Controlled substance reportLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT FORENSIC SCIENCE SERVICES DIVISION CRIME LABORATORY – CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE UNIT CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ANALYSIS REPORT 1400 Canal Ave., Long Beach, CA 90813 VICTIM/SUSPECT: Ball, James BOOKING #: 5094068 DR #: 170054269 EVIDENCE RECEIVED FROM: Controlled Substance Lab DATE RECEIVED: 09/08/2017 REQUESTED BY: DIS This laboratory report contains results and interpretations: Item 1 – Tag 887184 Two sealed brown bags containing two glass extraction tubes, each containing green plant material. The tubes contain a net weight of 131.46 grams of material between them. I analyzed the material in one tube containing a net weight of 91.35 grams. I determined that it contains MARIJUANA. The estimated uncertainty of measurement for the reported weights is +0.32 g at a confidence level of 95% (k=2). Item 2 – Tag 887184 One sealed brown bag containing four plastic bags, each containing green plant material with a total net weight of 160.456 grams. I analyzed the material in one bag with a net weight of 51.287 grams. I determined that it contains MARIJUANA. The estimated uncertainty of measurement for the reported weights is +0.018 g at a confidence level of 95% (k=2). Item 3 – Tag 887184 One sealed brown bag containing a metal cooking pan, a piece of foil, and a plastic dish, each containing what appears to be cooked residue. The analysis of this item is still in progess. Item 4 – Tag 887184 One sealed brown bag containing two plants with stalk, stems, and leaves. I analyzed the leaves on the larger plant (gross weight 116.09 grams) and determined that it contains MARIJUANA. Balance s/n 1113120468; estimated uncertainty of measurement +0.32 grams 95% (k=2); Disposition: The evidence was returned to the Controlled Substance Laboratory following analysis. DATE OF REPORT: 09/11/2017 CRIMINALIST II: TECHNICAL REVIEW BY: ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW BY: An ASCLD/LAB – International Accredited Testing Laboratory Since October 16, 2014 (ALI-360-T) Page 1 of 6 170054269 Gregory Gossage 7885 2017.09.11 09:22:11 -07'00' gÜÉç _A jtÜw 2017.09.11 09:35:51 -07'00'gÜÉç _A jtÜw 2017.09.11 09:36:01 -07'00' LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET DR # 170054269 Tag # 887184 One sealed box (PT-10745); Received from controlled substance lab on 09/08/2017 Date analysis started: 09/08/2017 Item 1 – Two sealed brown bags containing two glass extraction tubes, each containing green plant material. Net weight 91.35 (tested) + 40.11 = 131.46 g; Balance s/n 1113120468; estimated uncertainty of measurement +0.32 grams 95% (k=2); Duquenois / Levine (expires 05/08/2019 lot# AB050817) – purple / purple (hydrochloric acid lot# 146345 no expiration; chloroform lot# A0350128 no expiration) cystolithic / glandular hairs– positive for marijuana (American Optical Forty s/n 199806 @ 15x magnification) Date analysis completed: 09/11/2017 Notes by G. Gossage 7885 Page 2 of 6 170054269 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET DR # 170054269 Tag # 887184 - continued - Date analysis started: 09/08/2017 Item 2 – One sealed brown bag containing four plastic bags, each containing green plant material. Net weight 51.287 (tested) + 17.441 + 50.687 + 41.041 = 160.456 g; Balance s/n 1127071881; estimated uncertainty of measurement +0.018 grams 95% (k=2); Duquenois / Levine (expires 05/08/2019 lot# AB050817) – purple / purple (hydrochloric acid lot# 146345 no expiration; chloroform lot# A0350128 no expiration) cystolithic / glandular hairs– positive for marijuana (American Optical Forty s/n 199806 @ 15x magnification) Date analysis completed: 09/08/2017 Notes by G. Gossage 7885 Page 3 of 6 170054269 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET DR # 170054269 Tag # 887184 - continued - Date analysis started: 09/08/2017 Item 3 – One sealed brown bag containing a metal cooking pan, a piece of foil, and a plastic dish, each containing what appears to be cooked residue. I analyzed the residue of each item. Analysis in progress. Date analysis completed: 09/08/2017 Notes by G. Gossage 7885 Page 4 of 6 170054269 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET DR # 170054269 Tag # 887184 - continued - Date analysis started: 09/08/2017 Item 4 – One sealed brown bag containing two plants with stalk, stems, and leaves. Gross weight 29.80 g; 116.09 (tested) g; Balance s/n 1113120468; estimated uncertainty of measurement +0.32 grams 95% (k=2); Duquenois / Levine (expires 05/08/2019 lot# AB050817) – purple / purple (hydrochloric acid lot# 146345 no expiration; chloroform lot# A0350128 no expiration) cystolithic / glandular hairs– positive for marijuana (American Optical Forty s/n 199806 @ 15x magnification) Date analysis completed: 09/08/2017 Notes by G. Gossage 7885 Page 5 of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age 6 of 6 170054269