BlueTeam rpt UOF2014-0148_RedactedLong Beach Police Dept Use Of Force Report Print Incident Details Date Received Date of Occurrence Time of Occurrence 03/15/2014 03/15/2014 19:10 Record ID Number DR Number IA No 7685 14-16158 UOF2014-0148 Date/Time Entered Entered By Assigned Investigator 03/17/2014 19:09 Lieutenant Michael Richens [Incident pending assignment] Incident Summary DISPATCH: Units were originally dispatched to an incomplete 911 call; later determined to be a domestic violence incident at the victim's place of work. FORCE USED: The suspect was actively fleeing from officers and physically resisted arrest. To prevent escape and overcome the suspect's physical resistance, officers used the following force: Officer Brammer: used an impact weapon and bodily force to overcome the suspect's resistance. Officer R. Garcia: used bodily force and a takedown to stop the suspect from fleeing and to overcome his resistance. Officer Ron: used bodily force to overcome the suspect's resistance. Officer Vasquez: used bodily force and the carotid restraint to overcome the suspect's resistance. INJURIES: The suspect did not have any visible injuries as a result of the use of force. The suspect did not complain of any pain as a result of the force used. As a result of the suspect's resistance, Officer Vasquez suffered abrasions and scratches to his right elbow, and an abrasion and complaint of pain to his right knee. PHOTOGRAPHS/VIDEOS: Officer Brammer took photographs of the domestic violence victim, the use of force scene, and all officers involved in the use of force. No cameras were located that were known to capture the use of force incident. Traffic cameras were discovered on different corners of Anaheim St./Long Beach Blvd. Video review/request was sent to Info Tech Officer E. Reyes. STATEMENTS: The suspect refused to provide me with a statement. CONCLUSION/ACTIONS: Based on my investigation, I believe the force used was reasonable and in-policy. The incident was debriefed and the tactics and force options were discussed with all the officers involved. Officer Garcia's takedown, which utilized the baton was throughly debriefed. Based on that debrief I believe it was reasonable for him to perform the takedown with the method he utilized. NOTIFICATIONS: Watch Commander Lieutenant Coy was notified. Incident Location Addresses ] Long Beach Blvd, Long Beach, CA, 90813 - Location of Occurrence: Los Angeles Use of Force Details Reason For Using Force Service Being Rendered More Than 1 Citizen Involved Fleeing/Escaping Subject Call For Service No Weather Condition Light Condition Distance to Citizen Clear Daylight 1 feet to 3 feet Citizen Injured Citizen Hospitalized Citizen Arrested No Yes Yes Citizen Build Citizen Height Citizen Influence Assessment XLarge 6'1'' to 6'3''None Officer(s) Injured Officer(s) Taken to Hospital Yes No Reporting/Involved Citizen Roland Martin Date of Birth: 05/04/1992 Race: Black Ethnicity: Unknown Gender: Male Addresses Phone Numbers Role: [None Entered] Type of Resistance Citizen Used Against Officer • Bodily Force • Fleeing • Failure to Comply Injuries Sustained By Citizen Injury Region Injury Location No injuries noted or visible Charges Against Citizen • Felony Incident Officers Police Officer Francisco Vasquez - 6125 Assignment at time of incident: Police Officer Cop/Patrol/West/Cfs/W3 Shift C Afternoons Video Footage: [None Entered] Role: [None Entered] Force used by this Officer against Citizen • Bodily Force - Force Effective: Yes • Carotid - Force Effective: Yes Less lethal force used by this Officer against Citizen Force Used Force Effective Region Point of Contact Bodily Force Yes G 3 Carotid Yes 2, 2 1, 2 Injuries Sustained By Officer Injury Region Injury Location Minor E, 10 1, 2 3 21 1 2 Sergeant Rudy Garcia - 6178 Assignment at time of incident: Police Officer Cop/Patrol/West/Cfs/W3 Shift C Afternoons Video Footage: [None Entered] Role: [None Entered] Force used by this Officer against Citizen • Bodily Force - Force Effective: Yes • Bodily Force - Force Effective: Yes • Bodily Force - Force Effective: Yes • Bodily Force - Force Effective: Yes Less lethal force used by this Officer against Citizen Force Used Force Effective Region Point of Contact Bodily Force Yes F 4 Bodily Force Yes G 3 Bodily Force Yes 7 2 Bodily Force Yes B 1 Injuries Sustained By Officer No injury 4 32 1 Sergeant Martin Ron - 6269 Assignment at time of incident: Police Officer Cop/Patrol/West/Cfs/W3 Shift C Afternoons Video Footage: [None Entered] Role: [None Entered] Force used by this Officer against Citizen • Bodily Force - Force Effective: Yes Less lethal force used by this Officer against Citizen Force Used Force Effective Region Point of Contact Bodily Force Yes J, L 1, 2 Injuries Sustained By Officer No injury Police Officer Christopher Brammer - 10014 Assignment at time of incident: Police Officer Cop/Patrol/West/Cfs/W3 Shift C Afternoons Video Footage: [None Entered] Role: [None Entered] Force used by this Officer against Citizen • Impact Weapon(s) - Force Effective: Yes • Bodily Force - Force Effective: Yes Less lethal force used by this Officer against Citizen 1 2 Force Used Force Effective Region Point of Contact Impact Weapon(s)Yes C, C, C 1, 2, 3 Bodily Force Yes D 4 Injuries Sustained By Officer No injury Categories • Available for Public Disclosure Tasks Task Description Date Due Date Completed Summary Running Sheet Entries No running sheet entries to show Attachments Date Attached Attachment Description Attachment Types 03/17/2014 Reports pdf 03/17/2014 Reports pdf 23 1 4 Assignment History Date/Time Sent From To Activity 06/23/2014 18:15 DEP R Conant Released back to IAPro Chain of Command History Routing Number: 1 From Lieutenant Michael Richens To Lieutenant Kevin Coy Cc: Date/Time Sent 03/17/2014 20:02 Instructions From [Lieutenant Michael Richens ] To [Lieutenant Kevin Coy ] 273.5 UOF at Anaheim/LBB Comments/Response From [Lieutenant Kevin Coy ] Force used was reasonable, necessary and within policy. Routing Number: 2 From Lieutenant Kevin Coy To Lieutenant Douglas Davidson Cc: Date/Time Sent 04/08/2014 13:12 Instructions From [Lieutenant Kevin Coy ] To [Lieutenant Douglas Davidson ] Forwarding to Lieutenant Davidson for West Division Watch 3 review. I have asked Sgt Richens to check to be sure that the LBB video was obtained. I requested he report this information to Lt. Davidson. Comments/Response From [Lieutenant Douglas Davidson ] The Sergeant debrifed the UOF and other force options were discussed Routing Number: 3 From Lieutenant Douglas Davidson To Lieutenant John Kanaley Cc: Date/Time Sent 04/09/2014 17:47 Instructions From [Lieutenant Douglas Davidson ] To [Lieutenant John Kanaley ] For your review Comments/Response From [Lieutenant John Kanaley ] [Forwarded by Lieutenant John Kanaley] Routing Number: 4 From Lieutenant John Kanaley To Lieutenant Christopher Morgan Cc: Deputy Chief Richard Rocchi Date/Time Sent 06/07/2014 09:00 Instructions From [Lieutenant John Kanaley ] To [Lieutenant Christopher Morgan ] UOF appropriate on fleeing 273.5 suspect. Please review and forward. Comments/Response From [Lieutenant Christopher Morgan ] [Forwarded by Lieutenant Christopher Morgan] Routing Number: 5 From Lieutenant Christopher Morgan To Deputy Chief Richard Conant Cc: Date/Time Sent 06/19/2014 06:57 Instructions From [Lieutenant Christopher Morgan ] To [Deputy Chief Richard Conant ] Reviewed and approved Comments/Response From [Deputy Chief Richard Conant ] Routing was NOT handled in BlueTeam. The incident was forwarded into IAPro by IAPro user Lieutenant Richard Conant