Police Reports 18-17163_Redacted18-17163 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 03/20/2018 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense273.5(A)PC OfficerDOMINGO,ELIESER AGNO Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No18-17163 Supplement NoORIG Reported Date03/20/2018 Reported Time06:46 CAD Call No 180790328 Rpt Typ INCIDENT-ARREST REPORT Primary Offense INFLICT CORP INJURY; SPOUSE/COHABITANT Location City ZIP Code Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 03/20/2018 From Time 06:46 Officer 10782/DOMINGO,ELIESER AGNO Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 Entered by 10782 AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer8543 Approval Date03/20/2018 Approval Time12:15:40 Length of Relationship3 years Prior History of DV Y-NY Number of Prior Incidents1 Documented DV History Y-NY Prior Police Report Filed Y-NY Prior PD Reports:Agency-Case #Court Order Served Y-N N Child Present During DV Y-N N DCFS Notified Y-N N # Offenses 1 Offense 242PC Description BATTERY Complaint Type # Offenses 2 Offense 422(A)PC Description DEATH THRT/GRT BDLY Complaint Type # Offenses 3 Offense 594(A)(2)PC Description VANDALISM; DAMAGE PR Complaint Type # Offenses4 Offense148(A)(1)PC DescriptionOBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFI Complaint Type Person Summary Invl ARR Invl No 1 Type I Name CONTRERAS,BRIAN JED MNI Race H Sex M DOB 02/13/1996 InvlVIC Invl No1 TypeI Name MNI Race Sex DOB Report Officer 10782/DOMINGO,ELIESER AGNO Printed At 08/28/2019 12:53 Page 1 of 4 18-17163 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT ARRESTEE 1: CONTRERAS,BRIAN JED Involvement ARRESTEE Invl No 1 Type Individual Name CONTRERAS,BRIAN JED MNI Race Hispanic/Mexican/Latin Sex Male DOB 02/13/1996 Age 22 Juvenile? No Height 5'09" Weight 160# Hair Color Brown Eye Color Brown PRN Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 03/20/2018 TypeOperator License ID No OLS Type Social Security Number ID No OLS United States Phone TypeCell Phone No Date03/20/2018 Mark Type SHOULDER, LEFT- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo Description "L" Mark Type NECK- TATTOO Mark Code Tattoo DescriptionMUSIC SYMBOL Relationship Mother Name Address City State ZIP Code Phone Type Home Phone No Employer/School Position/Grade CONSTRUCTI InvolvementARRESTED Arrest TypeARRESTED Arrest Date03/20/2018 Arrest Time07:00:00 Booking No5261724 Book Date03/20/2018 Book Time08:34:00 StatusBOOKED Arrest Location CityLONG BEACH Rep Dist 331 Place of Birth California Beat 21 Charge 273.5(A)PC Level F Charge Literal INF CORP INJ:SPOUSE/ Charge 148(A)(1)PC Level M Charge Literal RESIST/OBSTRUCT PUBL Charge 594(A)(2)PC Level M Charge Literal VANDALISM:DAMAGE PRO Charge242PCBAT LevelM Charge LiteralBATTERY ON PERSON Charge422(A)PC LevelF Charge LiteralDEATH THRT/GRT BDLY Report Officer 10782/DOMINGO,ELIESER AGNO Printed At 08/28/2019 12:53 Page 2 of 4 18-17163 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative On 03/20/18 at approximately 0646 hours, I (Officer E. Domingo #10782) was dispatched to regarding a battery that just occurred (call #0328). Several units assisted on this call. The call was later determined to also be a terrorist threats, vandalism, and felony spousal abuse. The dispatch location was later updated to The location is a one-story studio apartment and shares a wall with one other studio apartment east of it ( The apartment has a north facing doors, an inner wooden door and an outer metal screen security door. The initial call stated the victim was pushed and hit to the floor by the suspect. The suspect also threatened to kill the victim with a gun but no weapons were seen. The suspect was described as a male Hispanic, 22 years old, wearing a blue shirt and black shorts. As I was arriving on scene, the call was updated to a felony spousal abuse with the address of Upon arrival, I observed two male subjects crossing Atlantic Avenue and flagging me down. One of the males told me a guy who lived in the back pushed him. I was only able to understand bits and pieces of the story due to a language barrier. Several units arrived as I spoke to the male subjects who were later identified as victims of battery and terrorist threats. For further on the victims, see Officer Barth's (#5936) follow up Report. I walked to and Officer Finch walked to to get further information regarding the incident. As I knocked on I heard a female crying from inside one of the apartments. A female opened the door and told me, "It's next door" as she pointed towards I continued to hear a female crying inside of the apartment. As I walked toward I heard the inner door open and Officer Finch say, "Open the door, come out" and I heard the inner door close. Officer Finch, Officer Collazo and I began giving lawful orders for the subject/s inside to open the door as we continued to hear a female crying inside. The subject/s inside refused to open the door and I heard a male say, "No!" from inside of the apartment. We continued to tell the subject/s inside to open the door and gave a warning the door would be kicked opened if they do not comply with out lawful orders. The subject/s inside continued to refuse to open the door and Officer Collazo forcefully pulled the metal security door open. Officer Collazo ordered the subject/s inside to open the door before kicking the door open. As the door swung open, I immediately heard a male screaming. "Ahh! You broke my tooth!You can't do that! You don't have a warrant!" When I saw the male Hispanic subject (later identified as Arrestee Brian Contreras) inside, I ordered him to get on his stomach and crawl out to us. Contreras continued to scream as he lay on his stomach. We continued to give him orders to crawl out to us in order to safely take him into custody. He continued to scream and refused to come out. Officer Finch walked inside the apartment and controlled Contreras' left arm and pulled him out of the apartment. Contreras continued to kick and scream as Officer Finch took control of his left arm. Officer Finch then placed his right knee and shin across Contreras' waist area to restrict his movement.I then controlled Contreras' right arm and placed him into handcuffs. I checked the cuffs for fit and double locked them. After I placed him in handcuffs, Officer Finch straddled both of Contreras' legs and controlled both of his hands to restrict his movement. I noticed Contreras bleeding from his mouth as he screamed and complained about his tooth. I requested for Long Beach Fire Department to respond at the scene to check on Contreras. LBFD Engine 11 responded on scene and attempted to tend on Contreras' injuries. Contreras refused any medical attention. After Contreras was safely taken into custody, I contacted the female inside of the apartment (later identified as Victim I immediately noticed redness and swelling on her left eye and cheek area. She had redness and scratch marks on the left side of her neck. There were also bruising that appeared to be finger marks Report Officer 10782/DOMINGO,ELIESER AGNO Printed At 08/28/2019 12:53 Page 3 of 4 18-17163 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative on her inner left and right bicep area. She told me the following: has been dating in a dating relationship with Contreras for approximately 3 years. During the 3 years, they've lived together for approximately 1 year but decided to live separately. They do not have children together. On 03/20/18, was sleeping with Contreras inside of She woke up to a loud vehicle and the smell of vehicle fumes coming inside of the apartment. She began getting sick from the fumes and told her Contreras who was also woken up by the loud engine. Contreras walked outside and talked to their neighbors to ask them to turn the vehicle off. Contreras and the neighbors began arguing and yell at each other. Not wanting any trouble, told Contreras to go back inside of his apartment. Contreras refused and began yelling at her. She attempted to pull Contreras back inside but he continued to refuse. Contreras eventually walked back inside as she became upset and started crying due to the whole situation. When I asked about her injuries, she insisted they were from a severe allergic reaction from crabs she ate the night before. She also added she bruises easily due to her being anemic. was very adamant there was no physical abuse that caused the injuries and there were no prior history of domestic violence between her and Contreras. She refused any medical attention. Based on Contreras and actions and my observation of the injuries being consistent to physical abuse, I believed physical abuse occurred between Contreras and prior to my arrival. I placed Contreras under arrest for 273.5 PC - Felony Spousal Abuse. It should be noted it was later determined that filed a 273.5 (a) PC report naming Contreras as the suspect on 02/20/18. For further, see DR # Contreras was also charged with 242 PC - Battery, 422 PC - Terrorist Threats, 594 (a)(2) PC - Vandalism; Damage Property and 148(a)(1) PC - Resist Public Officer. For further, see Follow up Reports. Unit 3B81 (Officer C. Najera #10999 and Officer E. Betancourt #6117) transported Contreras to 400 W. Broadway where he was booked as charged and released to the care and custody of the men's jail staff located on the 6th floor. For further on Contreras' statement, see Officer Najera's follow up Report. Unit 3B84 (Officer P. Chau #11135 and Officer A. Trujillo #6214) conducted Knock and Talk at For further, see Officer Chau's follow up Report. I took photographs of Officer Finch, the victim, the suspect and the scene.I uploaded the photographs on Mideo under the DR # 180017163. Unit 3S32 (Sgt. R. Ryan #6303) also responded to the scene. I gave the victim Report Receipts and TRO information. Victim did not desire prosecution. Report Officer 10782/DOMINGO,ELIESER AGNO Printed At 08/28/2019 12:53 Page 4 of 4 18-17163 Supplement No 0001 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 03/20/2018 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense273.5(A)PC OfficerCOLLAZO,DAVID Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No18-17163 Supplement No0001 Reported Date03/20/2018 Reported Time06:46 CAD Call No 180790328 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense INFLICT CORP INJURY; SPOUSE/COHABITANT Location City ZIP Code Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 03/20/2018 From Time 06:46 Officer 5921/COLLAZO,DAVID Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 2nd OfficerDOMINGO,ELIESER AGNO AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 Entered by5921 AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer8543 Approval Date03/20/2018 Approval Time12:20:10 Narrative While working patrol as Unit 3A22, I Officer D. Collazo #5921 responded to Ave to assist, Officer E. Domingo #10782 (Unit 3A21) who had been dispatched to a 242 - Battery, Call #L180790328. While en-route dispatch stated a Battery had just occurred further advising the neighbor had "pushed and hit the calling party to the floor", and threatened to kill him. Dispatch further stated the neighbor threatened to get a gun and kill the calling party, and told the wife to get the gun, that he was going to kill the calling party, but no gun was seen. Prior to my arrival dispatch advised that the call had been change to a 273.5 - Felony Spousal Abuse listing the address When I arrived I observed Officer Domingo speaking to the calling party/victims. After speaking to the victims Officer Domingo, myself, and Officer K. Finch #3764 (Unit 3A24) began to walk to the back of the apartment complex via the driveway located on the north side of the property. Officer Domingo then began to knock on the door belonging to Ave to make contact with the subject inside. While he was attempting to make contact I heard the interior door belonging to open. I then began to walk over to door which was secured by a metal security screen door, and as I did I could hear the sound of female crying and gasping for air. I observed Officer Finch also divert his attention to the door belonging to As I walked closer to the door I heard that the crying and gasps for air were coming from ground level. I could see the silhouette of a person, which appeared to be a Female in distress, crouched down on the floor. I could also see what appeared to be the figure of someone standing behind her. Officer Finch removed his firearm, pointed it at the door, and gave an order for the door to be opened. At this time I saw the female who was crouched down appear to get pulled backed and observed the figure standing behind her shut the door. Believing that a domestic violence assault had just occurred and was still taking place, myself and Officer Finch began to yell to the subjects inside to open the door. I then heard a male yell in an angry voice, "No!". I then announced it was the police, and again ordered him to open the door. The same male's voice again yelled in an angry voice, "No! nothing is going on". At this point I could still hear the female in the background who was now sobbing. Officer Finch then stated if the door wasn't opened we were going to kick it. Report Officer 5921/COLLAZO,DAVID Printed At 08/28/2019 12:53 Page 1 of 2 18-17163 Supplement No 0001 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative Because of the nature of the call an the observation that I made, I felt the exigency to check on the welfare of the female inside the apartment. At this time I yelled to the male inside if he didn't open the door I was going to kick it in, at which time I again heard the male yell, "No!". I then grabbed the center vertical bar of the security door and pulled outward causing the security door to buckle, which allowed the locking bolt to pop out of the frame. Once the security door was open I again yelled for the interior wooden door to be opened, but the male still refused. Fearing for the safety of the female inside, I forced the interior door open by kicking it. It should be noted that the door did not give way on my initial kick. It was my second kick that caused the door give way. When the interior door swung open I noticed that something behind it caused it to abruptly stop. As I pushed open the door with my hand I observed a Male/Hispanic later identified as (Defendant) Contreras, Brian Jed standing near a , (Victim ) who was sitting on the bed crying. Contreras was then ordered to get into the prone position, which he did. We then began to order him crawl outside to us so that we could safely take him into custody but he refused. Contreras just kept yelling, "My tooth, look what you did to my tooth". I then told Contreras if he didn't crawl out to us I was going to "taze" him, but he still refused stating, "My tooth, you fucking knocked my tooth out". I then stated to Contreras he was going to be "tazed" and as I advanced toward him he stated, "Okay, Okay". As I walked into the apartment I observed Contreras use his hand to pull and slide his body towards the door, at which time Officer Finch grabbed a hold of his arm and pulled him out. I then diverted my attention to to ascertain if she was okay. I observed red marks and scratches around neck. I also observed redness to left eye and a scratch left shoulder. I asked if Contreras had caused her injuries, but she just sat on the bed andstaredatmewithtearfuleyes. I then turned my attention to Contreras who was now screaming, "My tooth, my tooth. Look what you did, you fucking knocked my tooth out". At this time I observed Officer Finch controlling Contreras' movements. Officer Finch was on top of Contreras straddling his lower legs and holding his hands, which were handcuffed. Contreras was then assisted to his feet by Officer Finch and Officer Tom, B. #5895, and escorted to Officer Tom's police vehicle where he was seated in the back seat. Sgt. R. Ryan #6303 (Unit 3S32) responded to the scene, at which time I notified him of the forced entry and my involvement in the incident. Report Officer 5921/COLLAZO,DAVID Printed At 08/28/2019 12:53 Page 2 of 2 18-17163 Supplement No 0002 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 03/20/2018 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense422(A)PC OfficerBARTH,MICHAEL Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No18-17163 Supplement No0002 Reported Date03/20/2018 Reported Time06:46 CAD Call No 180790328 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense DEATH THRT/GRT BDLY THRT;VERBAL,WRTTN,ETC Location City ZIP Code Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 03/20/2018 From Time 06:46 Officer 5936/BARTH,MICHAEL Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 Entered by 5936 AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer8543 Approval Date03/20/2018 Approval Time12:26:24 # Offenses1 Offense242PC DescriptionBATTERY Complaint Type # Offenses 2 Offense 594(A)(2)PC Description VANDALISM; DAMAGE PR Complaint Type Narrative On 3-20-2018 (Tuesday) at approximately 0653 hours, I (Officer Barth # 5936) while working as Unit 3A54 responded to assist officers on a battery incident where a neighbor had threatened to kill another neighbor, CAD call # L180790328. Report Officer 5936/BARTH,MICHAEL Printed At 08/28/2019 12:53 Page 1 of 3 18-17163 Supplement No 0002 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative Information in the call stated: Battery incident just occurred. Neighbor pushed and hit the calling party to the floor. Also threatened to kill the calling party. The suspect is a male Hispanic, 22 years old, wearing blue shirt and black shorts. Additional information stated: The suspect threatened to get a gun and kill the calling party. Neighbor told the wife to get a gun that he was going to use and kill the calling party. No gun was actually seen. As I was en route to the incident, I saw on my on-board computer that (Officer Domingo # 10782), (Officer Collazo # 5921) and (Officer Finch # 3764) were already on scene. I then heard an officer say over my police radio that there was a woman crying and they were about to kick down a door. As I drove northbound on Atlantic Avenue, I heard an officer say that they had a subject in custody. When I arrived on scene, I saw two subjects standing on the sidewalk in front of They were later identified as (Victim)and (Victim)I told both victims that I would speak with them shortly. I walked to the rear of Once there, I saw Officer Finch detaining a male Hispanic subject later identified as (Defendant) Brian Contreras. Officer Collazo was speaking to a female subject inside (For further on what occurred before my arrival, see the aforementioned officer's main report and follow up reports under this same DR number.) I then went back out to the sidewalk area and re-contacted (Victim)and (Victim) speaks mostly Spanish, but can speak and understand English.also speaks mostly Spanish, but can speak and understand some English. I first spoke to who told me, in summary, the following: He stated he arrived this morning to assist his uncle ( with selling a vehicle. He stated was inside the vehicle and was trying to start it while he stood just outside the driver's door. While trying to start the vehicle,the engine starter and the engine made the typical loud start up sound. There was also a cloud of exhaust that engulfed the area. Suddenly, Contreras who lives next door at came out of his home. Contreras had clenched fists. Contreras said, "What the fuck!" "I can't sleep with all that noise." "And I can't breath with that exhaust smell!" told Contreras to calm down. He also told Contreras that they were about to drive the car away. Contreras told him he did not care and approached both and Contreras then said, "I am going to kill you mother fuckers." got out of the car to see what Contreras was so upset about. Contreras then got in a head lock with his left arm. He then punched at face. saw the punch coming and turned his head down. The punch glanced off the left side of face and did not make full contact. then got out his cellular phone and tried to record Contreras' actions. Contreras released from his head lock and walked over to Contreras then slapped cellular phone out of his hand and it struck the floor. This caused the phone's glass screen to shatter. Contreras then shoved in the chest with both hands. Contreras continued to yell, "I am going to kill you mother fuckers!" Contreras then saw attempting to use his cellular phone to call 911. Contreras walked over to and grabbed his phone out of his hands. Contreras then threw it onto the concrete shattering the phone's glass screen. stated Contreras was in a rage and continued to scream how he was going to kill both he and Then, Contreras' girlfriend (Geraldine came outside. She tried to pull Contreras back into their residence as he continued with his "I am going to kill you" threats. As she did that, Contreras yelled at her to "get Report Officer 5936/BARTH,MICHAEL Printed At 08/28/2019 12:53 Page 2 of 3 18-17163 Supplement No 0002 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative my gun!" At this point, fearing Contreras would carry out the threat, ran out towards Atlantic Avenue and crossed to the west side of the street.also fled. However, he fled in the vehicle that he had started earlier. desires prosecution and was given a report receipt. He was also given information on how to obtain a restraining order. I then spoke to He told me, in summary, the following: He stated he lives at Avenue. He got up this morning in order to sell a vehicle with is nephew ( got into the vehicle and started it up. It made a loud noise at start up. There was also a cloud of exhaust that engulfed the area. The vehicle already had exhaust issues. As he sat in the vehicle, he noticed Contreras come out of his home. He looked agitated. He could hear Contreras yelling the word "Fuck" at the top of his voice. saw Contreras approach him and He then heard Contreras yell, "I am going to kill you if you don't turn off that car!" then got out of the vehicle to see what had Contreras so angry. Contreras then got into a head lock with his left arm. Contreras then punched at head. However, the punch glanced off the left side of head and did not make full contact. Contreras then saw pull out his cellular phone. Contreras released from the head lock and walked over to Contreras then slapped phone out of his hand and it struck the floor. This caused the phone's glass screen to shatter. saw Contreras shove with both hands.heard Contreras repeatedly say, "I am going to kill you mother fuckers!" then got his cellular phone and tried to call 911. Contreras walked back over to him and grabbed his cellular phone out of his hand. Contreras then threw the phone onto the floor which caused the glass screen to shatter. saw Contreras' girlfriend (come outside. She tried to hold Contreras back as Contreras screamed, " I am going to kill you" towards him and then heard Contreras tell "get my gun!" fearing Contreras would carry out of the threat, drove his vehicle out towards Atlantic Avenue and called 911. desires prosecution and was given a report receipt. He was also given information on how to obtain a restraining order. showed me a small bloody skin abrasion on his right palm. He said he sustained the injury when he fell onto the ground after being put into a head lock and punched by Contreras. I later photographed his injury, the 2 shattered cellular phones and the vehicle (Mitsubishi - ) had started early this morning. (For further, see digital photographs under this DR number.) Report Officer 5936/BARTH,MICHAEL Printed At 08/28/2019 12:53 Page 3 of 3 18-17163 Supplement No 0003 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 03/20/2018 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense273.5(A)PC OfficerFINCH,KEITH A Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No18-17163 Supplement No0003 Reported Date03/20/2018 Reported Time06:46 CAD Call No 180790328 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense INFLICT CORP INJURY; SPOUSE/COHABITANT Location City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 03/20/2018 From Time 06:43 Officer 3764/FINCH,KEITH A Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 2nd OfficerDOMINGO,ELIESER AGNO AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 Entered by3764 AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer8543 Approval Date03/20/2018 Approval Time12:34:09 Use of ForceYes Domestic ViolenceYes Victim InjuredYes Photos TakenYes Suspect in CustodyYes # Offenses 1 Offense 422(A)PC Description DEATH THRT/GRT BDLY Complaint Type # Offenses 2 Offense 148(A)(1)PC Description OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFI Complaint Type # Offenses 3 Offense 242PC Description BATTERY Complaint Type Narrative ------------------------------------------USE OF FORCE------------------------------------------------------- I (Officer Finch, K. # 3764) working in a marked black and white police vehicle in unit 3A24 heard Officer Domingo, E. # 10782 be dispatched to a battery (242 PC) at duplex back house. The call said the calling person said that a neighbor had pushed and hit him knocking him to the floor. The call also said that the suspect neighbor had threatened to kill him. The suspect was described as a Male, Hispanic, 22 years old, wearing a blue shirt and black shorts. The call added that there were no weapons but, the suspect neighbor threatened to get a gun and kill the calling person. It also said that suspect neighbor told the wife to get the gun that he was going to kill the calling person. No actual gun was seen at that time. The calling person then ran away to call the police. I then told dispatch that I would be responding to assist Officer Domingo. While enroute to the call the call was updated to a domestic violence (273.5 (A) PC). Myself and Officer Collazo,D. # 5921 also assisted. Myself and Officer Collazo arrived at the same time. Upon arrival I saw Officer Domingo was already onscene talking to two Male,Hispanic subjects who were later identified as the original calling persons. After speaking to the two calling persons Officer Domingo, Officer Collazo and myself walked northbound and then eastbound into the courtyard area which houses a duplex with the addresses of and Avenue. There had been mention of the address of Avenue and this became the initial focus of our attention. These two addresses share a common wall. As we were approaching the I saw a Male, Hispanic who was later identified as the suspect Contreras open the front black security gate of his residence located at I made eye contact with him and it was clear to me that he saw that the three of us were official uniformed police officers and wearing clearly marked police uniforms with patches, gunbelt, gun and shoes, etc. At this point I did not know that he was the Report Officer 3764/FINCH,KEITH A Printed At 08/28/2019 12:53 Page 1 of 3 18-17163 Supplement No 0003 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative suspect and thought that he was just an interested bystander. Shortly after making eye contact with him he went back into his apartment. As we were getting ready to knock on the address I was positioned to the right (west of the front door standing between the two address. I was the officer closest to the suspects apartment at that time. I then distinctly heard coming specifically from the address a female crying and moaning. Due to the fact that a gun was mentioned in the original call I removed my service revolver from my holster and approached the address. At gun point I ordered the suspect to open the door and exit his apartment and he refused my verbal command. He yelled in an angry voice , "No!." Upon more verbal commands he said "No!..Nothing is going on." I gave several more commands for him to open the door and exit his apartment and he continued to refuse to comply with my verbal commands. Shortly thereafter he closed the wooden door which was behind the black steel mesh security door which was already closed. At this time I could still hear the female crying and moaning. I told officers Collazo and Domingo that I heard a female crying and they assisted me. Due to the fact that I heard a female in the apartment crying and moaning and the fact that the suspect had refused my numerous verbal commands for him to exit the apartment and his violently closing the door after my clear verbal commands for him to exit. Also the fact that the original call had mentioned that a gun may be involved in the crime. It was my opinion that the female subject was in imminent danger of physical violence and/or death and constituted exigent circumstances and immediate action on my part was required to insure the safety of the female subject (who was later identified as an additional victim I then broadcast on the radio the address and the fact that there was a female crying and that we were going to kick the door in. I, along with officers Collazo and Domingo were at the front door of the apartment. I was on the right side of the door. Officer Collazo was in the middle and officer Domingo was on the left side of the door. I yelled to the suspect numerous times to open the door or we were going to kick the door in. Officer Collazo prior to using the technique to open the outer security door and the inner white wooden door yelled to the suspect again that if he didn't open the doors he was going to kick it in. The suspect again refused to open the doors and yelled , "No." He continually refused to open the door and exit the apartment. Officer Collazo then used a technique to physically pull the front black security door open and he was successful. He then used his foot to kick open the white wooden door which was behind the front security door. He was successful after kicking the door two times. The suspect was in the doorway area and was ordered to lay down on his stomach which he did. At this time I holstered my service revolver and took out my electronic control device. However, from my position on the right side of the door it was a difficult angle to deploy my electronic control device. In addition, if I had deployed the device there was a good chance that I would have struck the suspect in the face/head area. Once on his stomach the suspect was told to crawl to us in order for us to safely handcuff him outside of the apartment where he would not have access to any weapons in close proximity tohim. He continually refused to comply with the orders. He was only saying that his toe was broken and that his tooth hurt. I could clearly see that the suspect had the ability to crawl to us and was willfully refusing my/our commands to crawl tous. Once I determined that the suspect was not going to comply with our orders and crawl to us. I could see both of the suspects hands and that I would not have to travel too far to gain control of his left hand. At this time I still did Report Officer 3764/FINCH,KEITH A Printed At 08/28/2019 12:53 Page 2 of 3 18-17163 Supplement No 0003 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative not know the condition of the victim and knew that time was of the essence to get to her to see if she needed immediate medical treatment. For the above reasons I made the independent decision to enter the front door area and approach the suspect. I then quickly entered the front door area and approached the suspect and grabbed his left hand. I then quickly pulled the suspect out to the front porch area of the apartment. Officer Collazo then immediately went around me and made contact with the victim. I then placed my right knee in the upper middle back area of the suspects back to control him due to his agitated state and attempting to get up and possibly be a flight risk. Officer Domingo had control of the suspects right arm. I then held my position while officer Domingo removed his handcuffs and handcuffed the suspect. After being handcuffed the suspect was still agitated and attempting to get to his feet. He was continually thrashing about (moving from side to side in a violent manner). He was yelling at the victim and saying that his tooth hurt. I told him that paramedics were enroute to medically check him out. I repeatedly told him to remain calm but, he continued to be agitated and yell about his injuries. Due to the fact that the suspect was using his upper body and both of his legs to attempt to gain leverage and get to his feet. I straddled (placed my legs over his backside midsection area)to retain my leverage and control over him. He continued to use both of his legs to attempt to overcome my leverage and control over on him. For this reason, I moved my right leg and placed it over the back of both of his knees while still having control of both of his hands and torso areas. I kept both of his hands down around the bottom portion of his back in order that he would be able to easily breath. I knew that he was able to breath by the fact that he was continually yelling at me so loudly. I noticed that I had blood on the outside upper forearm area of my left arm. I later cleansed the area with anti-bacterial liquid. I saw that the skin was not broken. I then asked assisting officer Tom to bring a patrol vehicle into the courtyard area to have it available if needed. Control of the suspect was required not only to not allow him to get to his feet but, also make sure that medically he did not hurt himself before the paramedics arrived. Also, I felt that if I placed him in the rear seat of the police vehicle then upon arrival of the paramedics I would have had to bring him back out of the rear seat for the paramedics to check him out medically. Prior to the paramedics arrival the suspect said that he would not allow them to check him out medically. Upon arrival of the paramedics he refused medical treatment and told the fire personnel to keep their hands off of him. He would not even allow them to take his vital signs. Myself and officer Tom then assisted the suspect to his feet and walked him over the patrol vehicle. I then placed him in the rear seat of the patrol vehicle and seatbelted him in. No further force was used after this point. Officer Domingo took photographs of myself, the suspect and the scene. Officers Betancourt, E. # 6117 and Najera, C. #10999 eventually transported the suspect to jail. For further refer to the main and connecting reports. Sergeant Ryan, R. # 6303 was notified of the use of force and responded to the scene. Report Officer 3764/FINCH,KEITH A Printed At 08/28/2019 12:53 Page 3 of 3 18-17163 Supplement No 0004 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 03/20/2018 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense273.5(A)PC OfficerNAJERA,CESAR Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No18-17163 Supplement No0004 Reported Date03/20/2018 Reported Time06:46 CAD Call No 180790328 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense INFLICT CORP INJURY; SPOUSE/COHABITANT Location City ZIP Code Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 03/20/2018 From Time 06:46 Officer 10999/NAJERA,CESAR Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 2nd OfficerBETANCOURT,ERNESTO AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 Entered by10999 AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7108 Approval Date03/21/2018 Approval Time05:47:56 Narrative On 3/20/18 at approximately 0729 hours, my partner (Officer E. Betancourt #6117) and I (Officer C. Najera #10999) were working uniformed patrol in a marked black and white police vehicle as Unit 3B81. We assisted Unit 3A21 (Officer E. Domingo #10782), Unit 3A20 (Officer B. Tom #5895), Unit 3A24 (Officer K. Finch #3764), Unit 3A22 (Officer D. Collazo #5921), Unit 3A54 (Officer M. Barth #5936), Unit 3B54 (Officer W. Neal #10128 and Officer S. Perez #10129), Unit 3B84 (Officer P. Chau #11135 and Officer A. Trujillo #6214), and Unit 3S32 (Sergeant R. Ryan #5936) at regarding a domestic violence, call #328. Upon arrival, we were assigned the task to transport the Suspect (Arrestee, Brian Jed Contreras) to our booking facility located at 400 W Broadway. My partner and I moved the Suspect from Unit 3B54's vehicle to our patrol vehicle and transported him to our booking facility. While at our booking facility, I read the Suspect his Miranda Rights per PD Form 1000.008 to which he answered, "Yes" to waiver question one. I asked the Suspect what happened earlier in the day with his girlfriend and neighbors and he told me the following: At approximately 0630 hours, he and his girlfriend were inside their apartment sleeping when they were awoken by the sound of a loud car and the strong odor coming from a vehicle's exhaust. The Suspect opened the door to go outside his apartment and saw his neighbors (Victim 1 and Victim 2) standing next to the vehicle that was releasing the strong odor from its exhaust. The Suspect advised me that the exhaust odor was going inside his apartment, causing him and his girlfriend to get sick. The Suspect confronted both neighbors and told them, "Turn off your car." Both neighbors refused to turn off the vehicle. The Suspect became upset and then told them, "Move the fucken car!" A verbal dispute between the Suspect and both neighbors ensued. Both parties began pushing and shoving each other multiple times. The Suspect then went back inside his apartment but left the front door opened. The Suspect further advised me that he saw Long Beach Police Officers approaching his apartment. The Suspect decided to close his apartment door so Long Beach Police officers wouldn't go inside his apartment. The Suspect further stated he heard Long Beach Police Officers announce themselves from outside his apartment door. The Suspect further stated that Long Beach Police Officers were telling him to open his apartment door. I asked the Suspect why he decided to not open his apartment door when Long Beach Police Officers asked him to and he responded, "because I know my rights and they did not have a warrant." Report Officer 10999/NAJERA,CESAR Printed At 08/28/2019 12:54 Page 1 of 2 18-17163 Supplement No 0004 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative I asked the Suspect if at any point during the altercation he threatened his neighbors and he responded, "No." I asked him if he at any point he mentioned anything about a gun to his neighbors or girlfriend and he responded, "No." I then asked the Suspect if there was a physical altercation between him and his girlfriend and he stated, "No." No further questions were asked. It should be noted that I observed a red line mark on the right side of the Suspect's forehead. The red mark went down the Suspect's face to his chest area. The red mark was off centered from the Suspect's mouth. The Suspect was booked as charged and released to the custody of the 6th floor men's jail without incident. Report Officer 10999/NAJERA,CESAR Printed At 08/28/2019 12:54 Page 2 of 2 18-17163 Supplement No 0005 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 03/20/2018 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense273.5(A)PC OfficerCHAU,PONGKHAMARACK SOT Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No18-17163 Supplement No0005 Reported Date03/20/2018 Reported Time06:46 CAD Call No 180790328 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense INFLICT CORP INJURY; SPOUSE/COHABITANT Location City ZIP Code Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 03/20/2018 From Time 06:46 Officer 11135/CHAU,PONGKHAMARACK SOTH Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 2nd Officer TRUJILLO,ARTURO AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 Entered by11135 AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W2 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer8543 Approval Date03/20/2018 Approval Time12:36:19 Narrative On 03/20/18 at approximately 0729 hours, my partner (Officer A. Trujillo #6214) and I (Officer K. Chau #11135) were working uniformed patrol as Unit 3B84. We responded to to assists other units on a felony spouse abuse with knock and talks (Call 328). I contacted who resides at Ave and he told me the following: He was laying down in the living room when he heard a lot of screaming between two males but could not make out what was said. He also heard a female screaming but could not make out what was said. He further stated he Report Officer 11135/CHAU,PONGKHAMARACK SOTH Printed At 08/28/2019 12:54 Page 1 of 2 18-17163 Supplement No 0005 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative didn't look outside and didn't know who was arguing. I contacted via telephone who also resides at Ave and she told me the following: She woke up to the sound of two males screaming and arguing. She peeked through the window to see what was going on and saw one male subject (Brian) pushed another male subject wearing a blue sweater to the ground and they began wrestling. She also heard an older male's voice telling Brian to calm down. She later heard a female voice in the unit next door (screaming and yelling but could not make out what was said. She heard a male voice telling the female "shut up and relax". Police arrived on scene and knocked on her door (Ave) and she told the officer to go next door. She believed the male subject was hurting the female that was screaming. She heard the officers knock on the door and announced themselves more than five times. She left a few minutes later and noticed Brian was in the back seat of a Police vehicle. Report Officer 11135/CHAU,PONGKHAMARACK SOTH Printed At 08/28/2019 12:54 Page 2 of 2 18-17163 Supplement No 0006 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 03/20/2018 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense273.5(A)PC OfficerRYAN,ROBERT R III Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No18-17163 Supplement No0006 Reported Date03/20/2018 Reported Time11:58 CAD Call No 180790328 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense INFLICT CORP INJURY; SPOUSE/COHABITANT Location City ZIP Code Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 03/20/2018 From Time 06:46 Officer 6303/RYAN,ROBERT R III Assignment PATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 Entered by 6303 AssignmentPATROL/NORTH/CFS/W1 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer8543 Approval Date03/20/2018 Approval Time12:41:11 Narrative On 03/20/18, while working uniformed patrol as Unit 3S32, I (Sergeant R. Ryan #6303) assisted units at regarding a battery/domestic violence incident that just occurred. Prior to my arrival, Unit 3A24 (Officer K. Finch #3764) advised there was female heard crying inside the residence and they were going to have to force entry. Officer Finch later advised via his police radio that they had one subject in custody. Upon my arrival, I responded to the rear apartment (where I observed a male subject (later identified as Brian Contreras) who was handcuffed and lying on the ground.Contreras was on his stomach, while Officer Finch was straddling Contreras' legs, while holding on to his hands. Contreras was yelling and screaming about his tooth. I observed Contreras to have a chipped tooth (upper right tooth) and a small amount of blood near his mouth. Contreras was yelling how the officers kicked the door, which hit his tooth. Contreras appeared to be extremely agitated and would not calm down. The Long Beach Fire Department (LBFD) was requested to medically evaluate Contreras. As we waited for the LBFD to arrive, I attempted to speak with Contreras to get him to calm down. Contreras continued yelling about his tooth and yelled that he wanted to get up. I explained to Contreras that he needed to calm down before we felt comfortable standing him up and putting him in the police car. Contreras yelled that he was not going to get in the police car and that he wanted to get up right where he was at. The decision was made to keep Contreras in his current position until LBFD arrived, to prevent any additional incident. LBFD arrived on scene at which point Contreras verbally refused their service. He stated he did not need the paramedics. He stated he needed a dentist. After LBFD cleared, Contreras was placed in the backseat of a police vehicle without further incident. Unit 3A22 (Officer D. Collazo #5921) advised me that he forced entry into the residence at by kicking the inner wood door. After the door was forced open, Contreras was complaining that the door hit him in the face. For further regarding the forced entry, see Officer Collazo's follow-up report. Office Finch advised that he handcuffed Contreras. Upon initial contact with Contreras inside the apartment, Contreras was uncooperative and not fully compliant with the Officer's commands. At one point, while Contreras was in the prone position, Officer Finch had to use other bodily force to move Contreras into a position where he could safely be handcuffed. For further regarding Officer Finch's use of force, see his follow-up report. Unit 3A54 (Officer M. Barth #5936) contacted the original calling party, who was the victim of an assault and threats. For further regarding the original incident, see Officer Barth's report. Unit 3A21 (Officer E. Domingo #10782) assisted Officer Finch in handcuffing Contreras. Officer Domingo later Report Officer 6303/RYAN,ROBERT R III Printed At 08/28/2019 12:54 Page 1 of 2 18-17163 Supplement No 0006 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative spoke with the female subject from (later identified as For further, see Officer Domingo's report. Unit 3B84 (Officer A. Trujillo #6214 and Officer P. Chau #11135) contacted the neighbor at . For further, see their follow-up report Unit 3B81 (Officer E. Betancourt #6117 and Officer C. Nejara #10999) transported Contreras to the downtown station for booking. For further regarding their contact with Contreras,see their follow-up report. Prior to Contreras being transported to jail, I spoke with him regarding the incident. I advised Contreras of his Miranda Rights, per PD Form 1000.008, to which he replied, "Yes" when asked if he understood his rights. My interview with Contreras was audio recorded and the audio file was later placed into Mideo. Contreras advised the incident started because of the neighbor's car that was backed up to his door and was running for hours, causing the gasoline smell in his apartment. Contreras stated he got into a dispute with the neighbors about the vehicle and that his girlfriend ( was trying to calm him down. Contreras stated he was asking the neighbors to move the car several times and they told him to contact the owner. Contreras stated he was "screaming" at them to move the car but stated he never touched them. Contreras continued talking about the car and how they had it on for so long, but stated it doesn't work. I asked Contreras what happened after the dispute with the neighbors and he stated, "The cops came with guns pointed at my door." He then stated, "I don't know if they were cops. I'm traumatized." I questioned Contreras about how he didn't know it was the police and he stated, "I don't know. The door is black. I closed the door." I confirmed with Contreras that he can't see through the door and he stated, "I can't see. It was darker a little bit earlier and I closed the door." I asked Contreras if he heard them say "Police". Contreras was talking over my questions and said he didn't know why the police were there because he didn't do anything wrong. Contreras continued to say that he didn't know the police were there. Contreras said he only saw "guns" coming towards him, so he closed the door. I questioned Contreras about seeing the "guns" but not seeing the police. Contreras stated, "I closed the door as soon as I seen it." I asked what he saw and he stated, "The guns coming towards me." I asked Contreras how many guns he had seen and he replied, "I seen one. One person." Contreras stated he had seen one person with a gun coming towards him so he closed the door. Contreras could not elaborate any further regarding the person with the gun. I asked Contreras what happened after he shut the door and he stated, "I'm done talking." Contreras started talking about the gasoline incident and then I told him I wanted to talk to him about what happened after he closed the door. Contreras stated, "I closed the door because the cops came at me with a gun. Contreras went on to say that he was only worried about getting arrested because he has a clean record and that he didn't care about his tooth or the door. During my interview with Contreras, I observed him to have a scratch on his right cheek area, approximately 1 to 1-1/2 inch in length. Contreras also had a scratch on his upper right chest area. It is unknown when or how Contreras received those injuries. I observed to have a north facing door, with an outer metal mesh security screen door that opens outward and an inner wood door that opens inward (left to right). There appeared to be no damage to the outer metal screen door. I observed the wood door jamb to be split with a piece of wood broken off. I observed the door to have a split in the wood near the deadbolt lock. Officer Domingo took photographs of the incident location and all involved parties. The photographs were later uploaded to Mideo. Report Officer 6303/RYAN,ROBERT R III Printed At 08/28/2019 12:54 Page 2 of 2 18-17163 Supplement No 0007 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 03/21/2018 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense273.5(A)PC OfficerCASTRO,RUBI Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No18-17163 Supplement No0007 Reported Date03/21/2018 Reported Time09:11 CAD Call No 180790328 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense INFLICT CORP INJURY; SPOUSE/COHABITANT Location City ZIP Code Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 03/20/2018 From Time 06:46 Officer 6232/CASTRO,RUBI Assignment INVEST/DET/SPEC VIC/DOM VIOL Entered by6232 AssignmentINVEST/DET/SPEC VIC/DOM VIOL RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer6232 Approval Date03/21/2018 Approval Time09:33:57 Narrative On 03/21/18 at approximately 0747 hours, I (Detective R. Castro # 6232) contacted DEFT Brian Contreras on the 6th Floor Men's Jail (Interview Room #1) located at 400 W Broadway Long Beach Ca 90802. I read DEFT Contreras his "Miranda Right" to which he replied "Yes" to waiver question #1. DEFT Contreras then read and signed an advisement of Legal Rights Form (see attached). Summary of Statement: DEFT Contreras explained he lives in a single studio apartment. Approximately 2 ft away from his apartment door Report Officer 6232/CASTRO,RUBI Printed At 08/28/2019 12:54 Page 1 of 3 18-17163 Supplement No 0007 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative is a parking lot. In the lot was a parked vehicle that had not been used for a while. Yesterday, he awoke to the smoke from the vehicles exhaust blowing directly into his apartment. He stated he had left his front door open, so the odor of gasoline was very strong. His girlfriend (VIC asked him to go outside and talk to the neighbors about the smoke. DEFT Contreras became very upset, he went outside and confronted the neighbors (identified as VIC and VIC During the confrontation, DEFT Contreras alleges he said "You guys are going to fucken kill me". He explained that was the only time the word "Kill" came out of his mouth. Also during the confrontation, both neighbors got close to his face and asked him to calm down. DEFT Contreras refused to calm down and pushed both individuals away from him. DEFT Contreras denied anyone fell from the push but he did recall that one of the victims/ neighbor attempted to record him with a cell phone. DEFT Contreras did not recall whether the cell phone fell and broke. DEFT Contreras believes that the neighbors are merely jealous of him because DEFT Contreras is a "worker". DEFT Contreras stated that during the argument, one of the victims told him to call the owner (referring to the apartment complex owner). This comment really upset DEFT Contreras because the issue was the vehicle and the owner should not have been called. DEFT Contreras admitted he has anger problems and needs anger management.According to him, the victims took advantage of his situation. DEFT Contreras believes his aggression was perceived as a threat. During the confrontation, VIC attempted to calm him down. She started to cry because according to the defendant, VIC is very familiar of his anger issues and she knows he could "snap". During the confrontation with the neighbors, attempted to pull him away and DEFT Contreras became even more upset. He stated he pulled the victim away using both hands (bear hug), picked her up and moved her over to the left side of his body. The neighbors then ran off and moved the car. DEFT Contreras and VIC went back into his studio apartment. VIC was still crying. DEFT Contreras admitted he knew it was a cop approaching his door but DEFT Contreras knew his rights and knew that the cop could not enter his home so he closed the door. Officers then kicked the door while DEFT Contreras was standing directly behind the door causing the door to collide into his mouth. DEFT Contreras then lost a tooth. The night prior, DEFT Contreras had been partying and smoking meth so waking up to the smoke and his girlfriend complaining was upsetting to him. Summary of Incident DEFT Contreras told me he recalled the argument on 02/20/18 but denied a physical altercation occurred between him and VIC He stated he left her in his studio apartment after the argument. DEFT Contreras stated he did not receive the contact letter I mailed on 03/09/18. I showed DEFT Contreras photos of the victim's injuries and he explained they have rough sex and due to her anemia she will bruise easily. As for the injuries to her face (both incidents) the victim is allergic to makeup. DEFT Contreras stated that the injury to the victim's neck was a hickey and not a bruise. I took additional photos of the defendant and uploaded them on Mideo. I recorded the interview (see attached CD-R). I called VIC and left a voice message at approximately 0910 hours.I then called building owner and he told me video surveillance was unavailable. He said he only has phony cameras installed. At approximately 0920 hours, I spoke with VIC . He provide me with an estimate of the damage to not only one cell phone but two cell phones that were damaged by the defendant during the incident (total $500.00). Furthermore the defendant kicked the vehicle and caused a dent (approximately $300.00). Report Officer 6232/CASTRO,RUBI Printed At 08/28/2019 12:54 Page 2 of 3 18-17163 Supplement No 0007 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative He explained they are afraid of the defendant and were seeking a Temporary Restraining Order. The victim added that prior to running away from the defendant, he saw DEFT Contreras push the female ( one time and punched her face multiple times. Report Officer 6232/CASTRO,RUBI Printed At 08/28/2019 12:54 Page 3 of 3 18-17163 Supplement No 0008 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 03/21/2018 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense273.5(A)PC OfficerCASTRO,RUBI Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No18-17163 Supplement No0008 Reported Date03/21/2018 Reported Time14:04 CAD Call No 180790328 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense INFLICT CORP INJURY; SPOUSE/COHABITANT Location City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90805 Rep Dist 331 Area 03 Beat 21 From Date 03/20/2018 From Time 06:46 Officer 6232/CASTRO,RUBI Assignment INVEST/DET/SPEC VIC/DOM VIOL Entered by6232 AssignmentINVEST/DET/SPEC VIC/DOM VIOL RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer6232 Approval Date03/21/2018 Approval Time14:10:14 Narrative On 03/21/18 at approximately 1321 hours,I (Detective R. Castro) spoke with the victim via telephone. Summary: The victim denied the suspect physically abused her yesterday (03/20/18). She stated the neighbors and the defendant argued about the vehicle. Incident On 02/20/18, the victim and defendant had an argument regarding the victim sleeping at a hotel the night prior. The suspect made the victim take off her shorts and underwear in order to smell her. The victim did not provide details on exactly what he did to smell her. She does not wish to prosecute. I recorded the interview. Listen to attached CD-R in its entirety. Report Officer 6232/CASTRO,RUBI Printed At 08/28/2019 12:54 Page 1 of 1