Incident Summary_RedactedLong Beach Police Dept
Use Of Force Report
Incident Entered By: Sergeant Brian Bell - 5205
Assigned Investigator: [Incident pending assignment]
Incident Details
Date Received Date of Occurrence Time of Occurrence
9/7/2017 9/7/2017 13:53
Record ID #DR Number IA No
12011 170054269 UOF2017-0323
Date/Time Entered
9/7/2017 18:08
Incident Summary
CIS Detectives were assisting Orange County DA Investigators on a C5. CIS Detetcives saw the suspect
outside his residence, near his vehicle. Detetcives Rose and D. Fritz approached, identified themselves and told the suspect to drop the items in his hands. The suspect looked around as if he was going to flee the area.
Detective Rose holstered his weapon and grabbed the suspect by the left wrist in an attempt to place him in a
twist lock. The suspect tensed up and tried to pull his arm away from Detective Rose. Both Detectives Rose
and Fritz ordered the suspect to the ground several times. Detective Rose used the carotid restraint and rendered the suspect unconscious. Detective Rose loosened his carotid restraint and started to lower the
suspect to the ground. The suspect immediately came awake and started to tense his body. Detective Rose
lowered him to the ground and with Detective Fritz's assistance was able to handcuff the suspect. The suspect was treated at the scene by paramedics and transported to College Hospital to be cleared for booking.
Incident Location
Use of Force Specific Information
Reason for Use of Force Service Being Rendered
Resistive/Combative Pre-Planned Activity
Weather Condition Lighting Condition Distance to Citizen
Clear Daylight 1 feet to 3 feet
Citizen Injured Citizen Taken to Hospital Citizen Arrested
Yes Yes Yes
More than 1 Citizen Involved
Citizen's Build Citizen's Height
Large 5'10'' to 6'0''
Officer Assessment of Citizen Condition During Incident
Signs of Drug Impairment
Officer(s) Injured Officer(s) Taken to Hospital
No No
Reporting/Involved Citizen Information
James Kevin Ball
DOB: 7/20/1980 Race: White Ethnicity: Gender: Male
Address •
Types of Resistance Citizen Used Against Officer(s)
• Resistance
Charges against this Citizen
• Felony
• Misdemeanor
Involved Officers
Police Officer Chris Rose - DID: 5294
Assignment at time of incident: Title: Police Officer Cop/Invest/Dep Chief/Crim Intel/Crim Intel/Shift B
Video Footage: [No Response]
Citizen Witnesses
DOB: - Race: - Gender:
Phone •
Officer Witnesses
PO Investigator David Fritz - DID: 5372
Video Footage: [No Response]
No tasks to show
Running Sheet Entries
No running sheet entries to show
No attachments
Assignment History
Sent Dt From To
1/2/2018 Sergeant Vincenzo Marchese Cop, Invest, Dep Chief
Assignment notes
Field assigned
Email sent to receiver
No email sent
1/14/2018 Commander Patrick O'Dowd (None Specified)
Assignment notes
Field status changed in IAPro from To IA to Released
Email sent to receiver
No email sent
1/14/2018 Commander Patrick O'Dowd (None Specified)
Assignment notes Released back to IAPro
Email sent to receiver
No email sent
Chain of Command History
Routing #1
Sent From: Sergeant Brian Bell
Sent To: Lieutenant John Kanaley
CC: (none)
Sent Date/Time: 9/7/2017 7:43 PM
Instructions from Sergeant Brian Bell to Lieutenant John Kanaley:
See the attach information and if it does not need corrections please forward to Deputy Chief Conant.
Comments/Response from Lieutenant John Kanaley:
Approved: Approved
[Forwarded by Lieutenant John Kanaley]
Routing #2
Sent From: Lieutenant John Kanaley
Sent To: Deputy Chief Richard Conant
CC: (none)
Sent Date/Time: 10/24/2017 10:48 PM
Instructions from Lieutenant John Kanaley to Deputy Chief Richard Conant:
CIS assisted OCDA with detaining a subject. The subject did not follow commands and was about to flee.
The officers used a control hold, carotid, and take down in order to handcuff him. Please review.
Comments/Response from Deputy Chief Richard Conant:
Incident routing was closed out by IAPro user Sergeant Vincenzo Marchese and the incident was re-routed to Sergeant Israel Ramirez [6031]
Routing #3
Sent From: Sergeant Vincenzo Marchese
Sent To: Sergeant Israel Ramirez
CC: (none)
Sent Date/Time: 1/2/2018 10:34 AM
Instructions from Sergeant Vincenzo Marchese to Sergeant Israel Ramirez:
Re-routed for your review
Comments/Response from Sergeant Israel Ramirez:
Approved: Approved
In Policy / No Action
Assigned Investigator Signature Line
______________________________________________________ [Incident pending assignment]
Chain of Command Signature Lines
______________________________________________________ Lieutenant John Kanaley
______________________________________________________ Deputy Chief Richard Conant
______________________________________________________ Sergeant Israel Ramirez