17-53052 Police Reports_Redacted17-53052 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 09/01/2017 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense148(A)(1)PC OfficerREDSHAW,TIMOTHY R Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No17-53052 Supplement NoORIG Reported Date09/01/2017 Reported Time22:22 CAD Call No 172441864 Rpt Typ ARREST ONLY Primary Offense OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFICER Location GARDENIA AV/E 14TH ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90813 Rep Dist 382 Area 04 Beat 05 From Date 09/01/2017 From Time 22:22 Officer 6278/REDSHAW,TIMOTHY R Assignment PATROL/WEST/CFS/W3 Entered by 6278 AssignmentPATROL/WEST/CFS/W3 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7054 Approval Date09/03/2017 Approval Time13:59:09 Person Summary Invl ARR Invl No 1 Type I Name MARTINEZLOPEZ,FELIPE MNI Race H Sex M DOB 08/12/1991 Report Officer 6278/REDSHAW,TIMOTHY R Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 1 of 4 17-53052 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT ARRESTEE 1: MARTINEZLOPEZ,FELIPE Involvement ARRESTEE Invl No 1 Type Individual Name MARTINEZLOPEZ,FELIPE MNI Race Hispanic/Mexican/Latin Sex Male DOB 08/12/1991 Age 26 Juvenile? No Height 5'07" Weight 140# Hair Color Black Eye Color Brown PRN Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 09/02/2017 Phone TypeMessage Phone No Date09/02/2017 Employer/School Position/Grade Involvement ARRESTED Arrest Type ARRESTED Arrest Date 09/01/2017 Arrest Time 22:34:00 Booking No 5089115 Book Date 09/02/2017 Book Time 01:13:00 Status BOOKED Arrest Location GARDENIA AV City LONG BEACH Rep Dist 382 Place of Birth (Use only when state is unknown) Beat 05 Charge 148(A)(1)PC Level M Charge Literal RESIST/OBSTRUCT PUBL Charge23152(A)VC LevelM Charge LiteralDUI ALCOHOL/DRUGS Charge20002(A)1VC LevelM Charge LiteralHIT&RUN PROP DAMAG:L Charge 12500(A)VC Level M Charge Literal DRIVE W/O LICENSE Narrative DISPATCH On 9/01/2017 at approximately 2220 hours, my partner (Officer A. Do #10652) and I (Officer T. Redshaw #6278) were working patrol when were dispatched an injury traffic collision near the area of 14th Street and Gardenia Avenue. It should be noted that our patrol vehicle was a clearly marked black and white patrol vehicle equipped with an overhead light bar and siren. Our uniform was also clearly marked and consisted of a badge on my chest, name plate and two clearly marked patches identifying us Long Beach Police Officers. While traveling to the dispatched location the police dispatch provided us the following information: Gardenia Avenue and 14th Street. Injury traffic collision with no detailed information. Priority one (lights and siren). Injury traffic accident, possible hit and run. Vehicle versus parked car. Subject tried to leave but has been stopped by another subject. Unknown description of vehicles. ARRIVAL Upon our arrival to the dispatched area, I was driving our patrol vehicle southbound Gardenia Avenue from 15th Street. As we traveled southbound I observed a crowd of approximately 15 people standing near a black compact vehicle, which was stopped in the center of Gardenia Avenue near 14th Street. Directly to the west of this vehicle, I also observed an AT&T work van parked along the west curb of Gardenia Avenue. This van had moderate damage to the entire driver's side portion of the vehicle As I exited the patrol vehicle, I saw approximately 5 subjects pointing at a male Hispanic subject (later identified as Felipe Martinez) who was still standing near the front driver's side door to this vehicle. I could hear the crowd saying "Him. He's the driver. He was trying to get away." At this exact moment my attention was divided. I had just arrived to an injury traffic collision in which someone may be hurt and in need of emergency medical attention along with being informed a person was trying to flee the area of a collision. Based on this information, I immediately assumed the subject (Felipe Martinez) was fleeing Report Officer 6278/REDSHAW,TIMOTHY R Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 2 of 4 17-53052 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative the scene and may have been involved in a felony hit and run investigation. CONTACT WITH FELIPE MARTINEZ As I attempted to contact the male, Hispanic driver (FELIPE MARTINEZ) he began to walk away from me. Once he was approximately ten feet away from, he then began to run northbound along the east sidewalk of Gardenia Avenue. At this moment, I believed he was felony suspect who was deliberately fleeing from me. I immediately identified myself as a police officer and gave multiple commands to this subject stop running. I now began to run northbound on Gardenia Avenue in direct foot pursuit after the suspect with the intent to arrest him for the hit and run traffic investigation. Felipe Martinez ran approximately 100 feet northbound from the original point where I first attempted to contact him which is when he reached an apartment complex locate at Gardenia Avenue. Once he was near the north portion of this complex, he turned and ran eastbound toward a metal security gate attached to the complex. Once he reached the pedestrian gate, he opened the door, entered into the complex and immediately began to close the gate. At this moment, I feared this felony suspect was deliberately attempting to close and lock the gate with the sole intent to prevent and delay me in arresting him. I also feared this suspect may continue to flee from me and unlawfully enter and barricade himself into someone's residence. To prevent any further delay in arresting this suspect I kicked the security gate with my left leg. It should be noted I kicked the gate with the intent to prevent it from being locked on me so that I could continue my pursuit of the suspect. I did not kick the gate with intent to use it as a device to be used against the suspect. Immediately upon kicking the gate, it swung back in toward the suspect and struck him in the head. I observed the suspect immediately collapse down to the cement walkway. Once the suspect was down, Officer Do and I entered the complex and contacted the suspect. I gave the suspect commands to lay in the prone position to which he did not respond with any verbal statements or movements. At this moment, I believed the subject may have been unconscious due to the impact of the being hit in the head by the gate and falling down onto the cement walkway. Officer Do handcuffed the suspect and rendered aid to him. It should be noted that no other force was used by Officer Do or I. NOTIFICATION Once Officer Do handcuffed the suspect, I aired for Long Beach Fire Department to respond as well as aired for a sergeant to respond for a use of force. Sergeant J. Flores was notified and responded to the scene. Long Beach Fire Engine #3 and BLS #2 also responded to the scene. BLS #2 later transported the subject to St. Mary's Hospital for further medical attention prior to booking. Officer S. Kim #11027 and Officer J. San Juan #10564 took custody of the suspect and remained with him until he was later booked and released to the Men's Jail without incident. St. Mary's Emergency Department Dr.cleared the suspect for booking. Booking Sergeant S. Hall and Jail Supervisor ------ were notified of the suspect's contact with police. (Booking # ----). Internal Affairs Sergeant D. Scaccia was notifed and responded. PHOTGRAPHS Officer J. Villanueva #5854 photographed the scene. WITNESS STATEMENTS Officer J. Villanueva and Officer M. Mounts conducted witness statements. For further refer to their supplemental police reports. SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Officer R. Chavez #5737 conducted the traffic investigation. For further refer to his supplemental report. Report Officer 6278/REDSHAW,TIMOTHY R Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 3 of 4 17-53052 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative Officer R. Wharton #5771 and Officer J. Fenoglio ##6033 conducted the driving under the influence investigation. For further refer to their supplemental report. Report Officer 6278/REDSHAW,TIMOTHY R Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 4 of 4 17-53052 Supplement No 0001 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 09/01/2017 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense148(A)(1)PC OfficerVILLANUEVA,JEANNIE M Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No17-53052 Supplement No0001 Reported Date09/01/2017 Reported Time22:22 CAD Call No 172441864 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFICER Location GARDENIA AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90813 Rep Dist 382 Area 04 Beat 05 From Date 09/01/2017 From Time 22:22 Officer 5854/VILLANUEVA,JEANNIE M Assignment PATROL/WEST/CFS/W3 Entered by 5854 AssignmentPATROL/WEST/CFS/W3 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7170 Approval Date09/02/2017 Approval Time19:47:14 Use of ForceYes Photos TakenYes # Offenses 1 Offense 20002VC Description HIT AND RUN WITHOUT Complaint Type WITNESS 1: InvolvementWITNESS Invl No1 Individual MNI Race Sex DOB Age Juvenile?Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color PRN TypeHOME Address City State ZIP Code Date09/01/2017 Type Operator License ID No OLS Phone Type Cell Phone No Date 09/01/2017 Narrative I, Officer J. Villanueva #5854, was dispatched to a traffic accident where the person had hit a parked car and was attempting to leave the scene, Call #1864. Assisting Unit 1C65, Officers T. Redshaw #6278 and A. Do #10652. arrived on scene first and had a Use of Force with the suspect. I was then directed to take photos of the scene, suspect, and involved officers, which I did. I was then directed to conduct Knock and Talks and I spoke with Witness Witness stated he was outside of his apartment building when he heard a "bang", which sounded like a car collision. Witness stated he looked southbound and saw the suspect vehicle attempting to take off from a van he had ran into. Witness stated the suspect seemed to be having trouble driving his vehicle and was driving southbound approximately 5 MPH. At this time, an unidentified neighbor, with no shirt on, ran outside from a possible apartment complex across the street and just north of where the accident occurred. This subject began running after the suspect's vehicle and the suspect vehicle then stopped. The neighbor was speaking to the suspect, who was still in the vehicle and told Report Officer 5854/VILLANUEVA,JEANNIE M Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 1 of 2 17-53052 Supplement No 0001 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative the suspect to drive back to where the accident occurred. The suspect backed the vehicle up to where the accident occurred and the neighbor reached in and took the keys out of the ignition. The neighbor told the suspect to get out of the vehicle,which he did. Witness stated at this time the first police unit came southbound Gardenia and pulled up behind the suspect's vehicle. The witness stated the suspect began to quickly walk northbound on the east sidewalk, in an attempt to get away from the officers. When the officers spotted the suspect, the suspect began running northbound on the sidewalk and went to Gardenia. Witness stated he did not have his glasses on, but it appeared the suspect was trying to jump over the security gate at that location and the officers reached for the suspect to detain him. Witness stated he heard a loud bang, which he believes was the security gate and then heard a thud, which he believed was the suspect hitting the ground. Witness stated one of the officers went inside of the gate and handcuffed the suspect and brought him outside to the curb. Witness stated he did not see what force was used, just saw officers reaching for the suspect. He did not see any other force used. Report Officer 5854/VILLANUEVA,JEANNIE M Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 2 of 2 17-53052 Supplement No 0002 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 09/01/2017 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense148(A)(1)PC OfficerMOUNTS,MICHELLE MARIE Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No17-53052 Supplement No0002 Reported Date09/01/2017 Reported Time22:22 CAD Call No 172441864 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFICER Location GARDENIA AV/E 14TH ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90813 Rep Dist 382 Area 04 Beat 05 From Date 09/01/2017 From Time 22:22 Officer 10798/MOUNTS,MICHELLE MARIE Assignment PATROL/WEST/CFS/W1 Entered by 10798 AssignmentPATROL/WEST/CFS/W1 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7170 Approval Date09/02/2017 Approval Time19:54:16 KNOCK AND TALK 1: Involvement KNOCK AND TALK Invl No 1 Individual Name MNI Race Sex DOB Age Juvenile?PRN Type HOME City State ZIP Code Date 09/01/2017 KNOCK AND TALK 2: Involvement KNOCK AND TALK Invl No 2 Individual Name MNI Race Sex DOB Age Juvenile?PRN Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 09/01/2017 Phone TypeCell Phone No Date09/01/2017 KNOCK AND TALK 3: Involvement KNOCK AND TALK Invl No 3 Individual Name MNI Race Sex DOB Age Juvenile?Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color PRN TypeHOME Address City State ZIP Code Date09/01/2017 Report Officer 10798/MOUNTS,MICHELLE MARIE Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 1 of 4 17-53052 Supplement No 0002 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT KNOCK AND TALK 4: Involvement KNOCK AND TALK Invl No 4 Individual Name MNI Race Sex DOB Age Juvenile?Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color PRN Type HOME Address State ZIP Code Date 09/01/2017 Phone TypeCell Phone No Date09/01/2017 KNOCK AND TALK 5: Involvement KNOCK AND TALK Invl No 5 Individual Name MNI Race Sex DOB Age Juvenile?Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color PRN TypeHOME Address City State ZIP Code Date09/01/2017 Type Operator License ID No OLS KNOCK AND TALK 6: Involvement KNOCK AND TALK Invl No 6 Individual Name MNI Race Sex DOB Age Juvenile?PRN Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 09/01/2017 KNOCK AND TALK 7: InvolvementKNOCK AND TALK Invl No7 Individual Name MNI Race Sex DOB Age Juvenile?Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color PRN TypeHOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 09/01/2017 TypeOperator License ID No OLS TypeOperator License ID No OLS Type Social Security Number ID No OLS Report Officer 10798/MOUNTS,MICHELLE MARIE Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 2 of 4 17-53052 Supplement No 0002 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT KNOCK AND TALK 8: Involvement KNOCK AND TALK Invl No 8 Individual Name MNI Race Sex DOB Age Juvenile?PRN Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 09/01/2017 Narrative On 9/1/17 at approximately 2225 hours, I (Officer M. Mounts #10798) was working uniformed patrol as Unit 412C when I assisted Unit 4C65 (Officer A. Do #10652 and Officer T. Redshaw #6278) on a hit and run report (call #1864). The call later resulted in a use of force. The call stated there was a possible hit and run involving a vehicle and a parked vehicle. The driver of the vehicle was trying to leave but was stopped by another subject. There was no description of the vehicles. While en route, Unit 4C65 advised they were in foot pursuit northbound on Gardenia Avenue. Shortly after, they advised via police radio code 4 (situation under control, no further assistance needed). Upon arrival, I was assigned knock and talk interviews. The following knock and talk interviews were conducted: KNT #1: I spoke to and she told me the following: was in her house and heard what she believed to be the sounds of a vehicle collision. came out to check on her vehicle, which was parked on Gardenia Avenue. Once she saw it was not involved, she went back inside. She did not hear or see anything further. She was not able to identify the vehicle or person involved in the collision. KNT #2: I spoke to and she told me the following: was standing on the curb in front of her house when she saw the suspect running northbound on Gardenia Avenue. She heard a male voice yell, "Police! Stop" as the suspect continued to run and attempted to enter the gate at the front of the apartment complex.said it looked like the suspect was trying to get away from the police.could not see what happened next, but shortly after saw the suspect with blood on the side of his face as he waited for paramedics. KNT #3: I spoke to and she told me the following: did not hear or see anything relating to the incident. KNT #4: I spoke to and she told me the following: was in the bathroom with her children when her younger brother came in and told her it sounded like someone was in a fight out front of the apartment. Her younger brother wasn't sure who was involved, but could just hear noise. came out of her apartment and saw her husband (the suspect) lying face down on the ground inside of the gate to the apartment. said she saw a police officer "on top" of the suspect grabbing for the suspects hands. could not clarify if the officer was on the side of the suspect attempting to handcuff him or what was occurring. The officer then assisted the suspect to his feet and walked him outside of the gate where he was sat on the curb. No response at . KNT #4: I spoke to and he told me the following: did not see or hear anything relating to the incident. KNT #5: Report Officer 10798/MOUNTS,MICHELLE MARIE Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 3 of 4 17-53052 Supplement No 0002 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative I spoke to and she told me the following: did not see or hear anything relating to the incident. KNT #6: I spoke to and she told me the following: heard a loud bang and was not sure what it was. She came outside and saw the suspect sitting on the curb handcuffed. KNT #7: I spoke to and she told me the following: was in her apartment when she heard what she described as a loud bang. She came out and saw the suspect sitting on the curb. For further on the incident, refer to Officer Do's main report. Report Officer 10798/MOUNTS,MICHELLE MARIE Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 4 of 4 17-53052 Supplement No 0003 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 09/01/2017 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense23152(A)VC OfficerFENOGLIO,JON A Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No17-53052 Supplement No0003 Reported Date09/01/2017 Reported Time22:22 CAD Call No 172441864 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense DUI ALCOHOL Location GARDENIA AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90813 Rep Dist 382 Area 04 Beat 05 From Date 09/01/2017 From Time 22:22 Officer 6033/FENOGLIO,JON A Assignment PATROL/FIELD SUP/TRAFFIC/DUI TEAM Entered by6033 AssignmentPATROL/FIELD SUP/TRAFFIC/DUI TEAM RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7170 Approval Date09/02/2017 Approval Time19:57:16 SUSPECT 1: MARTINEZ LOPEZ,FELIPE Involvement SUSPECT Invl No 1 Type Individual Name MARTINEZ LOPEZ,FELIPE MNI Race Hispanic/Mexican/Latin Sex Male DOB 08/12/1991 Age 26 Juvenile? No Height 5'06" Weight 150# Hair Color Brown Eye ColorBrown PRN Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 09/01/2017 WITNESS 1: Involvement WITNESS Invl No 1 Individual MNI PRN Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date 09/01/2017 Phone TypeHome Phone No Date09/01/2017 Vehicle: Involvement Suspect Auto e No State California Lic Year 2017 Lic Type Regular Passenger Automobile Plates Year 1997 Make Honda Model Civic/CRX/Del Sol Style4-door Automobile ColorBlack Narrative While on routine uniformed DUI (Driving under the influence) patrol, my partner (Officer R. Wharton #5771 unit DUI2) and I (Officer J. Fenoglio #6033 unit DUI1) assisted on a hit and run where citizens where detaining the suspect in front of 1433 Gardenia, call #1864. The dispatcher aired that the suspect hit a parked car and attempted to flee. Citizens then detained the driver. While Ofc Wharton and I where in route we heard a unit air they were in foot pursuit of the suspect Northbound Gardenia. A few seconds later the unit aired that they were code 4 and needed a Sergeant for a use of force at 1464 Gardenia. Report Officer 6033/FENOGLIO,JON A Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 1 of 2 17-53052 Supplement No 0003 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative Upon arrival I observed unit 4C65 (Officers A. Do #10652 and T. Redshaw #6278) walking the suspect (later identified as Martinez Lopez, Felipe) out of the front gate of 1464 Gardenia. Martinez Lopez was already handcuffed. Martinez Lopez spoke Spanish so I was unable to communicate with him directly. The collision was a minor sideswipe with a parked car. For further on the collision see the collision report written under this DR (report) number by unit 4M9 (Officer R. Chavez #5737). During Ofc Chavez's investigation he found a witness (that observed Martinez Lopez driving the vehicle (black 4 door Honda Civic plate # relayed the following to Ofc Chavez. heard a car crash and walked out to the street. He observed a black Civic slowly drive southbound Gardenia from in front of said the Civic was making a loud grinding noise. The vehicle got to Gardenia and 14th and heard a citizen yell at the driver to go back because he hit a car. The Civic then reversed back up to Gardenia. The Civic never left sight. A separate citizen then walked up and told the driver of the Civic to get out and he refused. The citizen then opened the door and pulled out the driver and said that is was the person we had detained (Martinez Lopez). The citizen told Martinez Lopez that he had to wait there for the police.observed Martinez Lopez run up to Gardenia as soon as the police pulled up and got out of their car.observed the police chase after Martinez Lopez. LBFD Engine 3 treated Martinez Lopez for facial lacerations that he sustained during the use of force. For further on the use of force see the 148 PC (resisting lawful order of a police officer) report written under this DR number by Ofc's Do and Redshaw. LBFD BLS2 transported Martinez Lopez to St. Marys Hospital for further treatment of the lacerations. Unit 4C75 (Officers J. San Juan #11027 and S. Kim #10564) rode in the ambulance with Martinez Lopez due to him being under arrest. I was unable to do the SFST (standard field sobriety test) due to Martinez Lopez already being under arrest for the 148 PC. However I did observe that Martinez Lopez had the following symptoms of being under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, bloodshot/watery eyes, staggering/unsteady gait, horizontal gaze nystagmus, strong odor of alcohol emitting from his person. I formed the opinion that Martinez Lopez had been driving his vehicle while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage and was too impaired to do so safely. I looked inside the Civic and observed a black wallet with red design on it lying on the front passenger seat in plain view. I opened it and immediately observed at Mexico consular picture ID card belonging to Martinez Lopez. Martinez Lopez did not have a valid CA drivers license. At the hospital unit 4S29 (Sgt. Flores #10007) Mirandized and interviewed Martinez Lopez in Spanish for his use of force supervisors report. I asked Sgt. Flores if he could ask Martinez Lopez a few DUI preliminary interview questions. Martinez Lopez told Sgt. Flores that he had drank 4 beers at a friend's house and that the last drink he had was at 2PM. Martinez Lopez admitted that he was driving his Civic and hit the parked car. I had Sgt. Lopez inform Martinez Lopez that he was under arrest for DUI and that he was required to give a chemical sample. Due to being in the Hospital the only chemical sample available was a blood sample. Martinez Lopez agreed to give a blood sample for the DUI chemical test. St. Marys E.R. registered nurse obtained the blood sample as I witnessed it. handed me the blood vial and I kept it in my possession until I placed it into evidence. For further see the evidence report I completed under this DR number. I left the Hospital and Martinez Lopez was still being treated and in the custody of unit 4C75. When released from the Hospital Martinez Lopez will be transported to the LBPD booking and be booked for 148 PC, 23152 VC (driving under the influence of alcohol). Report Officer 6033/FENOGLIO,JON A Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 2 of 2 17-53052 Supplement No 0004 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 09/02/2017 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary OffenseVOID OfficerLEE,MONICA LAKHENA Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No17-53052 Supplement No0004 Reported Date09/02/2017 Reported Time00:42 CAD Call No 172441864 Rpt Typ FILED Primary Offense DR NUMBER VOID Location GARDENIA AV/E 14TH ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90813 Rep Dist 382 Area 04 Beat 05 From Date 09/02/2017 From Time 00:42 Officer 10251/LEE,MONICA LAKHENA Assignment PATROL/FIELD SUP/TRAFFIC/MOTORS W3 2nd OfficerLEE,MONICA LAKHENA AssignmentADMIN/RECORDS/TRANSCRIPT/W2 Entered by5737 AssignmentPATROL/FIELD SUP/TRAFFIC/MOTORS W3 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer10251 Approval Date09/04/2017 Approval Time12:50:41 Narrative VOID; Supplemental Report 170053052.0004 not used. Report Officer 10251/LEE,MONICA LAKHENA Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 1 of 1 17-53052 Supplement No 0005 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 09/01/2017 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense148(A)(1)PC OfficerFLORES,JOSE G JR Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No17-53052 Supplement No0005 Reported Date09/01/2017 Reported Time22:22 CAD Call No 172441864 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFICER Location GARDENIA AV/E 14TH ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90813 Rep Dist 382 Area 04 Beat 05 From Date 09/01/2017 From Time 01:13 Officer 10007/FLORES,JOSE G JR Assignment PATROL/ADMIN/ADMIN/STAFF Entered by 10007 AssignmentPATROL/ADMIN/ADMIN/STAFF RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7170 Approval Date09/02/2017 Approval Time19:59:12 Narrative On 09/01/17 at approximately 2225 hours I (Sgt J. Flores #10007) assisted Unit 4C65 (Officer T. Redshaw #6278 and Officer A. Do #10652) who had responded an injury no detail traffic accident. While onscene the suspect, who was identified as Felipe Martinez-Lopez, fled the from Unit 4C65. Officer Do advised dispatch they were in foot pursuit. Officer Redshaw then advised dispatch a use of force had occurred (for further see Officer Redshaw's police report.) Martinez-Lopez was transported to St.Mary's hospital to be treated for his injuries. I drove to St Mary's hospital where I contacted Martinez-Lopez. I observed Martinez-Lopez had an approximately half inch laceration above his left eye-brow and an approximately half inch laceration above his left cheek bone. Both of Martinez-Lopez's lacerations required three sutures Martinez-Lopez is a Spanish speaker. I read him his Miranda Rights in Spanish per PD Form 1000.009. Martinez-Lopez replied to question #1 ,"Yes." Martinez-Lopez stated the following: Martinez-Lopez advised me he was the driver of the vehicle that was involved in the traffic accident. Martinez-Lopez went on to tell me he had 4 beers at his friend's house. Martinez-Lopez then told me he had ran from the police officers because he was scared of being arrested. Martinez-Lopez attempted to close the gate because he was scared of being arrested. Martinez-Lopez went on to tell me his injury to his head was caused when the officers took him to the ground causing him to his head on the ground. Martinez-Lopez went on to tell me he believed the use of force wouldn't have occurred if he wouldn't have ran from the officers. Martinez-Lopez did not make any further statements. I audio recorded my interview of Martinez-Lopez and uploaded it to Mideo. IA Sgt Scacia responded. Unit WC3 (Lt. D. Lance #6041) was advised. Report Officer 10007/FLORES,JOSE G JR Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 1 of 1 17-53052 Supplement No 0006 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 09/02/2017 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense148(A)(1)PC OfficerDO,ALVIN DEAN Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No17-53052 Supplement No0006 Reported Date09/02/2017 Reported Time01:54 CAD Call No 172441864 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFICER Location GARDENIA AV/E 14TH ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90813 Rep Dist 382 Area 04 Beat 05 From Date 09/01/2017 From Time 22:22 Officer 10652/DO,ALVIN DEAN Assignment PATROL/ADMIN/FTO/STAFF Entered by 10652 AssignmentPATROL/ADMIN/FTO/STAFF RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7170 Approval Date09/02/2017 Approval Time20:03:52 Narrative On 9/1/17 at approximately 2221 hours, my partner (Officer T. Redshaw #6278) and I (Officer A. Do #10652) were working uniformed patrol as Unit 4C65 when we were dispatched to the intersection of 14th Street and Gardenia Avenue regarding a possible injury traffic collision that could also be a hit and run (call #1864). It should be noted that my partner and I were driving in a black and white marked police vehicle, equipped with an overhead light bar and sirens. We were in full police uniform that included patches, nameplate, and badge that indicated we were police officers for the City of Long Beach. Upon arrival, I observed a black Honda Civic (license plate # parked in the northbound lane of Gardenia Avenue in front of Gardenia Avenue. The vehicle was facing southbound. It appeared to have damage on the passenger side of the vehicle and the emergency lights were flashing. There were multiple vehicles that had damage. There was no driver in the vehicle or around the vehicle. I believed that the driver had fled or attempted to flee the scene of an injury traffic collision. I observed a male Hispanic subject (later identified as the calling party standing on the west side of the street. I asked him where the driver of the Honda Civic was and he pointed to the east side of the street and stated, "I think that's him right there." When I looked over to the east side of the street, I could not see the subject due to my patrol vehicle obstructing my view. I move northbound to clear the vehicle so I could see the subject. Initially, I heard my partner say, "Hey!" It got my attention and I observed the suspect (later identified as Felipe Martinez) and he began to run northbound on the east sidewalk of Gardenia Avenue. At this moment, I believed that Martinez was a felony suspect and he was fleeing to evade arrest. Officer Redshaw initiated a foot pursuit and ran after Martinez. Officer Redshaw was paralleling Martinez by running northbound on the street. There were a row of cars parked on the east curb of Gardenia Avenue that separated Martinez and Officer Redshaw. I engaged in a foot pursuit and followed Officer Redshaw. I also used my police radio and stated that we were in a foot pursuit. I heard Officer Redshaw yell, "Hey, stop!" Martinez refused to listen to comply with Officer Redshaw's command. Martinez continued to run northbound on Gardenia Avenue. Officer Redshaw and I continued to follow him. After approximately 100 feet away from where the foot pursuit was initiated, Martinez made a eastbound turn towards an apartment complex ( Gardenia Avenue). Officer Redshaw ran eastbound following Martinez. I was following Officer Redshaw approximately 10 feet behind. Martinez reached a swinging metal security gate and proceeded to open the gate. Martinez was able to get the gate open and proceeded to go through the gate. I Report Officer 10652/DO,ALVIN DEAN Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 1 of 2 17-53052 Supplement No 0006 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative observed the gate swing open to the east. Officer Redshaw and I ran towards the metal gate. As Martinez made it through the gate he stopped running and proceeded to slam the gate as Officer Redshaw approached the gate. I believed that Martinez tried to close the metal gate to avoid capture and injure Officer Redshaw. I then observed Officer Redshaw lowered his center of gravity, lifted up his left foot, mid stride, and kick the metal gate. The gate flew open and I observed the gate strike Martinez. Due to the time of night and the poor lighting, I was not able to observe where exactly the gate struck Martinez. Martinez fell to the ground onto his back and Officer Redshaw went through the gate. I followed right behind Officer Redshaw and ordered Martinez to roll over and put his hands behind his back. Martinez did not comply with my orders. I then realized that Martinez was possibly unconscious. I grabbed Martinez's right arm and pulled it over his head and assisted Martinez in moving from a supine position to a position on his stomach. I then used the prone handcuffing technique and handcuffed his right wrist and then the left wrist. I placed Martinez under arrest. No further force was used. It should be noted, Martinez was unconscious for approximately 5-10 seconds. I conducted a pat down search for weapons and I needed to roll Martinez over to check the front of his person. I then observed blood on the left side of his face and blood in the area of his face on the sidewalk where he was lying. I assisted Martinez on to his feet and walked him out from the apartment complex and walked him out to the sidewalk and assisted him in sitting down. Officer Redshaw used his police radio and advised that he was just involved in a use of force and needed a field supervisor to respond. Unit 4S29 (Sgt. J. Flores #10007) responded to the scene. Officer Redshaw also indicated that Martinez needed Long Beach Fire Department to respond to treat Martinez's injury. Officer Redshaw and I stood by with Martinez till paramedics arrived. Long Beach Fire Department Engine 3 and BLS2 responded to the scene and treated Martinez. LBFD paramedics indicated that Martinez needed to be transported to the hospital. LBFD BLS2 transported Martinez to St. Mary's Medical Center for further treatment. Unit 4C75 (Officer S. Kim #10564 and Officer J. San Juan #11027) assisted on the call and responded to St. Mary's Medical Center to stand by with Martinez. Unit 4C3 (Officer J. Villanueva #5854) assisted on the call by taking photographs. During the process of the incident, I obtained a quarter inch laceration on my left hand in between my ring finger knuckle and pinky finger knuckle. I did not locate the laceration until after I had handcuffed Martinez. It is unknown exactly how I got it. Report Officer 10652/DO,ALVIN DEAN Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 2 of 2 17-53052 Supplement No 0007 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 09/04/2017 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense148(A)(1)PC OfficerFENOGLIO,JON A Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No17-53052 Supplement No0007 Reported Date09/04/2017 Reported Time08:04 CAD Call No 172441864 Rpt Typ EVIDENCE ONLY Primary Offense OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFICER Location GARDENIA AV/E 14TH ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90813 Rep Dist 382 Area 04 Beat 05 From Date 09/01/2017 From Time 22:22 Officer 6033/FENOGLIO,JON A Assignment PATROL/FIELD SUP/TRAFFIC/DUI TEAM Entered by11168 AssignmentINVEST/FSSD/EVID CONTROL/PROPERTY RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer10251 Approval Date09/04/2017 Approval Time12:50:48 Property Prop # 1 Involvement EVIDENCE Invl Date 09/04/2017 In Custody? Yes Security No Tag No 886797 Item No 1 # Pieces 1 Description #1- BLOOD SAMPLE-MARTINEZ LOPEZ,FELIPE Typ A CatOTHER ARTICLES/GUNS/FIREARMS/DRUGS ArticleBLOOD Entered Date09/04/2017 Entered Time08:05 RMS TransferSuccessful Control11168 0904170817 Report Officer 6033/FENOGLIO,JON A Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 1 of 1 17-53052 Supplement No 0008 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 09/01/2017 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense20001VC OfficerCHAVEZ,ROMMEL A Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No17-53052 Supplement No0008 Reported Date09/01/2017 Reported Time22:21 CAD Call No 172441864 Rpt Typ TRAFFIC ACCIDENT Primary Offense HIT AND RUN WITH INJURY Location GARDENIA AV/E 14TH ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90813 Rep Dist 382 Area 04 Beat 05 From Date 09/01/2017 From Time 22:21 Officer 5737/CHAVEZ,ROMMEL A Assignment PATROL/FIELD SUP/TRAFFIC/MOTORS W3 Entered by7054 AssignmentADMIN/RECORDS/TRANSCRIPT/W2 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7054 Approval Date09/05/2017 Approval Time12:46:49 DRIVER 1: MARTINEZ,FELIPE LOPEZ Involvement DRIVER Invl No 1 Type Individual Name MARTINEZ,FELIPE LOPEZ MNI 8523856 Race Hispanic/Mexican/Latin Sex Male DOB 08/12/1991 Age 26 Juvenile? No Height 5'06" Weight 150# Hair Color Black Eye ColorBrown PRN3387732 Miscellaneous Comments 1 INJURIES UNRELATED TO COLLISION, SUSTAINED IN EFFORT TO FLEE REGISTERED OWNER 1: Involvement REGISTERED OWNER Invl No 1 Ty Business Name MNI PRN TypeBUSINESS Address City State ZIP Code Date 09/01/2017 Vehicle: InvolvementTraffic accident TypeAuto License No StateCalifornia Lic Year2017 Lic TypeRegular Passenger Automobile Plates Year1997 MakeHonda ModelCivic/CRX/Del Sol ColorBlack Link DRV Involvement DRV Invl No 1 Name MARTINEZ,FELIPE LOPEZ Race H Sex M DOB 08/12/1991 Vehicle: InvolvementTraffic accident TypeTruck/Van License No State Lic Year2017 Lic TypeCommercial Year2013 Make Ford/Courier/Ford Goldline Camper Model Econoline E150 Color Blue/White Link ROW Involvement ROW Invl No 1 Name Race Sex DOB Narrative TRAFFIC COLLISION REPORT Report Officer 5737/CHAVEZ,ROMMEL A Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 1 of 2 17-53052 Supplement No 0008 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative typist note: Filed "20001" / No. Inj. marked "0" / narrative notes "...transported for injuries sustained unrelated to the collision and associated with his attempt to flee..." Report Officer 5737/CHAVEZ,ROMMEL A Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 2 of 2 17-53052 Supplement No 0009 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 09/06/2017 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense148(A)(1)PC OfficerREDSHAW,TIMOTHY R Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No17-53052 Supplement No0009 Reported Date09/06/2017 Reported Time14:07 CAD Call No 172441864 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP ARREST Primary Offense OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFICER Location GARDENIA AV/E 14TH ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90813 Rep Dist 382 Area 04 Beat 05 From Date 09/01/2017 From Time 22:22 Officer 6278/REDSHAW,TIMOTHY R Assignment PATROL/WEST/CFS/W3 Entered by 6278 AssignmentPATROL/WEST/CFS/W3 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7108 Approval Date09/06/2017 Approval Time17:22:35 Narrative This is a supplemental report to provide additional information for the report filed by me, (Officer T. Redshaw #6278). In the later portion of the original report, the Jail Supervisor notified was (SSO Sergeant Murillo) and the arrestee's booking number (5089115). Report Officer 6278/REDSHAW,TIMOTHY R Printed At 08/22/2019 18:40 Page 1 of 1