ToxicologySubject name: Booking number: DR number: Driver's license number / State: Sample collected by: Collection date/time: Evidence received from / date: Tag number: Requested by: Item 1 of the above tag number is one gray-top Vacutainer blood collection tube containing what appears to be a homogeneous mixture of whole blood. The tube was under vacuum seal. I uncapped the tube to sample the contents. Analysis was performed by the method of headspace gas chromatography. The reported amount is the average of two separate analyses (trials) of the contents. Tox lab 09/08/2017 886797 MCI Description of evidence: Martinez-Lopez, Felipe 5089115 170053052 No CDL J. Fenoglio 6033 LBPD 09/01/2017 @ 2313 hrs An ASCLD/LAB – International Accredited Testing Laboratory Since October 16, 2014 (ALI-360-T) LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT FORENSIC SCIENCE SERVICES DIVISION CRIME LABORATORY - TOXICOLOGY UNIT 1400 Canal Ave., Long Beach, Ca 90813 BLOOD-ALCOHOL ANALYSIS REPORT RESULTS: (Results were recorded at the time of analysis.) Reported amount: 0.254 Uncertainty of measurement is ± 2.5 % of the average amount: ±0.006 %W/V The + value is an expanded uncertainty and is reported at a 99% confidence level. Administrative review: Technical review: Page 1 of 2 9/8/2017 Lab locker %W/V in blood. Date of report: Disposition of evidence: Criminalist, Forensic Alcohol Analyst Gregory Gossage 7885 2017.09.08 14:21:24 -07'00' gÜÉç _A jtÜw 2017.09.11 07:14:15 -07'00'gÜÉç _A jtÜw 2017.09.11 07:14:26 -07'00' DR number: Tag number: 886797 Instrumentation used: Agilent G1888 headspace sampler serial number: IT00907007 Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph serial number: US00011445 Trial #1 Trial #2 Trial #1 Trial #2 Trial #1 Trial #2 Trial #1 Trial #2 Data file name: V29.D V30.D V11.D V12.D V41.D V42.D V9.D V10.D Analysis time: 12:21 12:23 11:32 11:35 12:53 12:56 11:27 11:29 Ret time ethanol (EtOH) (min): 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 0.00 0.00 Peak area ethanol (EtOH): 68.230 67.726 42.080 42.231 44.360 45.094 0.000 0.000 Amount EtOH (%W/V): 0.255 0.254 0.158 0.157 0.159 0.158 0.000 0.000 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 131.511 131.073 130.970 131.894 136.700 140.330 120.410 122.307 sample reference material reference material Blank Retention time internal standard Peak area internal standard Blood alcohol analysis report continued 170053052 Evidence First quality control Last quality control 䣯䣫䣰0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 䣲䣃 20 40 60 80 100 120 FID1 A, (170908\V29.D) 1.250 - ethanol 1.451 - 1-propanol䣯䣫䣰0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 䣲䣃 20 40 60 80 100 120 FID1 A, (170908\V30.D) 1.250 - ethanol 1.451 - 1-propanol131.511 131.073 130.970 131.894 136.700 140.330 120.410 122.307 %Deviation: Solution lot#: Known concentration (%W/V): Expiration date: Specimen was diluted with the Hamilton 600 dilutor s/n ML600EF7284 Secondary alcohol standard information Trial 1 Trial 2 AverageTrial1Trial2Trial1Trial2x - value y - value y - value y - value 0.010 %W/V calibrator 3.029 2.732 132.292 134.997 0.50 0.0229 0.0202 0.0216 0.100 %W/V calibrator 26.961 27.934 134.908 135.043 5.00 0.1998 0.2069 0.2033 0.200 %W/V calibrator 56.1614 55.933 137.738 138.731 10.00 0.4077 0.4032 0.4055 0.500 %W/V calibrator 140.888 139.319 139.209 137.244 25.00 1.0121 1.0151 1.0136 Cerilliant 0.010% cal lot# FN02231604: 0.100% cal lot# FN08101601: 0.200% cal lot# FN03301601: 0.500% cal lot# FN08031602 slope: y - intercept:r2: Gregory Gossage 7885 Page 2 of 2 Analysis date: Disposition of evidence: Criminalist, Forensic Alcohol Supervisor 9/8/2017 Lab locker (1-propanol) peak area Calibration curve info Ethanol peak area 0.0404973 0.0009538 0.99999928 0.02 0.16 0.16 0.00 11/7/2017 4/27/2018 4/27/2018 None Quality control reference material Quality control reference material1-propanol int. std. Blank HSIS110716 HSQC042717 HSQC042717 Distilled water Average ethanol concentration 0.254 0.157 0.158 0.000 0.30 0.60 0.60 0.00 Peak area internal standard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