opening letter to CPCC from IA ADMINISTRATION BUREAU (562) 570-5830 FAX (562) 570-5833 INVESTIGATIONS BUREAU (562) 570-7350 FAX (562) 570-5837 PATROL BUREAU (562) 570-7214 FAX (562) 570-7058 SUPPORT BUREAU (562) 570-7342 FAX (562) 570-6018 CITY OF LONG BEACH Police Department 400 WEST BROADWAY LONG BEACH CALIFORNIA 90802 Robert G. Luna Chief of Police Ref 1.1 1A June 11, 2018 City of Long Beach Citizen Police Complaint Commission Attn: Executive Director, Anitra Dempsey 333 West Ocean Boulevard, 13th Floor Long Beach, CA 90802 Dear Ms. Dempsey, This is to inform you that on June 8, 2018 the Long Beach Police Department received a complaint against Long Beach Police Department employee, Chris Rose, DID 5294 and David Fritz, DID5372. A personnel complaint investigation, CIT2018-0091, has been opened by the Police Department. The complaint has been assigned for investigation to Sergeant Americo Fernandez. If you have any questions you can reach Sergeant Americo Fernandez at (562) 570-7343, Monday through Friday, during regular business hours. The complainant in this matter is James Ball, 1110 E. 59th Street Long Beach, CA, 90805, (714) 889-8538. Enclosed is a copy of the personnel complaint as received from the complainant, for your review and investigative purposes. If I can be of any further assistance please contact me at (562) 570-7343. Sincerely, Commander Lloyd Cox Internal Affairs Division