james kevin ball email complaint_Redacted1
Darren Lance
From:james ball
Sent:Friday, June 08, 2018 5:30 AM
Subject:Complaint on Chris S. Rose #5294, and David H. Fritz #5372
On 9/07/17 the Orange County DA contacted Long Beach police in order to serve a warrant on I, James Kevin Ball
they did not use sheriffs department to serve warrant so there is obvious jurisdictional problems in this case. On 9/7/17
officer Rose's #5294 report claims there was a loud generator on at my residence making it hard to hear which should of
been taken into consideration and states he seen me" crouched down at the rear driver side of my vehicle" on my
property where I was putting air in my car tire. Officer Rose#5294 was in plain clothes and was not wearing a body
camera knowing he was serving a bench warrant from out of county and neither was officer Fritz #5372 in plain clothes,
who on his report claimed that "in his experience and training self proclaimed Sovereign Citizens are very anti police. It is
common for Sovereigns to resist arrest" So knowing the probability I was going to resist, why was not officer Fritz#5372
wearing a body camera? Especially to protect him self, knowing in his experience there was a high probability I was
going to do this action.
I was in a bad car accident a few years ago. I was in the hospital for 4 months. I have screws in my right side hip, a rod
in my right femur, a plate in my right fibula, screws fusing my ankle, metal in my right hand, a concussion, and loss of
hearing. I am handicapped. This should all been known considering I was under surveillance. Officer Rose#5294 attacked
me, I did not know he was a police officer. Even if he did state he was, I did not hear him, there was a loud generator on
so its possible, but I did not hear him, plus due to his training I was expected to not follow direction. Officer Rose#5294
also acknowledges he was trying "surprise me". I do not remember me standing at all, officer Rose#5294 jumped on my
back and put me into a chock hold, as I was struggling to breathe and "surprised", as was intended, officer Fritz#5372
came and proceeded to step on my injured right leg (report filed at College hospital with evidence of my right leg being
injured) on report he claims he picked up my left but I have proof that is a lie. I was chocked until I passed out and was
disorientated, If I was flailing it was in an effort because I could not breathe an thought I was going to die.
The Orange County DA with Long Beach police claimed they where doing a probation search when there is no" long
form" with signature stating I have no search & seizure rights, I have no prior felonies, and the reports have different
address of the residence they entered and searched & gathered evidence from. They did not have probable cause, there
was no "good cause", nor a search warrant, & they had me in custody. I was charged with 11379.6 pc due to claims of
alleged evidence they found. The evidence said found was: 4 bags of marijuana containing 0.000 quantity of unknown
measure. 2 tubes with 0.000 quantity of unknown measure. 1 plastic plate next to conventional oven in kitchen & 1) 4x4
cooking tray in refrigerator both with untested alleged residue containing hash oil that had a quantity of 0.000 of
unknown measure. 3 cans of empty butane 2 outside the residence bottles that had been obviously there for years and
are rusted. There was no actual quantity of hash oil found on property. Detecive Destefano#5688 claims with his training
and experience that he believed I had a lab for production of butane hash.
It is very apparent that I was targeted by police and Orange County DA & Long Beach police, who beat me up and
tried to fabricated charges against me, city attorney Sarah Green on 11/2817 sent a letter to my land lord stating that on
9/07/17 police served a search warrant at my residence and she alleged that police found evidence of me, James Ball of
selling methamphetamine and large quantities of methamphetamine for sale at my residence and to evict me. When I
called Sarah Green that I would like a copy of said warrant Ms. Green replied that there was no warrant. This was an
attempt to prejudice a defense witness & deprive me of life, liberty, and property. While I was arrested from 9/07/17 I
was not arraigned on charges until 5/14/18. I was also denied counsel of choice who my
mother retained to represent me.
Please contact me if you have any questions, thanks.
James Ball