James Ball Probation Minute Orderhttps://crimagency.ocgov.com/Vision_Web/PrintCase.do[3/5/2019 2:54:21 PM] Case Summary Case Number:16WM17386 OC Pay Number: Originating Court:West Defendant:Ball, James Kevin Register of Actions: DateAction SeqNbr DocketCode Text 04/10/2017 1 HHELD Hearing held on 04/10/2017 at 08:30:00 AM in Department W4 for Arraignment. 2 OFJUD Judicial Officer: John Zitny, Judge 3 OFJA Clerk: C. Koehl 4 OFBAL Bailiff: J. Palacios 30 TRPRT Proceedings recorded electronically. 31 APDDA People represented by Bethel Cope-Vega, Deputy District Attorney, present. 32 APDPP Defendant present in Court in propria persona. 33 DFCSR2 Defendant provided a copy of the Advisement of Rights, form #1039, revision date December 2014, by the Court. 34 DFTNC Defendant states true name and date of birth are correct as charged. 35 ADVISE Defendant advised of the following: 36 ADRTA - The right to an Attorney. 37 ADCAP - The right to court appointed counsel if financially unable to retain counsel. 38 ADJCT - The right to a trial by Jury. 39 ADSPT - The right to a speedy and public trial, by judge or jury, pursuant to Penal Code 1382, and to a dismissal if not tried within these time limitsunless good cause is shown or time is waived. 40 ADCXW - The right to confront and cross-examine witnesses. 41 ADRTF - The right to testify in own defense. 42 WVRMS - The right to remain silent. 43 ADTCP - The right to use the court process to compel the appearance of witnesses and subpoena documents. 44 ADNOC - The nature of the charge, available pleas, and possible punishment. 45 ADCZS2 The defendant understands that, if he/she is not a citizen of the United States the conviction for the offense(s) charged may or, with certainoffenses, will have the consequence of deportation, exclusion from admission to the United States, or denial of naturalization pursuant to thelaws of the United States. 46 PLGCT To the Original Complaint defendant pleads GUILTY as to count(s) 1, 2. 47 DFMPC The defendant admits prior misdemeanor conviction(s) as listed on the charging document. 48 WAIVES Defendant waives the following: 49 WVJCT - The right to a trial by Court or Jury. 50 WVRTA - The right to an Attorney. 51 WVCXW -The right to confront and cross-examine witnesses. 52 WVRSI - The right against self-incrimination. 53 PLFWR Court finds defendant intelligently and voluntarily waives legal and constitutional rights to jury trial, confront and examine witnesses, and toremain silent. 54 PLFBA Court finds factual basis and accepts plea. 55 WVTIM Defendant waives statutory time for Sentencing. 56 PLRIS Defendant requests immediate sentencing. 57 FIWWR Defendant's written waiver of legal and constitutional rights for guilty plea received and ordered filed. 58 ADCRWG The defendant has been advised of constitutional rights, waivers and consequences in writing pursuant to the guilty plea form. The defendantmakes the plea with a full understanding of all the matters set forth in the charging document and in the guilty plea form, that defendant hasread, understood and personally initialed each item herein. Defendant understands that the signing and filing of the guilty plea form isconclusive evidence that defendant has pleaded GUILTY to the charges set forth. 59 PRISS No legal cause why judgment should not be pronounced and defendant having Pled Guilty to count(s) 1, 2, Imposition of sentence issuspended and defendant is placed on 3 Year(s) INFORMAL PROBATION on the following terms and conditions: 60 PRVNL Violate no law. 61 PROBY Obey all orders, rules, and regulations, and directives of the Court and Jail. 62 PRSAS Submit your person and property including any residence, premises, container, or vehicle under your control, to search and seizure at anytime of the day or night by any law enforcement officer, probation officer, or mandatory supervision officer with or without a warrant, probablecause or reasonable suspicion. 63 PRNUD Use no unauthorized drugs, narcotics, or controlled substances and submit to drug or narcotic testing as directed by your probation ormandatory supervision officer, or any peace officer. 64 PRVDL Do not drive without a valid driver's license in your possession. 65 PRINS Do not drive without proof of valid auto liability insurance or financial responsibility as required by law. 66 PRTNO Use true name and date of birth only at all times. 67 PRDTC Disclose terms and conditions of probation when asked by any law enforcement or probation officer. 68 PRFIN Pay FINE of $500.00 plus penalty assessments as to count(s) 1. 69 PRSRF Pay mandatory state restitution fine of $150.00 pursuant to Penal Code 1202.4 or Penal Code 1202.4(b). 70 SESEC Pay $40.00 Court Operations Fee per convicted count pursuant to Penal Code 1465.8. 71 SECCA Pay Criminal Conviction Assessment Fee per convicted count of $30.00 per misdemeanor/felony and $35.00 per infraction pursuant to https://crimagency.ocgov.com/Vision_Web/PrintCase.do[3/5/2019 2:54:21 PM] Government Code 70373(a)(1). 72 PRFLA2 Pay mandatory laboratory analysis fee of $50.00 for each specified drug offense plus penalty assessment [Health and Safety Code Section11372.5 & Penal Code 1464]. 73 PRFDP2 Pay $150.00 Drug Program Fee plus penalty assessments pursuant to Health and Safety 11372.7. 74 PROTC Defendant ordered to report to the West Collections Department forthwith. Defendant ordered to cooperate with and pay as directed by theCollections Department. 75 PRRFS Pay $150.00 Probation Revocation Restitution Fine pursuant to Penal Code 1202.44. Restitution fine stayed, to become effective only uponrevocation of probation. 76 PRFFD Defendant is required to complete a new financial disclosure form if money is still owing on a restitution order or fine 120 days before thescheduled release from probation. Defendant is required to file the form with the court at least 90 days before the scheduled release fromprobation. 77 PRJAL Serve 10 Day(s) Orange County Jail as to count(s) 1. 78 PRSLJ Complete 10 Day(s) Cal Trans in lieu of 10 days jail as directed by OneOC as to count(s) 1. 79 STAY1OC 10 days Service in lieu of jail stayed to 10/10/2017 for proof of completion. 80 PRATC Defendant accepts terms and conditions of probation. 81 DFRPT2 Defendant ordered to report to Collections, OneOC forthwith. 82 DMABS DD1-CGJ sent to DMV. Return Code: 800 83 DOJABS DOJ Initial Abstract sent. 04/11/2017 2 CUFTA Defendant failed to appear in Collections as ordered by the courtroom. 3 CURFW Collections refers case to Department W4 for warrant processing. 4 FXDACT Collections Referral activity deleted from case. 04/24/2017 1 HHELD Hearing held on 04/24/2017 at 08:30 AM in Department W4 for Chambers Work. 2 OFJUD Judicial Officer: John Zitny, Judge 3 OFJA Clerk: C. Koehl 4 APNAP No appearance by parties. 5 PBREV Probation ordered revoked as to count(s) 1, 2 based on the following: failure to report to Collections as ordered. 6 WAISD Bench warrant ordered issued for defendant. Bail set at $500.00, Mandatory Appearance. 7 OFMDD Minutes of 04/24/2017 entered on 05/05/2017. 05/05/2017 1 WAWSD Bench warrant signed by John Zitny and issued for defendant. Night Service: No. Expedite: No. PC 853.6: No. Bail set at $500.00, MandatoryAppearance. 3 FXDACT Referred for Warrant activity deleted from case. 05/08/2017 1 WFNBR Warrant File Number 03888745 sent from AWSS for Warrant # 3139286. 05/15/2017 1 CLADD At the request of Defendant, case calendared on 05/15/17 at 08:30 AM in W3 for PV ARR. 2 HHELD Hearing held on 05/15/2017 at 08:30:00 AM in Department W3 for Probation Violation Arraignment. 3 OFJUD Judicial Officer: Debra Carrillo, Judge 4 OFJA Clerk: C. Pinci 5 OFBAL Bailiff: R. Garcia 6 WAREC Warrant issued on 05/05/2017 ordered recalled for defendant. 7 APDPP Defendant present in Court in propria persona. 8 PBPBV failure to report to Collections and failure to pay fines/fees is included as partial basis for this violation. 9 FINPV Notice of Grounds for Probation Violation served and filed on all parties. 10 ADVISE Defendant advised of the following: 11 ADAPV - The allegations of the violation of probation, the right to counsel, and the right to a formal hearing. 12 PBADV Defendant waives right to probation hearing. Defendant admits violation of probation as to count(s) 1, 2. 13 FDCVP Court finds defendant in violation of probation. 14 PBRSM Court orders probation reinstated and modified as to count(s) 1, 2 as follows: 15 PRJLFB As to count(s) 1, 2, serve 4 days Orange County Jail in lieu of Fine Balance (excluding State Restitution Fine). 16 JLCTS Credit for time served: 0 actual, 0 conduct, totaling 0 days pursuant to Day-for-day. 17 JLSTA Court grants Theo Lacy Jail imposed on 05/15/2017 stayed until 06/23/2017 at 07:00 PM. Defendant to report as ordered. 18 STAY1OC 10 days Service in lieu of jail to remain due on 10/10/2017 for proof of completion. 19 STALL Payment of all monies due further stayed to 06/28/2017. 20 DFRCD Defendant ordered to pay in full or report to the Collections Department by 06/28/2017. 21 NTJAL Notice to Sheriff issued. 22 TEXT Later the same day: 23 APDPP Defendant present in Court in propria persona. 24 MOTBY Motion by Defense for jail in lieu of Cal Trans. 25 MOTION Motion granted. 26 SVCSLU Court orders 10 days Service in lieu of jail imposed on 04/10/2017 VACATED as to count(s) 1. 27 JLSTC 10 days Jail as to count(s) 1 stayed to 06/23/2017 at 07:00 PM. This modifies the commitment dated 04/10/2017. Defendant to report asordered. 28 JLTOT TOTAL JAIL to be served: 14 Day(s). 29 PRJCS Jail sentence to run consecutive to each other. 30 NTJAL Notice to Sheriff issued. 31 CURDA Appearance made in Collections by Defendant as directed by the courtroom. 32 CUFDF Financial Declaration form completed and filed with the Collection Department. 33 ADFEE Defendant advised of additional 35.00 Accounts Receivable fee pursuant to Penal Code 1205(d). Payments to be paid at the rate of $50.00 per month beginning 06/15/2017 and on the 15 of each month thereafter until paid in full. $35.00 https://crimagency.ocgov.com/Vision_Web/PrintCase.do[3/5/2019 2:54:21 PM] 34 STPYS installment payment due. 35 CUCAD Defendant advised by Clerk that failure to make payments by the due date will result in the Court issuing a warrant for your arrest ORadditional costs and legal actions which may include but are not limited to: $300 Civil Assessment added to the original bail pursuant to PenalCode 1214.1 and/or suspension of your driver's license pursuant to Vehicle Code 40509.5. You may also be subject to wage garnishment andbank levies, including referral to the Franchise Tax Board for collection and/or interception of your income tax refund. 36 NTDEF Notice to defendant issued. 37 CUFTH Forthwith case assigned to Collections. 38 DMABS DD1-CGJW sent to DMV. Return Code: 800 39 DOJABS DOJ Subsequent Abstract - 40 sent. 40 DOJABS DOJ Subsequent Abstract - 62 sent. 05/23/2017 1 CLCST2 Sentencing re: Modification set on 06/02/2017 at 08:30 AM in Department W3. 2 TEXT Defendant requesting to address jail stay. 3 NTDEF Notice to defendant issued. 06/01/2017 1 CLTRAN Calendar Line for SENT MOD transferred from W3 on 06/02/2017 at 08:30 AM to W15 on 06/02/2017 at 08:30 AM. 06/02/2017 1 HHELD Hearing held on 06/02/2017 at 08:30:00 AM in Department W15 for Sentencing Modification. 2 OFJUD Judicial Officer: Richard Lee, Judge 3 OFJA Clerk: J. Barrera 4 OFBAL Bailiff: A. Gonzales 5 TRPRT Proceedings recorded electronically. 6 APDAW District Attorney waives appearance. 7 APDPP Defendant present in Court in propria persona. 8 MOTBY Motion by Defense to stay jail sentence pending an appeal. 9 MOTION Motion denied. 10 MOTBY Motion by Defense to dismiss case pursuant to dismiss case. 11 MOTION Motion denied. 12 PRJLT Date of 6/23/17 at 7:00 PM to remain for jail surrender. 13 FSPYS Payments to remain with the next payment of $50.00 due 06/15/2017 and on the 15 of each month thereafter until paid in full. 14 PBTCR All other terms and conditions of probation are to remain the same. 15 NTDEF Notice to defendant issued. 07/15/2017 1 SVPMTS Court orders authorization for payments vacated. 07/20/2017 1 FIJLCOM Notice of Non-compliance filed from Orange County Sheriff Department for 10 days Jail sentenced on 04/10/2017. 2 FIJLCOM Notice of Non-compliance filed from Orange County Sheriff Department for 4 days Jail in lieu of balance of fine sentenced on 05/15/2017. 07/24/2017 1 TXRFR Case referred to W15 for review. 08/23/2017 1 HHELD Hearing held on 08/23/2017 at 09:00:00 AM in Department W18 for Chambers Work. 2 OFJUD Judicial Officer: Richard Lee, Judge 3 OFJA Clerk: J. Morales 4 APNAP No appearance by parties. 5 CORAC Court read and considered Orange County Sheriffs Notice of failure to appear for stayed sentence. 6 CORCR The Court has reviewed correspondence and rules as follows: 7 PBREV Probation ordered revoked as to count(s) 1, 2 based on the following: failure to surrender on 06-23-17 to serve 14 days jail. 8 WAISD Bench warrant ordered issued for defendant. Bail set at $15, 000.00, Mandatory Appearance. 9 WAWSD Bench warrant signed by Richard Lee and issued for defendant. Night Service: No. Expedite: No. PC 853.6: No. Bail set at $15, 000.00,Mandatory Appearance. 11 WFNBR Warrant File Number 03908207 sent from AWSS for Warrant # 3160565. 09/07/2017 1 WASVD Warrant 03908207 for James K. Ball DEFENDANT served by Central Warrant Repository as a HOLD on 09/07/2017. 05/06/2018 1 WRACT Warrant status reactivated by Sheriff through Central Warrant Repository Interface. 05/23/2018 1 WASVD Warrant 03908207 for James K. Ball DEFENDANT served by Central Warrant Repository as a HOLD on 05/23/2018. 05/31/2018 1 BBPST Bail Bond Number T25-50664734 posted in the amount of $15000.00 by BBBB of TNR Surety. 2 FITXT Los Angeles County Sheriff bond receipt filed. 3 WAREC Warrant issued on 08/23/2017 ordered recalled for defendant. 4 DSTUP Defendant's release status updated to reflect: Released on Bond. 5 BLBDAT Appearance date on Bond/Cash Bail receipt is 06/14/2018. 6 FIBND Surety Bond # T25-50664734 filed. 7 CLCST2 Probation Violation re: Arraignment set on 06/14/2018 at 08:30 AM in Department W3. 06/12/2018 1 FIIRD Informal Request for Discovery filed. 2 FIDOC Proof of Service filed. 3 FITXT Declaration filed. 06/14/2018 1 HHELD Hearing held on 06/14/2018 at 08:30:00 AM in Department W3 for Probation Violation Arraignment. 2 OFJUD Judicial Officer: Debra Carrillo, Judge 3 OFJA Clerk: M. Ruvalcaba-Lee 4 OFBAL Bailiff: A. Cleveland 5 APNDA District Attorney not present in Court. 6 APDPP Defendant present in Court in propria persona. 7 PBPBV Probation Violation based on the following: - Failure to report to Orange County Jail to serve 14 days jail is included as the allegation(s) for thisviolation. 8 FINPV Notice of Grounds for Probation Violation served and filed on all parties. https://crimagency.ocgov.com/Vision_Web/PrintCase.do[3/5/2019 2:54:21 PM] 9 ADAWV Defendant advised of and waives the following: 10 ADAPV - The allegations of the violation of probation, the right to counsel, and the right to a formal hearing. 11 FDDUN The Court finds that the defendant understands rights as explained. 12 FDCVP Court finds defendant in violation of probation. 13 JLCUS Defendant taken into custody. 14 PBADV Defendant waives right to probation hearing. Defendant admits violation of probation as to count(s) 1, 2. 15 PBRSM Court orders probation reinstated and modified as to count(s) 1, 2 as follows: 16 JLDOC Court orders defendant committed to 10 days Jail imposed on 04/10/2017 as to count(s) 1. 17 JLDOC Court orders defendant committed to 4 days Jail in lieu of balance of fine imposed on 05/15/2017 as to count(s) 1, 2. (EnteredNUNC_PRO_TUNC on 08/30/18) 18 JLCTS Credit for time served: 0 actual, 0 conduct, totaling 0 days pursuant to Day-for-day. (Entered NUNC_PRO_TUNC on 06/15/18) 20 PRJCC 10 days Jail on count 1 to run concurrent with sentence on count 1 2. (Entered NUNC_PRO_TUNC on 08/30/18) 21 PRJLT Total jail to be served: 10 DAYS. 22 STALL Payment of all monies due further stayed to 07/02/2018. 23 DFRCD Defendant ordered to pay in full or report to the Collections Department by 07/02/2018. 24 PBTCR All other terms and conditions of probation are to remain the same. 25 DFREM Defendant remanded to the custody of the Sheriff. 26 NTJAL Notice to Sheriff issued. 27 BLBXN Court orders bail bond # T25-50664734 exonerated. 28 DOJABS DOJ Subsequent Abstract - 40 sent. 29 NTJAL Notice to Sheriff issued. 06/15/2018 1 NUNCPT Nunc Pro Tunc entry(s) made on this date for 06/14/2018. 06/26/2018 1 CURDA Appearance made in Collections by Defendant as directed by the courtroom. 2 CUFDF Financial Declaration form completed and filed with the Collection Department. 3 CUPYS Payments reinstated at the rate of $60.00 per month beginning 07/25/2018 and on the 25 of each month thereafter until paid in full. 4 CUCAD Defendant advised by Clerk that failure to make payments by the due date may result in additional costs and legal actions which may includebut not limited to: $300 Civil Assessment added pursuant to Penal Code 1214.1. You may also be subjected to wage garnishment and banklevies, including referral to the Franchise Tax Board for collection and/or interception of your income tax refund. 5 NTDEF Notice to defendant issued. 07/21/2018 1 REMIVR IVR Remittance from receipt # 16364180 received in the amount of $60.00. Confirmation # 01554C. 2 PMTPYS Installment payment received. Next payment of $ 60.00 due on 27-AUG-18. Remaining balance $ 1049.00. 08/29/2018 1 NTMCW Case assigned to Collections. Misdemeanor delinquency warning notice sent. 08/30/2018 1 NTSNT Misdemeanor Delinquency Notice sent. 2 NUNCPT Nunc Pro Tunc entry(s) made on this date for 06/14/2018. 09/26/2018 1 SVPMTS Court orders authorization for payments vacated. 02/04/2019 1 FTBCOD Case submitted to the Franchise Tax Board for court ordered debt in the amount of $1049.00.