16-31200_Redacted16-31200 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 05/16/2016 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense273.5(E)PC OfficerDEL ROSARIO,PAUL MICAH Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No16-31200 Supplement NoORIG Reported Date05/16/2016 Reported Time18:08 CAD Call No 161371362 Rpt Typ INCIDENT REPORT Primary Offense INFLICT CORP INJ:SPOUSE/COHAB/W/PRIORS Location 3400 PACIFIC AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90807 Rep Dist 224 Area 03 Beat 19 From Date 05/16/2016 From Time 18:05 Officer 10680/DEL ROSARIO,PAUL MICAH AQUINO Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W3 Entered by 10680 AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W3 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer8412 Approval Date05/17/2016 Approval Time02:36:48 Prior History of DV Y-NY Number of Prior Incidents1 Documented DV History Y-NY Prior Police Report Filed Y-NY Use of Force Yes Domestic Violence Yes Victim Injured Yes Photos Taken Yes Statements Yes Suspect in Custody Yes # Offenses 1 Offense 273.5(A)PC Description INFLICT CORP INJURY; Complaint Type Link VIC Involvement VIC Invl No 1 Name Race Sex DOB Person Summary Invl VIC Invl No 1 Type I Name MNI Race Sex DOB Report Officer 10680/DEL ROSARIO,PAUL MICAH AQUINO Printed At 10/03/2019 09:07 Page 1 of 4 16-31200 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Date05/16/2016 Modus Operandi Property Targeted INJURY/BATTERY/ADW Physical Evidence PHOTOGRAPHS Premise Type PARKING LOT/STRUCTURE Narrative ***USE OF FORCE*** On 5/16/16, I (Officer P. Del Rosario #10680) was working uniformed patrol as Unit 3C54 when I responded to a felony spousal abuse call at 3400 Pacific Av. The call stated that the victim sustained bruises from the suspect and they were in a church parking lot. The call stated that the suspect was sharpening a pair of scissors. (Call #1362) Unit 3C19 (Officer C. Castillo #6280), Unit 3C53 (Officer J. Grajeda #5620), Unit 3C24 (Officer D. Reyes #6268) and Unit 3C22 (Officer S. Ly #5789) responded to assist. Officer C. Castillo was the first officer to arrive on scene. Officer Castillo broadcasted via police radio that he needed a unit to assist. Upon arrival, I observed Officer Castillo detaining the suspect in front of his patrol vehicle. I contacted Victim to ensure that she did not require immediate medical attention. She stated that she did not. stated that Arrestee Trent Dupree,her ex-boyfriend, grabbed her arms and neck, causing bruises to her forearms. I observed bruising to both of Victim forearms. I informed Officer Castillo that the suspect was in violation of section 273.5(a) of the California Penal Code and that the victim sustained visible injuries. Officer Castillo instructed Dupree to place his hands behind his back. Dupree refused and stated, "No! No way!" I noticed that Dupree was now grasping the push bar of Officer Castillo's vehicle. Officer Castillo grabbed Dupree's left arm and I grabbed his right arm. I attempted to place Dupree in a twist lock and transition to handcuffing, but Dupree was relentless in grabbing the push bar. I ordered Dupree to place his hand behind his back but he refused. I attempted to deescalate the situation by calmly telling Dupree to relax. Reasoning with Dupree was ineffective. Dupree stated, "I'm not going to jail." I told Dupree to relax and he replied with, "You're not arresting me!" Suddenly, Dupree flailed his right hand forward, causing me to lose my grasp of his right arm. Dupree turned towards me and leaned into Officer Castillo. I noticed that Dupree's right fist was clenched and his teeth were clenched. I noticed that the veins of Dupree's neck were protruding and his feet were spread apart in a fighting stance. Dupree was motioning to strike me as his arm was elevated. Due to the rapidly evolving circumstances and Dupree's sudden actions, I was unable to give a warning to Dupree prior to responding. I did not deploy my OC spray due to the close proximity between myself, the suspect, and Officer Castillo. Due to the suspect's size and strength, I was unable to execute an armbar takedown. In addition, I did not feel that the distance between myself and the suspect would result in the effective usage of my Conductive Electronic Weapon. Report Officer 10680/DEL ROSARIO,PAUL MICAH AQUINO Printed At 10/03/2019 09:07 Page 2 of 4 16-31200 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative I quickly drew my baton from the ring and struck Dupree in the right arm. I noticed that Dupree and Officer Castillo were still in a standing struggle. I felt that it was imperative to end Dupree's resistance before he attempted to flee. I struck Dupree once more in the right leg at which point, my baton slipped from my grasp and fell to the ground. I turned to my right and picked up my baton. Upon refacing Dupree and Officer Castillo, I noticed that Officer Castillo's right arm was around Dupree's neck. Dupree's hands were clenched around Officer Castillo's right forearm and he was flailing his feet. I ordered Dupree to stop resisting and struck him with my baton once more in the right leg. I believed that Dupree may have been suffering from a mental health disorder and/or under the influence of a controlled substance as my baton strikes were not ending his resistance. I struck Dupree's right shin and ordered him to lay flat on the ground. I observed that Officer Castillo was still positioned behind Dupree with his right around Dupree's neck. Dupree's resistance was relentless.I stepped forward towards Dupree and Castillo as they now where struggling on the ground. As I did so, Dupree reached for my baton slightly grabbing it. I pulled my baton away from his grasp and struck Dupree's right arm. I instructed Dupree to stop resisting, but he refused. Dupree's shin once more and ordered Dupree to lay flat on his stomach. At this point, Officer Castillo was able to roll Dupree flat on his stomach. I placed my baton in my ring and grabbed Dupree's right hand. Dupree continued to resist and pull his arm away from me. I noticed that Dupree was tucking his hand towards the underside of his stomach. I was finally able to grab Dupree's hand and place it behind his back. No further force was used. Officer Castillo and I handcuffed Dupree and double locked his handcuffs. We then rolled Dupree onto his side and assisted him in sitting up on the concrete. Immediately following the use of force, I requested for paramedics to respond via police radio and requested for a sergeant to respond. Long Beach Fire Engine 9 responded and transported Dupree to College Medical Center for evaluation. Sgt K. Sine #5255 responded to the scene. After the use of force I felt pain to my right index finger. I observed slight swelling to my index finger. I contacted Victim and she told me the following: and Dupree began dating in January of 2016. They recently broke up 2 months ago, but the arrestee constantly refused to leave her alone. They have no children in common. stated that on 5/16/16 at approximately noon, they were parked in a K-Mart parking lot when she tried to get out of the car. stated that she attempted to exit her vehicle and Dupree grabbed her by both forearms. stated that Dupree appeared scared and did not want her to leave him. stated that this was the initial incident that caused her to fear for her safety. stated that later on in the day, she was driving with Dupree when she decided to find a church. stated that Dupree is paranoid and gets inclinations that he is possessed by demons. told me that she parked in the church parking lot at 3400 Pacific Av in hopes to calm down Dupree. told me that she was in the driver's seat and turned to reach for a pizza box that was in the backseat of her vehicle. stated that at this time, Dupree used his right hand to grab the back of her neck, knowing that has issues with her spine that need to be addressed with spinal surgery. stated that Dupree applied strong pressure to the back of her neck and stated, "You know I have nowhere to go!" Dupree was eventually able to get free and a second party called the police. I asked if she was strangled at any time during the struggle and she stated that she was not. refused medical attention but complained of pain to the back of her neck as well as forearms. I asked if there have been previous incidents of domestic violence in the past between her and Dupree and she stated that there have been no previous incidents. Through departmental resources, I located one prior incident of domestic violence. It should be noted that there was a previous incident where Dupree was arrested for carjacking and domestic violence. For further, see DR#160024626 Report Officer 10680/DEL ROSARIO,PAUL MICAH AQUINO Printed At 10/03/2019 09:07 Page 3 of 4 16-31200 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative The victim signed a medical release form authorizing the release of her medical records to law enforcement. For further, see PD Form 2310.035(A). Officer M. Valenzuela #6019 took photos of the victim, suspect, Officer Castillo, and I. For further, see his photos. Officer J. Grajeda took witness statements. For further, see his supplemental report. I gave the victim a Report Receipt and she desires prosecution. Dupree was later transported to booking, booked as charged, and released to the custody of the men's jail. For further, see supplemental reports. Report Officer 10680/DEL ROSARIO,PAUL MICAH AQUINO Printed At 10/03/2019 09:07 Page 4 of 4 16-31200 Supplement No 0001 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 05/16/2016 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense273.5(E)PC OfficerGRAJEDA,JORGE A Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No16-31200 Supplement No0001 Reported Date05/16/2016 Reported Time18:08 CAD Call No 161371362 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense INFLICT CORP INJ:SPOUSE/COHAB/W/PRIORS Location 3400 PACIFIC AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90807 Rep Dist 224 Area 03 Beat 19 From Date 05/16/2016 From Time 18:08 Officer 5620/GRAJEDA,JORGE A Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W3 Entered by 5620 AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W3 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer8412 Approval Date05/17/2016 Approval Time02:40:19 Use of ForceYes Report Officer 5620/GRAJEDA,JORGE A Printed At 10/03/2019 09:07 Page 1 of 2 16-31200 Supplement No 0001 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Phone Type Cell Phone No (818)406-0781 Date 05/16/2016 Narrative On 5/16/2016, I (Officer J. Grajeda #5620) was working uniformed patrol in a marked black and white police vehicle as Unit 3C53. I was dispatched to assist Units 3C19 (Officer C. Castillo #6280) and 3C54 (Officer P. Del Rosario #10680) at 3400 Pacific Avenue regarding a spousal abuse. For further, see call #1362. While I was en route, I heard Officer Del Rosario requesting a unit to assist code three. Upon arrival, I noticed that the dispatched location was a church with a tri-level parking lot in the rear. Officers Castillo and Del Rosario were in the top parking lot and they had a subject detained and handcuffed. For further, see their reports. I saw that there were several subject standing in the parking lots so I began to ask if anyone had seen what had occurred. I spoke to three different subjects, separately. I was contacted by WIT #1 and he told me the following: He told me that he attends a private Christian college at this church and he had a class tonight. He was sitting in the driver's seat of his vehicle and he was parked in the middle parking lot, facing eastbound. He noticed that there was a small dark colored car parked in the top parking lot and that there was a F/W inside of it. He also noticed that there was a M/W near the right rear quarter panel of the parked car and that he appeared to be doing "body work" on the car. I asked him what he meant by "body work" and he said that the M/W appeared to be pulling out dents on the car because the car was shaking a lot. He then noticed that the M/W suddenly entered the car and the F/W ran out screaming. Shortly after, a police car (3C19) drove up to the top parking lot and the Officer made contact with the M/W. He saw the M/W put his hands on the hood of the police car and the Officer "searched" the subject. He saw them start having a conversation so he continued sitting in his car, studying his class materials. He then saw a second police car (3C54) drive up and the Officer walked up to where the first Officer had the subject detained in the top parking lot. He suddenly heard, "Don't resist! Stop resisting!" He looked back up and saw the first Officer with his right arm around the neck of the M/W subject. He then saw the second Officer swing a "wooden stick three or four times" at the M/W but he could not see if it made contact with him because a tall cinder block wall partially blocked his view. He finally saw the Officers handcuff the M/W subject as he lay on the ground. I spoke with WIT #2 and he told me the following: He was sitting in the right rear passenger seat of his friend's (WIT #3) vehicle, in the lower parking lot, studying for a test he was having in a class at the church. As he was studying, he suddenly heard someone yell, "Help me!" so he began to look around in the parking lot. At that point, he noticed two police cars near the top parking lot and a M/W on the ground that was being handcuffed by two Officers. He said that he did not witness the use of force. I spoke to WIT #3 and he told me the following: He had his vehicle parked in the lower parking lot and he was in the driver's seat of his car and his friend (WIT #2) was sitting in the right rear passenger seat, studying for a test. He heard someone yelling so he started to look around and he noticed two police cars stopped in the top parking lot of the church. He exited his car to see what had occurred and he attempted to record the incident with his cell phone. He said that he only observed the M/W on the ground and that he was being handcuffed by the two Officers. He showed me his phone and it did not have a video showing the use of force. It only showed two Officers standing near the M/W subject after being handcuffed. Report Officer 5620/GRAJEDA,JORGE A Printed At 10/03/2019 09:07 Page 2 of 2 16-31200 Supplement No 0002 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 05/16/2016 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense273.5(E)PC OfficerCASTILLO,CHRISTOPHER S Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No16-31200 Supplement No0002 Reported Date05/16/2016 Reported Time19:36 CAD Call No 161371362 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense INFLICT CORP INJ:SPOUSE/COHAB/W/PRIORS Location 3400 PACIFIC AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90807 Rep Dist 224 Area 03 Beat 19 From Date 05/16/2016 From Time 18:05 Officer 6280/CASTILLO,CHRISTOPHER S Assignment PATROL/EAST/CFS/W2 Entered by 6280 AssignmentPATROL/EAST/CFS/W2 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer8412 Approval Date05/17/2016 Approval Time02:46:07 Use of ForceYes Photos TakenYes Narrative On 05-16-16 I (Officer C. Castillo #6280) was working in full uniform in a marked black and white patrol vehicle as Unit 3C19. I was dispatched to 3400 Pacific Ave (Christian Life Church) regarding domestic violence that just occurred. The calling party stated he was calling for " (later identified as Victim stated the Suspect (later identified as Suspect Trint Dupree) bruised her arm. stated Dupree was in the church parking lot with her vehicle. The vehicle was described as a black Toyota Corolla. also stated Dupree was sharpening a pair of scissors. The call described Dupree as a male white, 44 years old. Call #1362. Upon arrival I observed the parking lot was located on the south side of the church. I observed there was a lower level parking lot with a group of 5 to 7 subjects. I observed an upper level parking lot, that was empty except for a male white, approximately 44 years old, standing next to a black Toyota Corolla (later found to be Dupree). The upper level parking lot was up the hill,east of the group of subjects. I observed the group of subjects were pointing towards Dupree. Based on the matching description of Dupree, the matching vehicle, and because people were pointing towards Dupree, I believed he was the Suspect. I observed Dupree's vehicle was facing westbound in the parking lot. I observed he was standing on the driver side of the vehicle, with his back turned towards me. I observed he was wiping the closed door with a towel in a circular motion over and over again. I pulled my vehicle just west of his vehicle and called him to the front of my vehicle. Report Officer 6280/CASTILLO,CHRISTOPHER S Printed At 10/03/2019 09:07 Page 1 of 3 16-31200 Supplement No 0002 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative Dupree turned around and complied with my command to walk to the front of my vehicle. While Dupree stood at the hood of my vehicle, I observed the same group standing with a female (later found to be VIC I asked for a Unit to assist to speak with while I stayed with Dupree. Unit 3C54 (Officer P. Del Rosario #10680) stated he was en route to assist. I observed Dupree was wearing a baggy shirt that went over his waistband. I also observed he was wearing baggy shorts. Because the call stated he was sharpening scissors, I believed he could be concealing the scissors somewhere on his body. I asked Dupree, "Can you interlock your fingers behind your head so I can search you for weapons?" Dupree stated, "No. I know if I put my hands behind my head, your putting me in handcuffs. You cannot search me." I told Dupree, "The reason I'm searching you is to see if you have weapons, not to arrest you. The call said you have scissors." Dupree again stated, "No." I observed when he said, "No", he clinched his hands on the push bar of the vehicle to the point where I saw his veins begin to pop out and his hands start to shake. When I asked for Dupree's name, he just gave me a blank stare. I had to ask him 3 to 4 times before he gave me his name. Because Dupree was displaying signs of being violent and because he would not allow me to search him, I asked for an another unit to assist. I explained again to Dupree that the reason I needed to search him is to make sure he didn't have weapons. Dupree stated, "I will empty my pockets to show you I don't have anything." I told Dupree, "Don't reach in your pockets." After explaining again why I needed to search Dupree, he allowed me to search him for weapons. After making sure he didn't have the scissors or any other weapon, he kept his hands on the push bar. After searching him for weapons, I asked Dupree what happened. Dupree stated he and have been dating for 3 months and currently live together in the car. He stated recently went to jail for domestic violence. I asked what happened and Dupree stated tried to run him over with the vehicle. But when she got out of jail, they got back together. I asked what happened today and he stated, "We were arguing in the parking lot. She got mad and tried to run me over again, so I put on the emergency brake. I know she doesn't know how to take off the emergency break so that's why I pulled it." I asked Dupree, "How did she try to run you over and how did you apply the emergency break?" Dupree was not able to answer. He then went on to say, "She always comes back to me. I don't go to her." Dupree's statement did not make sense. I observed when he answered me, he would look back and forth with a blank stare and kept clinching his teeth. He appeared to be mentally unstable or under the influence of drugs. I observed Officer Del Rosario arrived and was speaking with After speaking briefly with Del Rosario walked up to me and stated Dupree needed to go to jail for domestic violence. I walked to Dupree's left hand and Officer Del Rosario walked to his right hand. I took control of Dupree's left hand and I observed Officer Del Rosario place his hand on Dupree's right hand. As soon as I touched Dupree's hand, he tensed his body and stated, "I'm not going to jail." I ordered Dupree, "Put your hands behind your back." Dupree refused and continued to hold on the push bar. I ordered Dupree 2 to 3 times to place his hands behind his back. Dupree continued to grip the push bar and not let go. I pulled his left arm towards my body, breaking his grip from the push bar. I observed Officer Del Rosario let go of his right hand. When he let go of his right hand, he turned and faced Officer Del Rosario. While I still held his left hand, I observed Dupree swing his right hand at Officer Del Rosario's head. I observed Dupree's punch missed. I believed if he hit Officer Del Rosario in the head, he would be seriously injured. Because Dupree was violently resisting, I encircled my right arm around Dupree's neck and applied a carotid restraint. I applied the carotid restraint because I believed if I let go to strike him with my baton or deploy my CEW (Conducted Electrical Weapon), he would turn towards me and punch me. I told Dupree, "Stop resisting" while holding the carotid restraint. While I was applying the carotid restraint, I observed Officer Del Rosario strike Dupree on his left arm and legs. While striking Dupree, we walked backwards (southbound) approximately 10 feet. I continued ordering Dupree, "Stop resisting." Dupree continued to violently resist. While holding the carotid restraint, I observed Dupree swing his right arm a second time towards Officer Del Rosario's direction. After swinging at Officer Del Rosario, Dupree started to pull Report Officer 6280/CASTILLO,CHRISTOPHER S Printed At 10/03/2019 09:07 Page 2 of 3 16-31200 Supplement No 0002 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative down on my arm. I heard Dupree say, "Let me go! Let me go!" Dupree then started to lean forward. I guided him so he first went down to his knees. I maintained the carotid restraint, and placed my knees on the outside of his knees. I held the carotid restraint because he was still violently resisting. I believed if I let go to strike him with my baton or deploy my CEW (Conducted Electrical Weapon), I would lose control of him and he would turn towards me and punch me. Dupree continued to lean forward. I guided him down to the ground, stomach first. After briefly laying on his stomach, I felt his arms relax. I immediately let go of my carotid restraint. I took control of his left hand and I observed Officer Del Rosario take his right hand. As soon and Officer Del Rosario took his right hand, Dupree tensed his arms again, attempting to place them under his stomach. Officer Del Rosario and I were able to maintain control of his arms and place them behind his back. I placed handcuffs on Dupree. After Dupree was handcuffed, I turned him on his left side to make sure he was able to breath. I observed he was breathing. He was yelling, "I can't feel my arms." I checked to make sure his handcuffs were not overly tightened on his wrist. I double locked the handcuffs. I heard Officer Del Rosario request medical attention. Long Beach Fire Engine 9 and Rescue 9 responded to treat Dupree. Rescue 9 transported Dupree to College Hospital to be medically cleared before booked. I followed Rescue 9 to College Hospital. Once at College Hospital, Unit 312C (Officer T. Forster #10770 and Officer L. Valdez #10142) arrived and stayed with Dupree until medically cleared. Once medically cleared, Unit 312C transported him to 400 W Broadway to be booked and processed. I observed I had scratches to by my left and right elbow and left and right knee. For further see photos taken by Unit 3C20 (Officer M. Valenzuela #6019). I spoke to a witness (who was on a "Ride-Along" with Officer Del Rosario. was standing approximately 100 feet west of our location on the lower part of the parking lot. stated he had a clear view of both Dupree and I at the front of the patrol vehicle. stated, "I saw you (Officer Castillo) and Dupree speaking at the vehicle. I saw Del Rosario walk up to you (Officer Castillo). I saw you guys (Officer Castillo, Officer Del Rosario, and Dupree) talking with him for a minute. As soon as you (Officer Castillo) walked behind him and grab his arm, he (Dupree) flicked his arms up. Del Rosario took out his baton and told him to, "calm down." Del Rosario hit him once and his baton fall away from him. I saw you (Officer Castillo) grab him by the neck. Before Del Rosario picked up his baton and I saw him (Dupree) swing at him once with a right fist. Del Rosario hit him (Dupree) 3 to 4 times with his baton. It looked like he (Dupree) fell backwards on you (Officer Castillo). When he fell, I could not see what happened on the ground. The hill blocked my view." Report Officer 6280/CASTILLO,CHRISTOPHER S Printed At 10/03/2019 09:07 Page 3 of 3 16-31200 Supplement No 0003 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 05/16/2016 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense273.5(E)PC OfficerMARTINEZ,FERNANDO Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No16-31200 Supplement No0003 Reported Date05/16/2016 Reported Time18:24 CAD Call No 161371362 Rpt Typ ARREST ONLY Primary Offense INFLICT CORP INJ:SPOUSE/COHAB/W/PRIORS Location 3400 PACIFIC AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90807 Rep Dist 224 Area 03 Beat 19 From Date 05/16/2016 From Time 18:24 Officer 5745/MARTINEZ,FERNANDO Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 Entered by 5745 AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer8412 Approval Date05/17/2016 Approval Time02:55:26 Domestic ViolenceYes Suspect in CustodyYes ARRESTEE 1: DUPREE,TRENT SCOTT Involvement ARRESTEE Invl No 1 Type Individual NameDUPREE,TRENT SCOTT MNI191469 RaceWhite SexMale DOB08/05/1971 Age44 Juvenile?No Height5'08"Weight200#Hair ColorBlond or Strawberry Eye ColorHazel PRN3103014 Type TRANSIENT Address TRANSIENT CityLONG BEACH StateCalifornia Date05/17/2016 Type FBI number ID No Type Operator License ID No OLS Type State Criminal Identification Number(CII) ID No OLS TypeSocial Security Number ID No OLSUnited States HOMELESS? (YES/NO) YES Miscellaneous Comments 1 Relationship info: "Acquaintance" is ARR's Ex-roommate Mark TypeABDOMEN- TATTOO Mark CodeTattoo Description "SIZE AINT SHIT" Mark Type CHEST- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description CLOWNS Mark Type LEG, LEFT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description"LB" Relationship Acquaintance Name Sex Phone Type Home Phone No Report Officer 5745/MARTINEZ,FERNANDO Printed At 10/03/2019 09:07 Page 1 of 2 16-31200 Supplement No 0003 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Relationship Acquaintance Name Sex Phone Type Business Phone No InvolvementARRESTED Arrest TypeARRESTED Arrest Date05/16/2016 Arrest Time18:24:00 Booking No4666162 Book Date05/17/2016 Book Time01:45:00 StatusBOOKED Arrest Location3400 PACIFIC AV CityLONG BEACH Rep Dist 224 Place of Birth California Beat 19 Charge 243(C)(2)PC Level F Charge Literal BATTERY ON PO/EMERGE Charge 273.5(E)PC Level F Charge Literal INF CORP INJ:SPOUSE/ Narrative I, Officer F. Martinez # 5745 assisted Unit 312C, Officers L.Valdez # 10142 and T. Forster # 10770 at Pacific Hospital, who were waiting for Def ( Trent Scott Dupree) to be cleared for booking on domestic violence charges, Call #1362. Dupree was cleared by medical staff at Pacific Hospital and I transported him to booking where he was booked as charged. I escorted him to the 6th floor of the Mens Jail and released him to jail personnel without incident. Report Officer 5745/MARTINEZ,FERNANDO Printed At 10/03/2019 09:07 Page 2 of 2 16-31200 Supplement No 0004 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 05/17/2016 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense273.5(E)PC OfficerKOFOED,DAVID H Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No16-31200 Supplement No0004 Reported Date05/17/2016 Reported Time06:52 CAD Call No 161371362 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense INFLICT CORP INJ:SPOUSE/COHAB/W/PRIORS Location 3400 PACIFIC AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90807 Rep Dist 224 Area 03 Beat 19 From Date 05/16/2016 From Time 18:05 Officer 5259/KOFOED,DAVID H Assignment INVEST/DET/SPEC VIC/DOM VIOL Entered by5259 AssignmentINVEST/DET/SPEC VIC/DOM VIOL RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer5259 Approval Date05/18/2016 Approval Time05:15:05 VICTIM 2: DEL ROSARIO,PAUL Involvement VICTIM Invl No 2 Type Individual Name DEL ROSARIO,PAUL MNI Sex Male Juvenile? No Means of Attack BATTERY,BRUISES,SCRATCHES Extent of Injury Severe body trauma-bruising Dom ViolenceNo PRN Type BUSINESS Address 400 W BROADWAY LBPD City LONG BEACH State California ZIP Code 90802 Date 05/17/2016 VICTIM 3: CASTILLO,CHRISTOPHER Involvement VICTIM Invl No 3 Type Individual Name CASTILLO,CHRISTOPHER MNI Sex Male Means of Attack BATTERY,BRUISES,SCRATCHES Extent of Injury Severe body trauma-bruising Dom Violence No PRN Type BUSINESS Address 400 W BROADWAY LBPD City LONG BEACH State California ZIP Code 90802 Date 05/17/2016 Narrative On 5-17-16 at about 1000 hours, I, Detective Kofoed, telephoned Officer P.Del Rosario #10680. I asked him about the injury to his right index finger. He said that it was still swollen, but he can move it. He said he did not seek medical attention. I advised him that he may want to have a doctor look at it to make sure it is not fractured. I then went to Men's Jail to speak with Trent Dupree. I spoke to a jailer who told me that Trent had a broken arm. I was not aware of this fact until now. I introduced myself to Trent and told him I would like to talk to him. He said "okay," so I escorted him to interview room #2 and we sat down. I asked him if he had a broken arm and he told me he did. I read his Miranda Rights and he stated "yes" to waiver #1 and "yeah" to waiver #2. I asked about his relationship with He said they have been dating about 4 months and have lived together in the area of Atherton and Bellflower for about 1 1/2 to 2 months. They then lived in their car together for about the same amount of time. I told him that I want to know about the incident between and him. He said that they were arguing about something, he did not remember what. He thinks it may have been an argument about her accusing him of cheating on her. They were arguing inside of their car while parked in a church parking lot. He got out of the front Report Officer 5259/KOFOED,DAVID H Printed At 10/03/2019 09:07 Page 1 of 2 16-31200 Supplement No 0004 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative passenger door, leaving the door open, and continued to argue with her as she sat in the driver's seat. then put the car into reverse and slammed into a wall. Trent reached into the car and pulled as hard as he could on the emergency brake in order to stop her. He pulled on the emergency brake so hard, she could not release it. They argued a little more about her hitting the wall. She could not leave with the car, so she walked away. Trent then went to the back bumper and tried to realign it by hand. He did the best he could with it, then got out some wax and started waxing some scratches that were on the driver's side door. The police rolled up by about this time and an officer called him over to his car. He put his hands on the front bumper of the police car and the officer asked him if he could search him for weapons. Trent told him to "go ahead." The officer told him to put his hands behind his head and he said "no." I asked him why he told him no. He said that he thought he was going to be arrested and he did not do anything,so he wasn't going to do that. He kept his hands on the bumper and moved his feet backwards as far as he could go and told the officer he can search him. The officer searched him. He then stood up and kept his hands on the bumper. The officer told him that he needed to get both sides of the story and they began a conversation. Another officer came up to him and told him to put his hands behind his back. Trent asked him "for what," and kept his hands on the bumper. Both officers then tried to pull him away from the bumper he was holding onto. One officer was trying to pull his arm off the bumper and the other had his arm around his chest area pulling him backwards. Trent said he started "struggling" as the officer that had his arm, took out his baton, and hit him on right leg. The other officer was now "choking" him. After the officer hit him with the baton, he dropped it. The officer picked the baton up and swung at him again. Trent put up his right arm and blocked the baton strike with his forearm. He said this is when he thinks his arm was broken. He said the other officer then choked him to the point that he "lost my air supply" and was getting "weak." Trent went down to his knees. The officer who was hitting him with the baton told him to comply and he responded by saying "how could I when you're hitting me and he's choking me out?" The officer who hit him prior then hit him on his left leg a couple of more times. He was able to lay on the ground and then was hit 1-2 more times on the back of his left calf. He was then handcuffed. I asked him if he hit He said "no, I don't hit females." I asked him how she got the bruises to her arms. He immediately said that she got them from "slamming dope" when she can't find a vein. I showed him the pictures of her bruises and he said that was from her slamming heroin, "skin popping." I asked what skin popping was. He said that her veins are bad from drug use, so she puts it directly into her muscle. I asked him if he ever put his hands around throat. He said "no, I didn't put a hand on her." I asked if they only argued. He said "yes." I asked to see Trent's broken arm, as he was wrapped in a blanket during our interview. He took off the blanket and it appeared to be in a cast or at least have a lot of tape and bandages around it from his wrist to above the elbow. He said his arm feels as it is broken near his forearm. I went to the jail nurse and got a copy of the Long Beach Police Department Medical Record for Person in Custody form and the Request for Examination of Arrestee form. These forms document his clearance to be booked and his injuries. See attached. Report Officer 5259/KOFOED,DAVID H Printed At 10/03/2019 09:07 Page 2 of 2