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BlueTeam rpt UOF2014-0496_RedactedLong Beach Police Dept
Use Of Force Report
Incident Details
Date Received Date of Occurrence Time of Occurrence
12/04/2014 12/04/2014 22:03
Record ID Number DR Number IA No
8986 14-73277 UOF2014-0496
Date/Time Entered Entered By Assigned Investigator
12/05/2014 20:27 Sergeant Robert Kuroda [Incident pending assignment]
Incident Summary
Officers G. Carrillo and A. Sturgeon were conducting a crime suppression patrol at Mc Arthur Park for drug activity,
robberies and homeless issues due to complaints from area residents. They observed and others in the park
after it was closed. The group dispersed upon the arrival of their marked black and white police vehicle.
walked to the area of Anaheim St and Gundry Ave where they contacted him on the south side of the street.
then fled from the officers and they gave chase.
Force Used:
fled southbound to the rear of Hoffman Avenue to avoid the officers. Carrillo and Sturgeon chased after
and they heard what sounded like someone trying to go over a fence. Sturgeon then ran around to the alley
rear of Hoffman in an attempt to contain
Carrillo went to the rear of the property and saw try to climb over a fence. He ordered to get on the
ground at gunpoint, due to the possibility of him being armed. then reached into his pants pockets. Carrillo
ordered to stop this action and to lie on the ground. did not comply. Carrillo holstered his weapon,
approached and struck him twice in the left forearm with his flashlight. The strikes were ineffective and
continued to reach into his pockets and discard items over the fence.
At this point, Carrillo believed was trying to discard narcotics. Carrillo again ordered to the ground.
did not comply and advanced towards him. Carrillo struck him twice more with his flashlight in the left
forearm (force was ineffective) and he still did not comply.
Carrillo then grabbed and forced him to the ground. While on the ground, trapped Carrillo’s right leg
with his left arm by encircling it. Carrillo tried to free himself but could not and felt was attacking him. Carrillo
then struck left upper arm twice, but the blows were ineffective and he could not break free.
Carrillo then removed his electronic control device (ECD) and discharged it at The probes made contact with
body and a ECD cycle was completed. was ordered to lie on his stomach. He did not comply and
rolled onto his back. Carrillo feared that was trying to dislodge the probes. Carrillo then cycled his ECD a
second time. was ordered to lie on his stomach again and he did not comply. Carrillo then cycled his ECD a
third time. Sturgeon finally arrived and jumped the fence to Carrillo’s location. then complied, rolled onto his
stomach and was handcuffed without further incident.
sustained the following injuries: a broken rib on the right side, ¼” abrasions on both shoulders, ECD probe
punctures to the top of the left shoulder and left pectoral muscle (above a tattoo), and complaint of pain to his left arm.
It should be noted that the treating physician did not advise PD personel of broken rib until 0600 hours and
filing officers and I had filed our reports and left by then. was admitted to the hospital earlier due to his drug
use and a Released Not Booked was conducted. Later, Sergeant Hotchkiss learned from Officer Robles that
had sustained a broken rib on the right side. It was then that Internal Affairs Sergeant J. Richardson was advised.
Officer D. Hara took photos of the UOF incident location, and Carrillo. There were no video cameras in the alley
or in the back of the property where the incident occurred. There is video footage from McArthur Park of
walking prior to his police contact on the south side of Anaheim and Gundry. The video then pans and a marked black
and white police vehicle is seen driving east on Anaheim Street west of Gundry Ave.
I digitally recorded an interview with and later uploaded the audio into Medio. Witnesses were located and
their statements were included in Officer Sturgeon’s report. signed a Medical Release Authorization Form.
Based upon my investigation and information provided to me, it is my opinion that the force used appears to be
objectively reasonable, effective, and within policy.
Watch Commander, Lieutenant J. Gaynor was notified of the use of force. It was later determined that
sustained a broken rib. Lieutenant Gaynor was unaware of this injury. I did not become aware of this injury until 1000
hours the following morning. Sergeant J. Hotchkiss notified Internal Affairs Sergeant J. Richardson of the broken rib.
Incident Location
Latitude, Longitude =
Hoffman Avenue, Long Beach, CA, 90813
- Location of Occurrence: Los Angeles
Use of Force Details
Reason For Using Force Service Being Rendered More Than 1 Citizen Involved
Resistive/Combative Self Initiated No
Weather Condition Light Condition Distance to Citizen
Clear Night-Darkness 1 feet to 3 feet
Citizen Injured Citizen Hospitalized Citizen Arrested
Yes Yes Yes
Citizen Build Citizen Height Citizen Influence Assessment
Large 5'10'' to 6'0''Signs of Drug Impairment
Officer(s) Injured Officer(s) Taken to Hospital
No No
Reporting/Involved Citizen
Daniel Robert Mc Mahan
Date of Birth: 07/30/1964 Race: Black Ethnicity: Unknown Gender: Male
Phone Numbers [None Entered]
Role: [None Entered]
Type of Resistance Citizen Used Against Officer
• Failure to Comply
• Bodily Force
Injuries Sustained By Citizen
Injury Region Injury Location
Minor 3, 7, 10, 5, 5, 5 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Serious 8 1
Charges Against Citizen
• Misdemeanor
Incident Officers
Sergeant Gabriel Carrillo - 6184
Assignment at time of incident: Police Officer Cop/Patrol/West/Cfs/W3 Shift C Afternoons
Video Footage: [None Entered]
Role: [None Entered]
Force used by this Officer against Citizen
• Flashlight - Force Effective: No
Less lethal force used by this Officer against Citizen
• CEW - Less lethal force effective: Yes
Serial Number: X00-074497
Cartridge Number: [None Entered]
Projectile/Probe Deployment: Yes
Number of Air Cartridges Used: 1
Number of Cycles Through Probes: 3
Number of Probe Hits: 2
Total Number of Probes Deployed: 2
Probe Penetrate Subject's Skin: Yes
Additional Cartridge Deployed: No
Follow Up Drive Stun Conducted: No
Duration of Cycles: Automated
Accidental (unauthorized) Discharge: No
Direct Stun Contact: No
Statistical Information
Arc Display: No
Citizen painted with laser/red dot: Yes
Force Used Force Effective Region Point of Contact
Flashlight No 6, 5 1, 2
CEW Yes 5, 7 3, 4
Injuries Sustained By Officer
Injury Region Injury Location
No injuries noted or visible
Citizen Witnesses
Date of Birth: Race: Ethnicity: Gender:
Role: [None Entered]
Addresses [None Entered]
Phone Numbers
Date of Birth: Race: Ethnicity: Gender:
Role: [None Entered]
Phone Numbers
Date of Birth: Race: Ethnicity: Gender:
Role: [None Entered]
Phone Numbers
Date of Birth: Race: Ethnicity: Gender:
Role: [None Entered]
Addresses [None Entered]
Phone Numbers
• Available for Public Disclosure
Task Description Date Due Date Completed Summary
Running Sheet Entries
No running sheet entries to show
No Attachments
Assignment History
Date/Time Sent From To Activity
02/10/2015 19:07 DEP R Conant Released back to IAPro
Chain of Command History
Routing Number: 1
From Sergeant
Robert Kuroda
To Lieutenant
Joseph Gaynor
Date/Time Sent 12/06/2014
Instructions From [Sergeant Robert Kuroda ] To [Lieutenant Joseph Gaynor ]
Please review. Lt Davidson is Carrillo's Lt but will be absent from work until Dec 24th. Faris is the
acting Lt
Comments/Response From [Lieutenant Joseph Gaynor ]
Force was reasonable in the arrest of a fleeing suspect who actively fought with the solo officer. The
flashlight strikes seemed ineffective and the officer resorted to the taser after the suspect grabbed
the officer's leg during the altercation. As mentioned above, I was not notified of the rib injury. Internal
Affairs was notified when the officers were advised of the injury by hospital staff.
Routing Number: 2
From Lieutenant Joseph Gaynor
To Lieutenant Douglas Davidson
Cc: Lieutenant David Faris
Date/Time Sent 12/10/2014 23:23
Instructions From [Lieutenant Joseph Gaynor ] To [Lieutenant Douglas Davidson ]
Doug, For your review. I also cc'd Sgt. Faris being that he is your actor.
Comments/Response From [Lieutenant Douglas Davidson ]
No further action
Routing Number: 3
From Lieutenant Douglas Davidson
To Lieutenant John Kanaley
Date/Time Sent 12/25/2014 13:54
Instructions From [Lieutenant Douglas Davidson ] To [Lieutenant John Kanaley ]
For your review
Comments/Response From [Lieutenant John Kanaley ]
[Forwarded by Lieutenant John Kanaley]
Routing Number: 4
From Lieutenant John
To Lieutenant
Date/Time Sent 12/31/2014
Instructions From [Lieutenant John Kanaley ] To [Lieutenant Christopher Morgan ]
925D subject fled from detention when officers were conducting investigation regarding narcotic
sales in MacArthur Park. After foot pursuit, subject still did not comply with the officer's orders and
was struck with a flashlight. The officer was then forced to use his ECD to gain compliance. Force
was reasonable. Please review and forward.
Comments/Response From [Lieutenant Christopher Morgan ]
[Forwarded by Lieutenant Christopher Morgan]
Routing Number: 5
From Lieutenant Christopher
To Deputy Chief Richard
Date/Time Sent 01/16/2015 10:11
Instructions From [Lieutenant Christopher Morgan ] To [Deputy Chief Richard Conant ]
UOF is approved and in policy.
Comments/Response From [Deputy Chief Richard Conant ]
Routing was NOT handled in BlueTeam. The incident was forwarded into IAPro by IAPro
user Commander Richard Conant