reported Time00:20 CAD Call No 151000030 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense ASSAULT; NOT FIREARM Location PLENTY ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 233 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 04/10/2015 From Time 00:20 Officer 10549/OROPEZA,JESENIA Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 2nd OfficerSCHAEFER,MADISON LOUISE AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 Entered by10547 AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer10251 Approval Date04/10/2015 Approval Time12:26:39 # Offenses1 Offense245(A)(1)PC DescriptionASSAULT; NOT FIREARM Complaint Type # Offenses 2 Offense 459-RPC Description BURGLARY - RESIDENTI Complaint Type # Offenses 3 Offense 69PC Description OBSTRUCT/RESIST EXEC Complaint Type KNOCK AND TALK 1: InvolvementKNOCK AND TALK Invl No1 Individual Name MNI Race Sex DOB Age Juvenile?Height " Weight # Hair Color Eye Color PRN Type HOME Address PLENTY ST City LONG BEACH State California ZIP Code 90805 Date 04/10/2015 Phone TypeCell Phone No Date04/10/2015 Narrative On 04/10/15 at approximately 0025 hours, my partner (Officer M. Moss #10547) and I (Officer J. Oropeza #10549) responded to E. Plenty Street regarding a domestic violence call, later determined to be a burglary and assault with a deadly weapon (Call #30). Upon arrival, I was tasked with conducting knock and talks as well as speaking with the Suspect (later identified as Diego Armando Gonzalez Yoc). I contacted a neighbor (later identified as ) and she told me the following. stated that she was asleep in her residence ( Plenty Street) when she was woken up by the sound of fighting next door. She then heard loud arguing and things being thrown around the house. stated that she did not see or hear anything related to the use of force. My partner and I responded to Community Hospital and I spoke with Yoc in Spanish. I read Yoc his Miranda Rights per PD1000.009. When asked waiver question #1, Yoc stated, "Si." Yoc told me the following: Report Officer 10549/OROPEZA,JESENIA Printed At 11/02/2020 08:59 Page 1 of 2 15-21572 Supplement No 0003 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative Yoc stated on 4/08/15, he got into a verbal argument with his ex girlfriends current boyfriend (unknown name). Tonight, Yoc was upset over the argument and stated he wanted to go to his ex girlfriends house to "Kill camarado." When asked who "camarado" was, he stated that's what he calls his girlfriend's current boyfriend. Yoc grabbed a screwdriver and used it to break the glass window at his girlfriend's residence. Once inside the residence, Yoc looked for his ex girlfriend's new boyfriend but her family got in his way. Yoc pushed his ex-girlfriend's mother with one hand, but the rest of the family got in front of him and continued to block him from ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend. Yoc stated right after he pushed his ex-girlfriend's mother, a Police Officer arrived to detain him. Yoc stated the Officer said some things in English but he did not understand. The Police Officer grabbed Yoc by the hands and attempted to take him outside so Yoc fell to the floor. Once outside, the Officer continued to attempt to detain Yoc by grabbing onto his hands. Yoc stated the Officer was trying to get a hold of him, "Because that's what he's supposed to do," but Yoc used his arms to move around and get away from the Officer. Shortly after the struggle Yoc stated he was handcuffed and sat down on the curb before paramedics arrived. Yoc stated he had nothing further to say regarding the incident. No further questions were asked of Yoc. Report Officer 10549/OROPEZA,JESENIA Printed At 11/02/2020 08:59 Page 2 of 2 15-21572 Supplement No 0004 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 04/10/2015 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense245(A)(1)PC OfficerTALAVERA,MARIO Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No15-21572 Supplement No0004 Reported Date04/10/2015 Reported Time00:20 CAD Call No 151000030 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense ASSAULT; NOT FIREARM Location PLENTY ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 233 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 04/10/2015 From Time 00:20 Officer 5175/TALAVERA,MARIO Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 2nd Officer SANDOVAL,CARLOS AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W3 Entered by5175 AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer10251 Approval Date04/10/2015 Approval Time12:31:09 KNOCK AND TALK 1: Involvement KNOCK AND TALK Invl No 1 Individual Name MNI Race Sex DOB Age Juvenile?Height Weight#Hair Color Eye Color PRN Type HOME Address PLENTY ST CityLONG BEACH StateCalifornia ZIP Code90805 Date04/10/2015 Type Operator License ID No OLS Phone TypeCell Phone No Date04/10/2015 Narrative I, Officer Talavera (5175), was working patrol in Unit 3A20, a marked black and white, when I assisted on a domestic violence call. Upon my arrival I learned that there was a suspect in custody and an officer use of force was involved. I conducted a knock and talk at Plenty Street and spoke to the resident,, who gave me the following statement. said that he was in his residence sleeping when he woke up to noises next door at Plenty. He could not describe exactly what type of noises he heard. After he woke up, he heard someone knocking at his front door. When he answered the door, saw that it was his next-door neighbor,. asked to help out her family since her ex-boyfriend was fighting with the family in their residence. walked over to the residence at Plenty and went inside. He said he saw family members had the ex-boyfriend pinned down on the open sofa-bed just inside of the front door. As walked inside, he saw the first officer arrive on-scene. When the officer walked inside, left the residence to go back to his house. He was standing outside on his porch when he saw the officer walking outside with the ex-boyfriend. He saw that the officer was struggling to gain control of the ex-boyfriend when the two fell to the ground. said he could not see the two struggling anymore since there was a fence surrounding the yard of the next-door neighbor's residence. As assisting officers were arriving, Juan went inside his residence. He did not see any other force used by the first arriving officer or any other officers. Report Officer 5175/TALAVERA,MARIO Printed At 11/02/2020 08:59 Page 1 of 1 15-21572 Supplement No 0005 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 04/10/2015 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense245(A)(1)PC OfficerMEYER,JEFFREY D Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No15-21572 Supplement No0005 Reported Date04/10/2015 Reported Time00:20 CAD Call No 151000030 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense ASSAULT; NOT FIREARM Location PLENTY ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 233 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 04/10/2015 From Time 00:20 Officer 6311/MEYER,JEFFREY D Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 2nd Officer SANDOVAL,CARLOS AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W3 Entered by6311 AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer10251 Approval Date04/10/2015 Approval Time12:31:39 # Offenses1 Offense245(A)(1)PC DescriptionASSAULT; NOT FIREARM Complaint Type KNOCK AND TALK 1: Involvement KNOCK AND TALK Invl No 1 Individual Name MNI Race Sex DOB Age Juvenile?Height "Weight Hair Color Eye Color PRN Type HOME Address PLENTY ST CityLONG BEACH StateCalifornia ZIP Code90805 Date04/10/2015 Type Operator License ID No OLS Phone TypeCell Phone No Date04/10/2015 Narrative On 4/10/15 while working as Unit 3A54, I (Officer J. Meyer #6311) responded to assist Unit 3A51 Officer J. Reno #10023 at Plenty Street, regarding a domestic violence. Call #30. Upon arrival, I was assigned to conduct knock and talks. I contacted at Plenty Street and she told me the following. said she heard yelling outside her residence followed by glass breaking. walked out the east side of her residence, to make sure no one was breaking car windows on Locust Avenue or on Plenty Street. heard yelling coming from her neighbors residence at Plenty Street. walked to the south side of her residence and asked if everything was okay. A young male Hispanic yelled at her, "No, help call!". went back into her residence and called 9-1-1 for police assistance. While on the phone with the dispatcher, was advised to inform the dispatcher when she saw police units arrive on scene. went to look out her window and saw several police cars arrive at Plenty Street. told me she never saw any officers contact any individuals at Plenty street. I also attempted to contact anyone inside of Plenty Street, but received no answer at the door. Report Officer 6311/MEYER,JEFFREY D Printed At 11/02/2020 08:59 Page 1 of 1 15-21572 Supplement No 0006 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 04/10/2015 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense245(A)(1)PC OfficerRENO,JEREMY R Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No15-21572 Supplement No0006 Reported Date04/10/2015 Reported Time00:20 CAD Call No 151000030 Rpt Typ ARREST ONLY Primary Offense ASSAULT; NOT FIREARM Location PLENTY ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 233 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 04/10/2015 From Time 00:19 Officer 10023/RENO,JEREMY R Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 2nd Officer SANDOVAL,CARLOS AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W3 Entered by10023 AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer10251 Approval Date04/10/2015 Approval Time12:32:06 # Offenses1 Offense245(A)(1)PC DescriptionASSAULT; NOT FIREARM Complaint TypeF Link ARR Involvement ARR Invl No 1 Name GONZALEZ,DIEGO ARMANDO Race H Sex M DOB 11/05/1990 # Offenses 2 Offense 459-RPC Description BURGLARY - RESIDENTI Complaint Type F Link ARR Involvement ARR Invl No 1 Name GONZALEZ,DIEGO ARMANDO Race H Sex M DOB11/05/1990 # Offenses3 Offense69PC DescriptionOBSTRUCT/RESIST EXEC Complaint TypeF Link ARR Involvement ARR Invl No 1 Name GONZALEZ,DIEGO ARMANDO Race H Sex M DOB 11/05/1990 # Offenses 4 Offense MISCOFFENSE Description 186.22(A)PC GANG Complaint Type F Link ARR Involvement ARR Invl No 1 Name GONZALEZ,DIEGO ARMANDO Race H Sex M DOB 11/05/1990 ARRESTEE 1: GONZALEZ,DIEGO ARMANDO Involvement ARRESTEE Invl No 1 Type Individual Name GONZALEZ,DIEGO ARMANDO MNI Race Hispanic/Mexican/Latin Sex Male DOB 11/05/1990 Age 24 Juvenile? No Height 5'07" Weight 150# Hair Color Brown Eye Color Brown PRN Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 04/10/2015 Type Operator License ID No OLS Report Officer 10023/RENO,JEREMY R Printed At 11/02/2020 08:59 Page 1 of 4 15-21572 Supplement No 0006 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Alias Name EL VISIO,MONIKER Race Hispanic/Mexican/Latin Sex Male DOB 11/05/1990 Height 5'07" Weight 150# Hair Color Brown Eye Color Brown Mark TypeFOREARM, NONSPECIFIC Mark CodeTattoo DescriptionJESUS PICTURE Mark Type HAND, LEFT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description THREE DOTS Mark Type LIP, NONSPECIFIC Mark Code Tattoo Description "18TH STREET" Mark TypeSHOULDER, RIGHT- TATTOO Mark CodeTattoo DescriptionCLOWN FACE HOLDING GUN Involvement ARRESTED Arrest Type ARRESTED Arrest Date 04/10/2015 Arrest Time 00:24:00 Booking No 4292227 Book Date 04/10/2015 Book Time 06:10:00 Status BOOKED Arrest Location PLENTY City LONG BEACH Place of Birth Charge459PCRES LevelF Charge LiteralRESIDENTIAL BURGLARY Charge 245(A)(1)PC Level F Charge Literal ADW NOT F/ARM OR FRC Charge 69PC Level F Charge Literal OBSTRUCT/RESIST EXEC Charge 186.22(A)PC Level F Charge Literal PARTICIPATE:CRIM ST Modus Operandi Gang Act? Yes Gang Name 18TH STREET GANG Narrative On 4/10/15 at 0021 hours, I (Officer J. Reno #10023) was dispatched to Plenty St in response to a possible domestic violence incident. (Call #30) The call stated that there was a domestic violence incident that could be heard coming from the dispatched location. The calling party also reported hearing glass breaking and was asked to call the police by the daughter of the involved subjects. I was assisted by units 3A19 (Officer F. Martinez #5745), 3A54 (Officer J. Meyer #6311), 3A20 (Officer M. Talavera #5175), 3A22 (Officer S. Loughlin #6308), 3Z30 (Officer G. Payan #10557 and Officer C. Sandoval #10572), 3Z31 (Officer J. Oropeza #10549 and Officer M. Moss #10547), and 3A21 (Officer K. Johansen #10559). While en route, the communication center advised, that they had just received an unknown trouble call originating from the dispatched location. The calling party stated that three male and two female Hispanic family members had broken into the residence. The calling party could not answer any further questions and a disturbance could be heard in the background. Plenty St is a single story, single-family residence located on the south side of Plenty St. The front yard of Plenty St is enclosed with an approximately three foot tall fence. This fence is constructed of brick and white wrought iron. There is an opening in the north side of the fence through which a walkway extends and connects the south sidewalk of Plenty St to the north facing front door of Plenty St. There are two windows on the north side of the building, which are located on either side of the front door. Upon arrival, I parked my patrol vehicle in front of Plenty St, which is one residence to the east of Plenty St. I observed a male Hispanic and a female Hispanic standing in the west driveway of Plenty St, which separates from Plenty St. Both of the subjects were pointing emphatically at Plenty St and yelling Report Officer 10023/RENO,JEREMY R Printed At 11/02/2020 08:59 Page 2 of 4 15-21572 Supplement No 0006 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative that the people inside needed my help. I exited my patrol vehicle and immediately heard yelling coming from inside Plenty St. As I approached the residence, I observed that the front door was wide open and that the window just east of the front door was shattered. The screen for the window was lying outside and there was glass strewn about the ground. I entered the residence and observed three male Hispanics and a female Hispanic engaged in a struggle in the northwest corner of the living room. There was a sofa bed located along the west wall of the living room, which was made down into a bed at the time. The sofa bed extended east form the west wall into the center of the room. The sofa bed was so large, that it took up a majority of the floor space in the living room. There was an approximately two foot wide gap between the north wall of the living room and the sofa bed. It was in this small gap, in the northwest corner of the living room, where the struggle was occurring. One of the male Hispanics (Diego Gonzalez) was being held against the north wall of the residence by the other two male Hispanics (brothers and The female Hispanic () was standing behind the brothers and yelling frantically. Gonzalez's back was pushed up against the wall and the brothers were holding him in place with their outstretched arms. Gonzalez was yelling incoherently and swinging his arm wildly at the brothers. All of the subjects involved were covered in blood. Gonzalez in particular was extremely bloody. Gonzalez had blood on his face, arms and shirt.Upon seeing me enter the residence,and the brothers began to plead for my assistance. At this point, I was unaware of what was actually occurring. I was dispatched to a possible domestic violence incident, and I believed that Gonzalez was being restrained as a suspect in the incident. I squeezed into the gap between the wall and the sofa bed and attempted to take control of Gonzalez's left hand. Gonzalez let out an unintelligible yell and ripped his hand from my grasp. After pulling his hand away, Gonzalez swung his left hand at me, but did not connect. I ordered Gonzalez to stop resisting and again took hold of his left hand. Gonzalez left hand was so covered in blood that it was incredibly slippery and difficult to hold on to. I was able to hold on to Gonzalez's left hand for long enough to pull him away from the corner. Once Gonzalez was free from the brothers, Gonzalez began to jerk his left hand away from me in an attempt to free it from my grasp. I ordered Gonzalez to lie on the sofa bed while I struggled to maintain control of his blood soaked left hand, Instead of compliance, I was greeted by the same unintelligible yelling as before. Suddenly, Gonzalez backed into me and pinned me between him and the north wall of the living room. When Gonzalez pinned me against the wall, his left hand slipped from my grasp. Gonzalez was violently resisting as I attempted to detain him as a possible suspect in a domestic violence incident. Gonzalez was refusing to comply with any of my lawful commands. During this incident, I was wearing my department issued uniform, which is adorned with patches and a badge, which clearly identify me as a police officer. Due to the tight confines in the area in which I was attempting to detain Gonzalez, my force options were severely limited. Based on these circumstances, I determined that the safest and most effective manner of controlling Gonzalez would be the Carotid Restraint. While pressed against the north wall, I encircled Gonzalez's neck with my right arm. I aligned Gonzalez's chin with the bend in my right elbow and began applying pressure to the carotid arteries on either side of his neck. I applied this pressure using my right forearm and right bicep. As I began to apply pressure, Gonzalez reached up with both of his hands and attempted to pull my arm away from his neck. While pulling on my arm, Gonzalez continued to push me against the wall, but now he began to push us both towards the open front door. In order to prevent Gonzalez from pulling my arm away, I transitioned to the Chancery Technique of the Carotid Restraint. This was accomplished by taking hold of my left bicep with my right hand, placing my left forearm behind Gonzalez's head, and taking hold of my right shoulder with my left hand. Once my arms were in the proper position, I once again began to apply pressure to Gonzalez's carotid arteries by pushing my elbows together. As I applied pressure, Gonzalez was able to push us both to the front door of the residence and out onto the front walkway. Once on the walkway, Gonzalez continued to push backwards, which caused us both to fall over onto the ground. I was now lying on my back with Gonzalez lying on top of me. I continued to apply pressure to Gonzalez's carotid arteries for approximately twenty seconds. During this time, Gonzalez kicked his legs and rolled back and forth in an attempt to free himself from my grasp. Report Officer 10023/RENO,JEREMY R Printed At 11/02/2020 08:59 Page 3 of 4 15-21572 Supplement No 0006 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative After approximately twenty seconds of direct pressure, Gonzalez suddenly went limp and stopped resisting. Gonzalez's sudden change in demeanor was accompanied by a loud snoring sound that lead me to believe that he had lost consciousness. I immediately released my hold on Gonzalez and began to roll him off of me. Typically in these situations, a subject is rendered unconscious for twenty to thirty seconds, which provides an opportunity to handcuff them. In this case, Gonzalez regained consciousness in approximately five seconds. Gonzalez regained consciousness so quickly; I was not even able to get him off of me before he started struggling again. When Gonzalez regained consciousness, he once again began to writhe back and forth while he kicked his legs wildly. Gonzalez was still violently resisting, and I was in a disadvantageous position with him already on top of me. Because of this, I once again encircled Gonzalez's neck and began to apply the Carotid Restraint. I placed my right arm around Gonzalez's neck in the same manner as before. I was finally able to get to my radio and I requested assistance "Code 3" (emergency lights and siren). At this time, Gonzalez rolled onto his right side and I mirrored his movement. As I began to once again apply pressure to Gonzalez's carotid arteries, I heard the unmistakable sound of a patrol vehicle arriving on scene. An unknown subject yelling, "Help him", accompanied the sound of the arriving patrol vehicle. Shortly thereafter, Officer Martinez ran up to assist me. As Officer Martinez approached, Gonzalez stopped resisting and I immediately released the Carotid Restraint. I rolled Gonzalez onto his stomach and placed my left knee onto his buttocks. I transitioned my bodyweight to his person to prevent him from climbing back to his feet. I pulled Gonzalez right arm from beneath his body and placed it behind his back. Officer Martinez assisted me by handcuffing Gonzalez. Once Gonzalez was handcuffed, I determined that he was both conscious and breathing before Officer Martinez searched him. After Gonzalez had been searched, he was placed in a seated position on the curb where he could be observed and the Long Beach Fire Department was requested to render immediate medical aid. It was at this time, that I discovered that Gonzalez was bleeding from a large laceration on his right forearm. I also observed that both of my lower arms were covered in blood from my hands to my elbows. I also discovered that my uniform was now covered in blood. I immediately washed the blood off of my hands and arms to ensure that I was uninjured. After washing the blood off of me, I discovered that I had sustained an abrasion to my right elbow and a small laceration to my right forearm. This may have been attributed to the area we were struggling being covered in broken glass from the shattered window. Engine and Rescue #11 from the Long Beach Fire Department responded to the scene to treat Gonzalez's injuries. During the LBFD's evaluation, Gonzalez stated that he might be infected with a blood borne communicable disease due to promiscuity and intravenous drug usage. Unit 3S35 (Sgt. D. Mendoza #5710) responded to the scene.I advised Sgt. Mendoza of the use of force and the potential medical concerns involved. Sgt. Mendoza notified the Watch Commander (Lt. J. Gaynor #5412). Officer Loughlin took photographs of the scene as well as the involved parties. Rescue #11 transported Gonzalez to Long Beach Community Hospital for medical treatment. Gonzalez received sutures in his right arm for the injury sustained while breaking the glass at the residence. A blood test was also conducted, which determined that Gonzalez did not have any communicable diseases. I responded to the after hours Occupational Health Clinic at Long Beach Community Hospital due to the potential communicable disease exposure. After receiving medical clearance, Officer Johansen transported Gonzalez to the Long Beach Police Department's main booking facility. Gonzalez was booked for burglary, assault with a deadly weapon, and resisting arrest with violence. Following the booking process, Gonzalez was released into the custody of the 6th floor men's jail. For further on this incident, please refer to Officer Payan's main incident report and the connected follow up reports. Report Officer 10023/RENO,JEREMY R Printed At 11/02/2020 08:59 Page 4 of 4 15-21572 Supplement No 0007 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 04/10/2015 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense245(A)(1)PC OfficerSANDOVAL,CARLOS Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No15-21572 Supplement No0007 Reported Date04/10/2015 Reported Time10:24 CAD Call No 151000030 Rpt Typ EVIDENCE ONLY Primary Offense ASSAULT; NOT FIREARM Location PLENTY ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 233 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 04/10/2015 From Time 00:20 Officer 10572/SANDOVAL,CARLOS Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W3 2nd Officer SANDOVAL,CARLOS AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W3 Entered by8421 AssignmentINVEST/FSSD/EVID CONTROL/PROPERTY RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer10251 Approval Date04/10/2015 Approval Time12:16:47 Property Prop # 1 Involvement EVIDENCE Invl Date 04/10/2015 In Custody? Yes Security No Tag No 830595 Item No 1 Description 1. RED/BLK FULLER SCREWDRIVER Typ A Cat Equipment/tools ArticleScrewdriver BrandFULLER Entered Date04/10/2015 Entered Time10:25 RMS TransferSuccessful Control8421 0410151027 Report Officer 10572/SANDOVAL,CARLOS Printed At 11/02/2020 08:59 Page 1 of 1 15-21572 Supplement No 0008 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 04/15/2015 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense245(A)(1)PC OfficerJOHANSEN,KEVIN NEIL Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No15-21572 Supplement No0008 Reported Date04/15/2015 Reported Time09:22 CAD Call No 151000030 Rpt Typ PROPERTY REPORT Primary Offense ASSAULT; NOT FIREARM Location PLENTY ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 233 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 04/10/2015 From Time 00:20 Officer 10559/JOHANSEN,KEVIN NEIL Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 2nd OfficerPURDY,GAVIN RAFAEL AssignmentPATROL/WEST/CFS/W3 Entered by7383 AssignmentINVEST/FSSD/EVID CONTROL/PROPERTY RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7108 Approval Date04/15/2015 Approval Time14:19:06 Property Prop # 1 Involvement PRISONER'S PROPERTY Invl Date 04/15/2015 In Custody? Yes Security No Tag No 830910 Item No 1 Description#1) WHI T-SHIRT TypA CatPersonal accessories (incl serial jewelry)ArticleClothing Entered Date04/15/2015 Entered Time09:22 RMS Transfer Successful Control 7383 0415150924 Report Officer 10559/JOHANSEN,KEVIN NEIL Printed At 11/02/2020 08:59 Page 1 of 1