FE2018-0035 Incident Summary_RedactedLong Beach Police Dept
Forced Entry Report
Incident Entered By: Sergeant Robert Ryan - 6303
Assigned Investigator: [Incident pending assignment]
Incident Details
Date Received Date of Occurrence Time of Occurrence
3/20/2018 3/20/2018 06:43
Record ID #DR Number IA No
12536 180017163 FE2018-0035
Date/Time Entered
3/21/2018 03:43
Incident Summary
North Division Officers responded to regarding a 242 that just occurred. The calling
party advised the neighbor just pushed and hit him to the floor and was threatening to kill him. The caller stated the suspect told his wife to get the gun and that he was going to kill the caller. No gun was seen. The
Suspect address given was Atlantic Avenue. During the initial dispatch, the call type was changed to
a 273.5, but no further information was provided.
Upon arrival, Officers contacted the calling party and confirmed the suspect was in a rear unit. As officers
approached , one of the officers observed a male Hispanic subject (later identified as
Suspect Brian Contreras) open the outer metal screen door at Avenue and look towards the officers. The officer made eye contact with the subject, who then closed the outer metal screen door. Initially the officer though this subject was just an interested bystander. As officers made contact at
, a resident of that unit advised that the problem was taking place next door at Avenue.
As Officers approached Avenue, they could hear a female subject crying and gasping for air.
Officers observed the silhouette of what appeared to be a female that was crying and crouched down on the
ground through the metal screen door. The female subject appeared to be in distress. Officers then observed
what appeared to be the female subject being pulled back away from the door by a subject standing behind her and then the inner wood door was shut.
Believing there was a possible domestic violence incident had occurred and the suspect from the original battery was inside the apartment, Officers ordered the subjects inside Avenue to open the door.
A male subject inside the unit yelled out, “No. Nothing is going on.” and the officers continued to hear the
female subject crying inside the residence. Officers verbally announced their presence and repeatedly ordered
the subjects inside to open the door. Again, the male subject inside the apartment yelled back, “No.” Officers advised the subjects inside that if they did not open the door, they would force entry into the residence. The
subjects inside refused to open the door and fearing for the safety of the female subject inside, Officers
determined it was necessary to force entry into the residence.
One of the officers pulled open the outer metal-mesh security screen door and then used his foot to kick open
the inner wood door. It took the officer two attempts to successfully force open the inner wood door. On the
second attempt, as the door swung open, it abruptly stopped prior to fully opening. As officers pushed the door open, they observed a male subject (Contreras) crouched down a few feet away from the door, next to
the female subject. Contreras was yelling and complaining about his tooth and stated, “Look what you did to
my tooth.” Contreras appeared to have a chipped upper tooth (right of middle tooth) and a small amount of blood in his mouth. Contreras was taken into custody. For further, see arrest report and additional Blue Team entry for a use of force (other bodily force).
Long Beach Fire Department responded to evaluate Contreras. Contreras declined medical attention and stated he wanted to see a Dentist. In addition to the chipped tooth, Contreras appears to have scratches on
his right cheek area and upper right chest. It is unknown how and when Contreras sustained those injuries.
Officer E. Domingo # 10782 took photographs of Contreras’ injuries and later uploaded the photos to Mideo.
Due to the forced entry, there was damage to both the inner wood door and door frame (splitting in the
wood). Officer E. Domingo # 10782 photographed the scene and uploaded the photographs to Mideo. WC3,
Lt. Burford was notified of the forced entry. It should be noted that due to low lighting inside the residence, it was difficult to clearly see inside through the metal mesh screen door from the outside. At the time of the
incident, it was during sunrise hours and was easier to see outward through the screen door from inside the residence.
I spoke with Contreras and advised him of his Miranda Rights, per PD Form 1000.008, to which he replied, “Yes” when asked if he understood his rights. Contreras claimed he did not know it was the police at his door
and only closed the door because he saw a man with a gun. Contreras contradicted himself multiple times
saying he saw the police, but claimed he did not know it was the police at his door. Contreras was concerned
about going to jail and having a record and eventually stated he did not care about his tooth or the door. For further, see my follow-up report in ARS. My interview with Contreras was audio recorded and I uploaded the
audio file to Mideo.
Incident Location
• , Long Beach, CA 90805
Reporting/Involved Citizen Information
Brian Jed Contreras
DOB: 2/13/1996 Race: Hispanic Ethnicity: Gender: Male
Address • ,
Charges against this Citizen
• Felony
Involved Officers
Police Officer David Collazo - DID: 5921
Assignment at time of incident: Title: Police Officer Cop/Patrol/North/Cfs/W1/Shift A Graveyard
Video Footage: Body Worn Camera - Not Assigned
Role • N/A
Citizen Witnesses
DOB: - Race: - Gender:
Role •
Officer Witnesses
Police Officer Elieser Domingo - DID: 10782
Video Footage: Body Worn Camera - Not Assigned
Role • N/A
Police Officer Keith Finch - DID: 3764
Video Footage: Body Worn Camera - Not Assigned
• N/A
No tasks to show
Running Sheet Entries
No running sheet entries to show
No attachments
Assignment History
Sent Dt From To
1/14/2019 CLERK TYP UC Amber Hamel Cop, Patrol, North
Assignment notes
Field assigned
Email sent to receiver
No email sent
3/18/2019 Lieutenant Darren Lance (None Specified)
Assignment notes Field status changed in IAPro from To IA to Released
Email sent to receiver
No email sent
3/18/2019 Lieutenant Darren Lance (None Specified)
Assignment notes Released back to IAPro
Email sent to receiver
No email sent
Chain of Command History
Routing #1
Sent From: Sergeant Robert Ryan
Sent To: Lieutenant Tyae Burford
CC: (none)
Sent Date/Time: 3/21/2018 5:25 AM
Instructions from Sergeant Robert Ryan to Lieutenant Tyae Burford:
Please see Forced Entry report for your review.
Comments/Response from Lieutenant Tyae Burford:
Approved: Approved
Incident reviewed - Forced entry was within policy
Routing #2
Sent From: Lieutenant Tyae Burford
Sent To: Lieutenant Dina Zapalski
CC: (none)
Sent Date/Time: 9/4/2018 5:57 PM
Instructions from Lieutenant Tyae Burford to Lieutenant Dina Zapalski:
Reviewed - No issues
Comments/Response from Lieutenant Dina Zapalski:
Approved: Approved
I reviewed the sergeants Forced Entry report. The forced entry was necessary and with in department policy. No further action needed.
Routing #3
Sent From: Lieutenant Dina Zapalski
Sent To: Commander Steven Lauricella
CC: (none)
Sent Date/Time: 9/4/2018 7:40 PM
Instructions from Lieutenant Dina Zapalski to Commander Steven Lauricella:
For your review and approval.
Comments/Response from Commander Steven Lauricella:
Approved: Approved
Entry was appropriate. No further action
Routing #4
Sent From: Commander Steven Lauricella
Sent To: Sergeant Americo Fernandez
CC: (none)
Sent Date/Time: 10/25/2018 2:25 PM
Instructions from Commander Steven Lauricella to Sergeant Americo Fernandez:
Bureau review
Comments/Response from Sergeant Americo Fernandez:
Comments: Incident routing was closed out by IAPro user CLERK TYP UC Amber Hamel and the incident was re-routed to
Lieutenant Anthony C Lopez [5301]
Routing #5
Sent From: Clerk Typist Amber Hamel
Sent To: Lieutenant Anthony Lopez
CC: (none)
Sent Date/Time: 1/14/2019 9:00 AM
Instructions from Clerk Typist Amber Hamel to Lieutenant Anthony Lopez:
Re-route to new Patrol Admin Lt.
Comments/Response from Lieutenant Anthony Lopez:
Approved: Approved
Patrol Bureau Approves.
Recommendation: No further action. Bureau finds the forced entry to be legal and justified.
No BWC's were assigned to any of the officers.
Assigned Investigator Signature Line
[Incident pending assignment]
Chain of Command Signature Lines
Lieutenant Tyae Burford
Lieutenant Dina Zapalski
Commander Steven Lauricella
Sergeant Americo Fernandez
Lieutenant Anthony Lopez