13412-000 - AUD MI iOMNOD Aud'ftor V 1 7 1976 Accountant NOV 1 71976 i SS.C, j11�'•eilt•j�11'lil 0# 1A119t ' 1'mjrw Nwwrt Ir*1 1twit111f I.IIAN1 NUMULIt Mu6311 1 our* lou.- ti1_tt GRANT SIGNATURE SIIE_T 06-7029-21 Ct7vt+'vr++C)+7iVC C► rlOv..CNT wN0 TnwINNa rwOCrrwH GHAN I Olt t»ItAN TLC U. S. Department of Labor City of Long Beach Employment & Training administration Department of Human Resources 450 Golden Gate Avenue, P.O. Box 36084 Community Services Division 5aa Francisco. 410 100 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 908 This g:,at is entered i.•sto by the United State: of Arne-j a. Dune==. nt of Labor. :mployment and ':rsininS Adcl ri=atioc, hereinafter referred to as Grantor and tNe, .- or pm v spons w-) City of Lonq Beach hereinafter referred to at Grantee. The Gcaate agrees to operate a Cotnprehertaive Y-:tployneat and Training P.mgrtrs in a=rl..an— with the prcvis:etu of this agree.-lent. iaeludrag the Co=;:rehe=,dyt.hta.-1power Plata and snch genaral and special a..s:a -s as art '=-Juded her euu This G:a,. a;.e-.=e-t ca►= the p�cd 1Dasj - October 1,197b September 30,E 1977; B. OBLIG;.;ION . •ihis ac:ioa-Q inc—.-a= Q ae-_-eases Q does a.ot canoe the fani=21 obli=zti6a for :his goat by rhis=i,,,r g 2,181 .875 ftw.,'kwlj S 2,181 ,875 I 1979 FISCAL YEr a I TM-91 laj 76 1 lot T ! ICI 'GrAL Sis+ I lueaaa.� I I I � l Qtsosvrio I ( I � s Z =+•si• -0 =•W 11 212 67 11 66 I f 1.390t342 a 7 F � 1+7,117 ( 449 47.6 ! 791,533 ��u :T2LE 1TI �F a 1sdLsas I I I I w iL Mi=sers i I o mi .—LE 1V k re U- TOTAL 119959l,796 I 2229079 ! _ 2,1819875 t., D.GRAI; ALLOTMENT n° S M r s tare armo==r allotment w:•_sez x sttbke� to anlabiitp of funds and ME does not =nri.ute a fedez.1 obligatior_) rA- - • T-lus modification request 1vM m=lt in ❑ a madir'tction to the S=,, agreement. and/cr.- ❑ a sub=. dV2 Ch=ge to the Cotnprehessive Maapow•e: ?I.= N.A_ A►/`i►OVCO FOR TNC G7tANTOw Rv I AM•AOVLO rOR TNC GRANTCL BY ARTHUR DOUGLAS NAME - • _ I ROBERT C. CREIGHTON TITLE TITC„X Grant Officer Acting City Manager I SIGN^ A OCT � `'SIGN:...(J.ZE tOATE i ! �• ���� 19/23/76 � ' oAAs Aooro.•rNa.?9-f:�2)a E 2. APPLI. nUMe[R 3. STATE FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 1• t1UY0E>t - CANT's 106-7029-21 TION . ! 1• YPE (J PREAPPLICATION APPLI• '!. DATE ` r w t�,.!0v IDENTI• I!. DATE Ttor oe,.& t•ay ACTION I q APPLICATION CATION 19b 0 L0 FIER ASSIG"EO 19 fo I ttv.P el- l_.I hOTIFICAT10y OF I:ITENr (O;L) Leave . rr••1•r4ot• p.Al lJ REPORT Of FEDERAL ACTION Nte.la l a' LEGAL APPLICANT/RECIPICNt S. FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NO. I1. ,ael:<eetha•n. City -of Long Beach b- Or1eA.a.t.tAUn.t Department of Human Resources Community Services Division r,. e. 3114wP.C.64A 100 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 908 PRO- d. •• "l7ue[a 11171- '2 2 CwetF Los An GRAM ►.TITLE uer Long Beach Angeles I. sure 90802 Fad• California s.tac60.: -rl -T- !. ctAa !a tt Ilmm o-a Re`ne Navarro O`tOIOP) `� �•e,• J!frtrpAo.t No.).�'1. 1-�31A..311 � 7F- Ext. 366 a 7. TITLE ANO DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANT'S PftOJLGT D.TYPE OF APPLICANT/RECIPIENT JI4t844, PI-Communal,Act so AJeecy ae Tp.teaitJ40Yg1t 1 lMt.la tw "al6V& 1.164 6e 11,64 O � wt� 12- a � Fss«16I PwP.•• Olatnet Sitter aapreptiale tetrer S.TYPE Of ASSISTANCE A-[tams Cteet 0-teawvtd c TS-Soppinn•alal Wssl father 6otrr eaasa. G t,1a•a a►iot0 tatttrra) AI 1 •`� 10.AREA OF PROJECT IMPACT t ae tt of alike.toratiAt. 1L ESTIMATED NUXA- 112.TYPE OF APPLIGTICN • Statt6•ota) BER OF PERSGNS I A-11- C ia,naae C-Art{e,A ation SENEFITIMr• [ 0-CaaLewtiaa Sorer opD•ePr+aU:et.rj 13. PROPOSED FUNDING 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: IS.TYPE OF CHANGE Ilror eta e.J20) 1. FEDERAL S 2,181 75 .a* a.Ai!'LIGIR ►. 1090=61 5-cou".0 Dol an Weser tSPesiJY): ! and 4 C i t wide C-Int16a10 D ' 0.AfsllGrT. .d0 3 3 Y O-QOtr•60e ovraboo e. STATE I tM 16. PROJECT START 17. PROJECT E-CaAeal►ataA DATE Ytyre400tA OURA[ION iwtar avP•o- ALf •_IOCJi . 00 197b l0 0D , 1 2 lre.a. I >r+iota btts�h) _I 6. OTxER 00 1t. ESTIMATED DATE TO Year man" "Of 119- EXISTING FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUCAER rout 12, 5 .00 BE EDEURAL(AGENCY to 19 76 09 -20.FEDERAL AGENCY TO RECEIVE R£ ST-(Noau, i 1a P code) Reg.. o -Labor, 21. REMARKS ADDEO m 1 ment & Tr t t WITT1 410��� toIden ate v_nue, � Yea 0 No 22. ,. To the art of nq Ine-ledte 444 Dollar. !. It 1.1vwN by Ca11 Clwvar A-))011ie ayylKetleo.ea waw.ttad, y006.laat 10,a. Yo re- Rtetlo".e •' o tola 110 Iha Meo7Waal.M/a1N.sal.0o af$ tltvtMb theme. to aODtNbal+ 419wintAtv6la VK all #Np0too& aft •Itttl•M: spoMa attached THE Into 604 onset. the docAMAXI log loon - APPLICANT del, avtht..ld by the tawaiat body Of CERTIFIES the 8001.43AI SrA the e001•te01 rdI t•m911 11) ❑ ❑ THAT>~ .J! The ertach.d mwanttt It Po 11749- ❑ ❑ .act n oP2r•1ed. 111 ❑ ❑ 123. a. TTFED hWt Ah0 TInL A SICRAIURL e.OATS SICKED CERTIFYING! Year saootA troy c REPRE• I ROBERT C. CRE 1 CANTON r 19 76 09 23 •�f SENTATIVE 24. AGL.^7C NAME 25. 1976 � ..........] --- APPLICA• roar wems .dov TION RLCElYE47 �Y• - 26- ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT 27.AO ISTAATIVE OFFICE 23. F£4ERAL APPLICATION - IDENTIFICATION 29. ADDR�EfSS ` % 30. FEDERAL GRANT T a G • • �A[ G, Q IOENT1=tGTtO _ c 31. ACTION TAKEN 32. FUNOINO Year w•.tl► lop 34. Yooe 1..0otA doll STARTING 0 6. AYIAROCO I •. ![OtRAI 1 Sees-d' Jt D /S •00 13. ACTION DATE)` I9 DATE 19� q !. RCIECftD !. A►ILICa"f 1 •00 33. CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL. INFORMA• 36. rta• w.wta Q TION {Yew• 6.4 tdtaAo..• +..fhor) 1 r EATING , G -3c.Q t. A[tURn[0 !OR 1. itAtL 1 •� , Il ` DATE 19 7 w AMEhOWNT d. LOCAL .00 EA�J 37 REMARKS ADDEO 4. OEf[RA[0 •. O1NCR I oo L45- _S75% x (� S. WITRORAWN 1. for 2 00 ft�V '1 Q Ye! �1 0 -r--- 31. a. to U%-.1 4ht.4 ect.•4. IAr toww a.7a 4.c4. 4 Row sl.ar.wle•.N0.4.0 to -'116 r[O[RAL ACCNCI A-9S OlItCIAL 0144,64. It atanel 14100+64.6 ew 0•tu Frtr.u•A6 oI Part 1.0143 C nolso A-SS, tNeM 0.4 t.a,V10"e0.1 FEDERAL AGENCY d has N.e M.6 641A,0-640. A•9S'ACTION STANDAR5 FORM Alt PAGC 1 Il0-)SI • lTo•erJai 1•r CSA.Frd.rvt Ata.asrwa.a C0rr4.tar la-r APPROVED AS TO FORM ONARp , !,A , City Attorney - cJeP.. -..., 19 7!0_. DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY 1 GRANT NO. 06-7029-21 PAGE NO. 3 PROGRAM NARRATIVE The first month of the FY 1977 program operation will be the same as with the FY 1976 grant. Employing agencies remain the same. The carry-in funds are sufficient to sustain current slots and activities. GRANT NO. 06-7029-21 PAGE NO. 3 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. All allowable costs which were incurred under grant number 06-5029-21 prior to its expiration date and. received for payment after that date, shall be paid from funds allocated to this grant, not to exceed the amount carried forward from the terminated grant and shall be separately identified in the grantee's accounting records.. 2. All fiscal and property assets and the remaining tasks required for all ongoing subgrants or .contracts under grant number 06-5029-21 are- hereby transferred to and become part of this grant. 3. Unemployment insurance coverage and/or workers compensation coverage are allowable costs under Sections 98.12 and 98.24 CETA and shall be paid as they occur. If unemployment insurance benefits become payable to former grantee employees or participants during the grant period, the Government agrees that these are allowable costs under this grant. Workers compensation shall be reimbursed in accordance with applicable State law. 4. Grantee agrees to serve and provide continuity of service to approximately 330 participants, to include those carried over from FY 1976 program on September 30, 1976, under grant number 06-5029-21 5. Grantee agrees within 30 days from the date of the notification of the FY 1977 allocation to submit to the Grant Officer a formal modification which will incorporate in the Grant our FY 1977 program for 12 calendar months (to include the initial funding period) with definitive terms for performance and in accordance with the requirements 'of the CETA Rules and Regulations of June 25, 1976. N` 41) C7:rC'!'TF.TC.V?'TC,.%' A. Get- e~al ASS::ira-m-es - 1. The applicant ass• ;es and certifies that: a. It will cI_T 1y wito the r�_ red ' .-Its of the C oreheresive . ploY. .nt and Tr lct (CT,A) of 1973, as er 2nde1 {P.%. 93-2rJ3, 97 St't. 839 and P.L. 93-567, 88 Stat. 1845) , her %_ refE-� to as the t:�:t, ark *..►it.'^.•t:�o .Y 7.i:at:.crs and policies prc�-roaated t:erei: z: and b_ It will comply with QS Circular rn-,I:e A-95 and redo•- ,. Circulars (ETHIC) 74-4 and 74-7, as :hose cLC•�`� relats �al r.�zg�er as,t_he utilization or fLris t.,:,o to func`ons -such . ._ o ra�o.-�s a prc rams, a•:a"maintenance of records, bcdks, accounts, and other doc4~mer is u_=-:- - the.P.Ct_ 2. The acplidznt further assures a_rd Certifies that .' �. the rcculat?-o-,s p:.'c.w�l?atA3 pursuant to the Act'are a��;d or retJis� it � t:) cr not;r „a , sbau carol w_;t`t y the R°_g_o.�.l A- =. s Bator for r�,� 7ta:nir �'- plov�ren� and .g w.�t.sr+ 30 days of ter pranulgation of the a enc nts or . reJe 1 i on +Ia t it cannot sa confo=n, so that the R y icnal �rinstrz�r �ay eks aPPropri ate action a3-:c1L t� nation, if necessary. - • 3. In addition to the tecuirments• of 2 and 2 . :i�SU ; above 'Und.cOPSis te'It Wi.tft •-... �a .r = p W-sua; i C. It will ccxnply.With T- 1.1c V i of the Civil. lights A.Ct cif- L!).r , (�2 USC 2000d) pr ov5_tirg eiloy;nent discrim i.^.ati on where (1) the p^i.;K-tr, purpose of a grant is to proviac mployment or (2) eiscrirain.ltr3ry ccY>>o ;-,Cn practices will result in unequal treatier." of persons cfio are or should b? benefiting fran the grant-aide activity. _ d. No pee_son with responsibilities in the operation of any pro3rm'n urger the Act will discrimirtation with rest to any program partieipan� v anv application for paxtic_patien in such program Le.aLse of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, political affiliaticn or beliefs,' -(section 703 (l) a*d 712) . e. It will canply with the recruirenents of the provisions o` thc- Uni.fo.� Relocation Assistance and Peal Property �.^ i si ti on Ar-t of 1970 (P.L. 91-0646) which provides for fair and eVitable tieat^ern- of -sods displaced as a desalt of Federal and severally-assistea prograxs_ •f. It will ly With the provisi.a s of the K.atch Act V idZ jit the politi cal' activity of employees. g. It will ccnply with the r - cement that rrs p ogr_n under tha Pat shall involve political activities (section. 710 and 703 (2)) . h. It wi11 establish- safeguaeds to prohibit enp1oye•.s fx= using their positions for a.pu-rpose that is or csives the a_.eance of be=_nc motivated by a- desire for private. gai.,n for themselves or. others, pax ,_ .czar those w-itt, ubcm then have family, business, or other ties (section 702(a.)) . i. " It will give the Dep a,en- of Labor and the Ccaapt~ol?.er General thzough any authorized representative t:-L-- access to and the right t examine all records, bcd-s, papers, or docc-re_-n s related to the grant (s�- ' 713 (2)) . j. Partici punts :Li the prom--an will rat be- e..ployee, on the corn— operation, or r.;;ntenance of that par_ of'.a_ny fa-..5_1;-'Y wzicz is used for religious i-n-straq -.ion or unrship (sec- on 703(3)) .t k. Appropriate s tan...'ards for health and safety in woerz a-d ;ai ni r., sibaatiors will be r,aintained. (section 703(S) ) _ 1. Co;ditions of eaplo}ant or train ng will be appropriate and reasonable with regard to the .type of works the geograp?-dical. region and tine proficiency of &.e applicant (section'703(4)) _ s .. 2 _ oL�-:Lion to A'tC�zci xtiits M. ['rovision oC o.,)L Jnect's Cucn��CT►5dtlr)tt p= t E in on-the-jeb training, work experience, or public service employaent •pro5ra.. Lu%Jcr t11c Act at t}ie same lcvcl an-d to the sa:n^ C=tcI-zt as otllcr c���Ioyces o£ the erployer Nino are covereO by a State or. imIust�"y vor}�'-n's ccrnpensation statute; aryl prevision of wor}-•en's ocr pe_nsatiOn +,nstLarce or medical arm accident insurance for injury or disease resultir:g frca their.parti ci.pation to those individuals engaged in any progran activity ur-er the �:cc i.e., �, public se__-Ace eployaw nt, classro�t t.�ork e.'l..►.P�i encC', on-the-job training, p tray nirg, services to par'�icirants, a*� other ac -vit,es, Vnere others si^ti la: y engaged are not covered by an aFplicab3.e �-n's �'�o�- atio� statute (sections 703(6) and 208(4) ) . - - n. The program will not result in -the disnlacem--nt of err°Ioved woekers or in—pe_= e-visting contracts for services or rasu2. in the s. sti :- tion of Fede-�-al furor, _for other furs in connection.wi.' z�rY that wo�u?d: otherwise be psforn`-d (section 703 (7)) o. 7Yairii•:� will mt be for any occuPao=� w'uc require. Less t training, unless ediete enploy;ment ' than t�+t� weeks o£ pre-errpl��ym21'• _ opporaunities are:available in that occupation Csectio'z 703 (3}) p. Trair -ng arrA related services wi.11e trs the extent practicabler be consistent with every individual's f ullest capar=Zi tUes ard lead to is to 'azre ecor - a c x c e*.ployment opportunities whdcn will e*ible partticitzst self-sufficient q. Institutional skill trairli.,' a'-2.tr- i- ng on the job shall only be for occuvat;ors in w,.ich. the Se:.'retaLy or the priTre sponsor bas nete_�nined there is reasor=ble acpec ation for e�1 a�''lt (section 703(10)) - fun.:s will, to the extent practicable, be uses try sz aisle:;►e- rather than supplant, the level of fur- s t`'•at wauld o:he�rw*ise be available p--oaral- t rder :+tee eligih3e applican for e planning a d acm;_nis:ra�...�-on of L grant (section 703 (i.)) by � �etary and will. S. It will submit revor is as regu?e`: raintain records and provide access to team as rac-...ssa-r--Y for. the Sacreta--7' re�rie� to assure t^.at fords are being ea-p�..s�ce3 in ac--o--carve with the p'.zr•- F the Act, irellai ng the ma.intex ance of recorcls to poses and provisions Of _ assist the Secretary in deteinir:ge extent to w'zi� the program z�cets the special needs of disadvantaged, chronically un1_5p1oyed, ar-d • Perso ns for meaninxJfulploynent ocportuni.tres (s- tiors ?03(1) aixl 3?1( t. The prop~an'wi- 11, to the taxirmtra ex- tent feasible, cont---bate to the occup3tiona]. cevelopment or up.-;azd mobil: o= 'viduzl partici . (section 703 (13)) - • r' Lt. 'Ii10 jJVC%;Lit.'3 NIN i.C1UgL1,1!1% Live A1,,1 aL"ivtnLjj)ct t*c)..ILttsL:t, rx r.sornel standards,- evalua.tion prccrvlurps, availability of in-service traini an•.: technical assistance progrMrs, acid other policies as rray ba nccessary to prcm0te tt:e of£ective use of fuels (section 703(14) ) . v. The program makes appropriate provision for the manpawer n�s of Mouth in the area served (section 703 (15)) . w. Individuals receiving tra ni y on the job s: -a-11 be eeamensated by �e eTploye= at such rates, iacl ud;.; periodia increases, as may be de-o«ed reasonable ur e_ ierulatiors prescribed by the Secret,---y, but i,-i roi event: at a. rate which is less than the highest of: 1) he mi nimt-R wage rate specified in section 6(a) (1) of the Fair Iabo= Stznaards-fict: of I°38_ T'r:e or1.rr e.�cept ions to sec. 6(a) (1) are chose per's?ding the c�cz;mo.:.,.ezzt► of Puerto R].CO, the Virgin ISlaTLS, and ��°rlcatl Sa rca, tii—.—e :ages S;,aT ) ja consistent with provisions of the Fede..a?, Stater of local law,, athe,n_ .;,se applicable. t7ages paid to participants in the rust Territory of the Pacific Islends shall be consistent with 1aca1'lacer. except on ik�etOk AtcL. and Kwajalein Atoll, where sec. 6(a) (1) is arplicmble; 2) the .State or locE min:knum wage for the most nearly cagmrable covered eaploawent; 3) the • prevailing rates of pay for persons employed in sitar occgpaUors by the same er�ployer; 4) the . . ' , entrance rate for insx-pearienced uarke,-s _ in the saw occur.,ation in the establishment or,. if the oc:upation is net) to the establishment, the-prevailing entrance rate for the occu_rat;.on mong ....... _ ,� A" : ,`nity or area ar, arty jn 1 rmirt--m fate rpami rem by an applicable collective bargaining aara�nt- ) for _ D partici pmts 0a Federally funded or assis Ceti construction projec;-s, the prev?i z;, rate established by the Secretaxy, in accordance i.2 th the Davis Bacori Act, as amenied, wnen such rates are required by the Federal s Etute under white. the assistance -viss provided. X. It loll camiv with the labor st r0ards aTzixeuents set ot.�.in- section 700' of the Act.~ ' y. Services arxi activities prcviced under this act'w-ilt be ass feted by or ur�e.Y the 'su ._.rvisicr. of,the apt?i c?nt (sectiors 105.(a) (1) (3) and 205(c) (1)) . r z. No funds .made available Urcer the rAz..t shall. be used for lab! vying a&,ivities in violation of 18 USCA 1913. . aa. if the applicant is financed by letter of credit:_ . - s (1) Letter 'bf credit cash &awdcrwrzs nt it only he initiater3 w:1er>: actually needed for its L'I'n rant(s) disbursements; _ 4 - ' (z) • 'iiuely t�•Exn•Ltixj o: e:aslt tli-:ltti:tmm.*t%L!; taxi 1ti.%1aty es wL11 be rn:"de to the- Enploynett and Training k ainistration as rewired; (3) It will impose the same stanlards of timinq and amou-'�t se`.orria y recipients inclueUrg the furnishing of reports of cash upon any ' - disbursenents and balances. bb. For grants, subgrants, contracts, and suY:contracts in excess of $100,90o, or wfiere the cont-acting officer has de..e=ined that orders under:an i•xlefinite avantity contract or sabcont=aY �' �•�- e-,cee iczx $100,000, or if a facility to be use has been the subject or" a eonvi�Poll under the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 1857C-8(c) (1)) or the Fgqeral tion Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1319(C) )' zr3 is :-stE."' -bY :he Emrizar^�.-nL�- �:,., the g,antc zss•.:re� tha' .Protec"..ion Agency (EPA) or is riot o._,�r„r�sz E-�ce:rpt: . uti?ized in the performance of the propcsi _,al 1) no facility to be r gacilities- •, 2) 'it w�.11. noti f has n listed bn the EPA List o� violating • • L c vanication fran the Direct- the R�, prior to aw2sd, of the receipt of any Office of Federal Activities, U.S. Envirornenta.l. protection FgeYrcyr indica - that afacility to be utilized for the grant is under Consideration to ice_ Viola Facili t;.es; zr_d 3) it wzu de listed on tie EPA List of Violating. in.every ron- �c EM substantially this assarance, including this thisd part,. subgrant, contract, -or subcontract. - B. r'g--ldi.tioral Pss=ances for Title I P_rocra''s In cas=-yi rg out grcar arcs under Title I of the-A.ctr the aopli mat. asssres and certifies that: - *tt, wil i be p_mvided to 1. Manpower se_Yv.ces, inch Virg job drve_cgr= t;►te►.i ircl '-:rg low in:.a�ae pessozs a� �sor�s of ..hose most in need of i-t ding limited n` ,gligh-speaking ability, ar'^ th-'-t the ne°3 for. con�inuen errs.of demonstrated effectiveness is considered in se_ i1•xJ st;cat of praJ=� . Persons (Section 105(a) (1) (D)) . - -ial ski�- :rainji shall be a'esign- for 2. programs of institut�o. occupations in um,ch -sj-,'A shortages exist (sec'�.ion 105(a) (S)) 3, The plan meets all the requise:',ents of section 105(a) and tie a�� will ccmply with all provisions of the Act (section 105(b)) . 4. It will r,al:e such a.-rarer rtts as '�''e preS�gibed by rcgulat3:on to assist the Secretary in, carryir'-g out hi.s re5= sibilit1.es under -sections • and 108 of the Act (section 105(a) (7)) . 5. Special consideration will be given to the ne.-3s of eligible dis veterans, special veterans, and veterans .,to served in the Anned Forces �.fio receive othe_� than a dishonorable dz arge �.ri.thin four years befog ' r r�'� s ^.son inn selecting pa'-`a-cir the sate of theme t' appl i,cedon. "a--tt p far• prrlr m-, fundr:c; unrlr►r Ti tic: 1 of the Act, shall take into ec�c.�s3c1�-r'Zl.ic�tt Uic exLusit 1.11aL• sLY-11 vuLurasss are .avail,Llc bi LtK! aces. _: xzL: tic. e toot sho<ild be rode to develop a::)prcpriare full or pert-tim' cprx3rtunities for such veterans. The prism sponsor slYOUld u►:iliv.c the assistz:xx: or. tine State local veterans cm, loyment service rcpresentative in foeamlatinq its prcgram objectives. On a continuing and* tir•ely basis, ingot-ation on job vacancies ema training opoortuni_ties funded under Title Y of the Act shall be provided to -the State . and local veterans err-..sloym—ent service representative for the ?u-pose of disseazi_nat'ng information to eligible veterans (section 3.04(b) of- D,-ergencir • Jobs and Un_-;uloyrrert Assistance Pct of 1974) . C. Pad?ti ono? P�s•�antes R°_?zti ng to Public E>mlovmnt Rrmrarus For p':blic se`-Vice cmloy*ient activity, tha 11311cant fr�%e?- ass=es and ce_r•`j:E es that: 1. Special consideration will be given to the fi_.?ing of job; 0 ich provide sufficient pros;ectts for advancement or suitable con:?-ue3 empigy=t • by providing cc=le.rrentary training and marl- fir services cesicsr ea to (1) prcrmte the advance Tent of pa.rtici:.znts to err?loy1rent _or t=a-i_rir.g apport'Miti, suitable to the individuals involved, whether in the p,:bl is or private sector of the economy, (2) provide participants with skills for I which. there is an anticimted high demand, or (3) provide participants wi. 'se31-develop-ment: _xcept where exeapt under the ii-mvisions vi 'se_''.Gil '604 Q� -the Act, provided, however, .that nothing contained in this paragraph sha 1 be construe to prec?t�e re--sons or program, for w-ho:n the foregaing-goals are not. feasible or acproa ate (sections 205 (c) (4) and 604) . 2_ To the extent feasible, public service jobs sha'11 be.provi ded in occuca:tional fields which are most 'li}:ely to e%-pand .Wit.1.;n the public. or private sector as the unc.^.ployrent raze recess ex,,pt 14nere e`e?mprt under section 604- of the Act (sections 205 (c) (6) and 604) _ 3. Special consideration in .filling t- -n-si:i cna publ i_c se -, ce jobs Will ba given to uae:rployer persons Coro are the rest severely disac.x�taged in terry of•the length of time they have been un=amppioyed I.aithoat _sssita.-see, but such svrcial consideration shall not authorize the hiring of any persart. _ whon any other person is on lay-off frc m the sire or any substantially equivalent job (section 205 (c) (7)) . • 4. No funds will be used to hire any person to fill a job opening cr2atc. by the action of an ermIover in laying-off or ten:zrating the e.Troloyrrent of any other regular erployee not,supported tinder the Act_in anticipation of filling the vacancy so created by hi- ng an er.oloyee to be su:_� rted miler the act (section: 205 (c) (8) ) • _ • - 6 -- 5. Due COnsi IC—a-Lion "11 l e chi•✓en to persons who have jx=ticir tut.1 in m rpo:ae= training -prograr,LS for'whm.. • En- loyrent ooportu_nities �t�.d toot othnr1rise be ifirnediately available (section 205(c) (9) ) _ 6. Periodic review procedures established purs-vant to seclat on 207(a) of the Act uri 1 be complied with (section 205(c) (17) } . 7. Agencies and institutions to ,,hcm financial assistance is made available u!O-er thds title have urrle_-ta3:zn or will u-ndertake, analyses Of job desc io t,ions ,and ree-vrall cations a.^=, ui-.ere sham necessa_ r, revisions of qualification =e ruiements.at all.levels oL including civil service reauirerients and practices relating thereto, in accordance with re--Tula tiors prescribes by the Secretary, u-ith a vie. •tma=d removing estificial barriers to public employrae t of those %-A= it is the purpose "of the Act to assist (secticn 205(c) (18)) . 8. Wnae appropriate, it will maintain or.pranride lir?cages trite up , cirr- a;,3 other mappu,.er programs for the pc: per c those _oe.,-rors mnployed in public se--_aice jobs wi-�o want to -pursue work with the enployer, in the sar.� or similar work, with praportixmities to do so and to find pe ,-.anon,-_ up:: -dly J�tibi?e deers in that field, and {2} prcvia'ing those p-sons so e=loyed uino do -not wish to S=sue pe anent careers in --md field, �►^' z opportunities to seek, -prepare for, and o�bta n work in other fields '(sections ores. 205(c) (19) and 604) : - 9. T,he program urill, to the tr�a uZTM:� e+Ytent fea<�le, cortri1m ,e to ttio eli.-ni matior_ of ar'd- cificial harriers to employment a+)a cccupa ions. . advi-mce:rent, including o_:.po_t, 'ties for the d sadv mtaged (secticn 205(c) (21) l0. I�'ot more than one-tl+i rd of the pZ�ciparits it the Program, win bz eapployed .in a bole fide professional capacity (as such teen is used in sec-ion 13(a) (1) of the Fair Labor Stand"ares -Act. of _19308) , except that this paragraph shall not be applicable in the case_ of paarac?.p --:s amloyed as classroan teachers, arr. the Secretary rray waive Uhis fi- i_tetion in- eaceptioz circumstances (section 205(c) (22)) . 11. Jobs will -bee allocated equitably to local gove_T---m-ents and agencies . tJ- :ing into account u`:e nurrber of uner.p?oyed persons withi*i their jurisdiction and the needs of the agencies (section 205(c) (23)} . 12. TI-_ jobs in each job category in no wa_v in€r_rge upon the prcrrptiona? • opportunities which would otherwise be available to persor:s eur_^ently".eaployed in public se--vice jobs not subsidized u:'O-e= the Act, a. assure that m job 11 be filled in other than an entry level position in each jcb category uat- apclicable personnel procedures and collective bargai•ing agree n;erfts have h ca;wlied with (section 205(c) (24A) ) . ; � 7 � 13. Jobs are in ae6ition to those that would b? fury2ed by the sponsor in th-- ahser:ce of assistance urxler- the Act (section 205(c) (24) ) 14. Persons employed Ln public service jobs w-der this Act shall be paid wages which shah not be lower than whichever is the highest of: (a) She mini�r=_n hourly wage set out in section 6(a) (1) of the Fair labor Stand Act of 1 938, as ascended. The only e__cceptiflns.-to section 6 (a) (1) are where a par-icir=nt is to exeriot under section n 13, or these - pertaining t`i*iing to the Camminwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Isla.-As,• and ;�merlcan Sama where wages shall be consistent wit:`i the Fe3eral, State or local, law otherwise applicable: Wages paid to pa_rticigants in the Tk-sst Tex-r Caries of the Pacific Islands shall be corsistent -Idth 10MI law:, except on Eniwetok Atoll and Kwajalein Atoll, whet-e section 6(a) (Z) is applicable. - - (b) State or local r�ii s�n.TM� wage. for the most nearly • mrered e=. loy'le it; (c) the prevaiLrg 'rate of ray for persons employed in public- occu:-petions by the sanm employer (section 288(a)) ; (d) the rid-Mir ZO entrance rate for imxpearie-nCed wtoera= L-*_ the sZrra �- ,m?f?Q;Z i n 'she es-:.ablish*rnnt, or, 1.1: the ac--a-_.•�o—-i s new—to the - establ i sr�Zt, the-preL 1; ent me rate for the occc at?on amng o ^.er estab?is mmnts in the carnunity or area, or any m�ri�•cn�r rate req=ied by an applicable coller.ive bargaixi� ar e-_,ant; or (e) the pieva.;ling rate established by the -Se-aretzzy, in accordance with, the Davis-Bacon Act, as amended, for par ?cipents involved Ln mploym-ertL covered by the Davis-Bacon'Act. D. N;CdiL?o,ial Assurances for Title IT_ Procrams_ All assurances ire C .a_bove analy to ac`avit es [umded ur4er Title U. In additions the applicant %.221 assure that: (1) only persons residing within the areas of s:bstanntiaZ tin Ioyr.:ent qualifying for assistance will be hired to fill jobs created Mier Title Y3: _ of the Ant and the Xoublic services provided by such jo'os mall, to the extent feasible, be designed to benefit he residents of such areas (section 205 (c) (3)) . (2) All persors employed uz3aer any pro.,_-a-ar ot�►�er ;-hen necessary techrsc:� su?eYvi so*_y, and administrative personnel, will be selected from ttze-=loyed. and =,&ere:rmloyed persons (section 205(c) (20)) . _ _ 8 , s (3) Special eorside~ration shall b� given to eligible disabled veterans. S��c cial veterti-�s, ari:? veterans who servc d in the ..jest Forces and who reec�ivc:t other than a dishonorable discharge within four years t{fore the date of their application. each eligible applicant selecting participants for programs fumed under Title II of the pct, shall axle into consideration the extent that such veterars are available in the area. Specific effort should be trade to develop appropriate -AE 1 or. part-tire ep —.ities for such veterans. In order to ir_svre .ss ecial consideration for veterans, all public service Flo},-r—nt vacancies under Title II, except those .tro c::zicn fb=er e:.-Tployee_s are being re`.ailed, must- b? listed with the State enrplggaant se_nrice. at least 43 hours (excl&irg Saturdays, Su a-ays, a.^3 holidays) before sud vacancles are filled. During thnis period, the e=lov, nt ser«.ce rah: refer tl2ose Veterans smecifl.ed %}�v"L`e. If SuffiC?e^.t nl.i*t�r�..�.� of vGte"2."S 2�''° not ava ilable, the erploy:rer t service, upon, r ;•est, may also refer r,.�bers of other signs?ficant seg„e*ifs. All other applicants. are to be. -,el: err ed of the 4 8-ho= per i od (section 205(c) (5) ) . TIM.eligible appZ i cznt. enculd utilize the assistanc of State a:-;d kcal veterans representatives in fog•, at ulin i;s prc -ate objectives. Each eligible applicant shall, on a contz-iui.g and tkzely basis, pti:nride iiifor..a tion on job vacancies and trz?nirg o por ttu�i.:ies.ftided Miler*Title I:E of the Act to State and local veterans e;:ploy went representzti_vas e*d to ot±ier veterans- orgar. :Zatio:'s for ee pu.—tose of di.ss irfO=rL-tion to. •el4 iuic veterans .(sc:.�.c: 104 (b) Of E rgencv Jobs and Unarzoloy-ment Pssis: _nc Act of 1974) . E. Special Cez-:i`i cation fOr State Cr2.`ltees. A State Grantee assures and ce_rti f ies that it vri.11 carmly Ud th t-le .rec'-dre-Cents aril prrtn_siors of secticn 106 and secticn 107 of the Act. s _ ' ASSU,"?XN^I'.S AN?D C�—�-_rTyjCjNTjC%,,S The applicant also certifies that the infor:retion in this application is correct t-% the host of its S m-ilec ge and belief and the filing of this apnl icatjatz has been duly authorized. Department of Human Resources Community Services Division 100 East Ocean Boulevard, -Suite'808 CITY OF LONG BEACH Lorrg Beach, California 90802 (: gal ICa�:ie of Applicant) _• -- (F,d4xess) (Signature of 013 of Elected Official or• H;.s/Fier*Dasignee) . _ ROBERT. C. CREIGHTON Acting City Manager (Tyoed Iwn-.e & Title of Chief (i'.ate of Rppls cE-tion) • Elected Official or P.is/r'er Designee) -- 10 » - ! L 1341 9C : I d OI AON 9) i"+`t A i.1