17-45374 Police Reports_Redacted17-45374 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 07/29/2017 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense148(A)(1)PC OfficerERNENWEIN,HARRISON Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No17-45374 Supplement NoORIG Reported Date07/29/2017 Reported Time22:18 CAD Call No 172101730 Rpt Typ ARREST ONLY Primary Offense OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFICER Location OBISPO AV/E 7TH ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90814 Rep Dist 503 Area 02 Beat 09 From Date 07/29/2017 From Time 22:15 Officer 11011/ERNENWEIN,HARRISON Assignment PATROL/EAST/CFS/W3 2nd OfficerHERRERA,ALVINO R JR AssignmentPATROL/EAST/CFS/W1 Entered by11011 AssignmentPATROL/ADMIN/FTO/STAFF RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7054 Approval Date07/30/2017 Approval Time09:32:20 Use of ForceYes Photos TakenYes StatementsYes Suspect in CustodyYes Person Summary Invl ARR Invl No 1 Type I Name JOHNSON,MARK C MNI RaceW SexM DOB10/13/1976 InvlWIT Invl No1 TypeI Name MNI Race Sex DOB Vehicle Summary InvlVIC Type License No StateCA Lic Year Year2008 MakeTOYO Model Style ColorBLK Report Officer 11011/ERNENWEIN,HARRISON Printed At 08/22/2019 18:41 Page 1 of 5 17-45374 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT ARRESTEE 1: JOHNSON,MARK C Involvement ARRESTEE Invl No 1 Type Individual Name JOHNSON,MARK C MNI Race White Sex Male DOB 10/13/1976 Age 40 Juvenile? No Height 5'02" Weight 115# Hair Color Brown Eye Color Brown PRN Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date Type HOME Address City State Date TypeHOME Address City State ZIP Code Date Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date Type MAILING Address City State ZIP Code Date TypeHOME Address City State Date Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date TypeHOME Address City State ZIP Code Date Type Address City State Date Type HOME Address City State ZIP Code Date TypeHOME Address City State ZIP Code Date Type FBI number ID No Type FBI number ID No TypeOperator License ID No OLS TypeOperator License ID No OLS Report Officer 11011/ERNENWEIN,HARRISON Printed At 08/22/2019 18:41 Page 2 of 5 17-45374 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Type State Criminal Identification Number(CII) ID No OLS Type Social Security Number ID No OLS Type Social Security Number ID No OLS Phone TypeHome Phone No Date12/24/2014 Phone TypeMessage Phone No Date 03/21/2016 Phone Type Cell Phone No Date 04/27/2016 Phone Type Home Phone No Date 05/24/2016 Phone Type Cell Phone No Date 07/30/2017 Alias NameJOHNSON,MARK CHARLES RaceWhite SexMale DOB10/13/1976 Involvement ARRESTED Arrest Type ARRESTED Arrest Date 07/29/2017 Arrest Time 22:31:00 Booking No 5057706 Book Date 07/30/2017 Book Time 00:51:00 Status BOOKED Arrest Location OBISPO AV/E 7TH ST City LONG BEACH Rep Dist503 Place of BirthCalifornia Beat09 Charge11550(A)HS LevelM Charge LiteralUNDER INFLUENCE CNTL Warrant No 2306718 Warrant ORI CA0560000 Charge 148(A)(1)PC Level M Charge Literal RESIST/OBSTRUCT PUBL WITNESS 1: InvolvementWITNESS Invl No1 Individual MNI Race Sex DOB Age Juvenile?Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color PRN TypeHOME Address City State ZIP Code Date07/29/2017 Type Operator License ID No OLS Phone Type Cell Phone No Date 07/29/2017 Vehicle: InvolvementVictim invl in crime (For use by officer)License No StateCalifornia Year2008 MakeToyocar Van Container Trailer ColorBlack Narrative Dispatch On 07/29/17 at approximately 2345 hours, my partner (Officer Herrera #10047) and I (Officer H. Ernenwein #11011) were working uniformed patrol as Unit 2A69 when we responded to the intersection of 7th Street and Obispo Avenue regarding a use of force incident (call #1730). Scene Upon arrival, I observed multiple police units south of the dispatched location. Multiple officers were standing on the east sidewalk in front of Obispo Avenue. I observed one officer standing with the reporting party (later identified as Witness Witness Statements Incident I contacted Witness and he told me the following: Report Officer 11011/ERNENWEIN,HARRISON Printed At 08/22/2019 18:41 Page 3 of 5 17-45374 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative stated that he was inside his car at approximately 2215 hours on 07/29/17,talking on his cell phone prior to the incident occurring.vehicle (a black, 2008 Toyota Prius, with CA plate #was parked facing north along the east curb in front of Obispo Avenue. While talking on the cell phone, observed a male subject (later identified as ARR, Mark Johnson) sitting along a metal gate on the southwest side of Obispo Avenue. After a short amount of time, the suspect stood up and walked to his rear passenger side window. The suspect, using both hands, placed his face against the window and began to look inside the interior of the vehicle. The suspect would continually alternate between looking at and around the interior of the vehicle. stated the subject's face twitching, and he was acting extremely strange while looking into the vehicle. The subject appeared to be talking to himself, having muscle spasms on his face, and appeared angry and agitated. While continuing to look into the vehicle, the subject punched the window three times with an unknown closed fist, and spit his saliva on the window three times.opened his driver's side door allowing him to slightly exit the vehicle, and asked the subject, "Can I help you?" The subject shouted in reply, "Yeah, you won't shut the fuck up!"got back in his vehicle and the subject continued to pace around the front and right side of his vehicle. The subject continued to make random, unknown obscene statements to himself, curse loudly, and flail his arms in the air.described how at one point during the subject's erratic behavior, the subject screamed, "Fuck!" for a long duration of time. After a short amount of time, the subject re-approached the vehicle by walking up to the same passenger window, spit on the window, and punched the window two times with an unknown closed fist. The subject proceeded to sit down near his initial position against the wall.stated to the subject, "I'll call the cops," and the subject replied, "I don't give a fuck, call the cops, I'll call the cops, I don't give a shit." The subject re-approached front passenger window and punched the window one more time with a closed fist. The subject proceeded to pace, back and forth, just north of the vehicle's location on the sidewalk in front of Obispo Avenue contacted the police to report the incident. believed the subject was on drugs because he was sweating, continually cursing, yelling, and threatening him. This behavior continued along the east sidewalk of Obispo Avenue for approximately five minutes before officers arrived on scene.stated he feared for his safety. Officer Altercation while seated in his car, observed an officer arrive on scene and approach the subject. He heard the officer give numerous commands including, "Calm down," in order to gain compliance from the subject. observed the subject continuously attempt to leave by walking around and occasionally bumping into the officer. The subject continued to refuse the commands by interrupting the officer with unintelligible and incomprehensible words and phrases, before turning his back on the officer. The officer approached the subject from behind in attempt to control the subject's hands by holding them behind his back. As the officer attempted to control the subject's hands,observed the subject rapidly lift one of his elbows in an aggressive upward motion to prevent the officer from attempting to hold his hands behind his back.stated it appeared the subject might have attempted to hit the officer with his elbow.exited the vehicle and observed the duration of the incident from the rear bumper area of his vehicle. The subject continued to resist, shouting, "Fuck you!" and "You hurt my mom, and now you're going to hurt me!" stated the officer was struggling with the subject, as the officer continued to tell the subject to, "Stop resisting."could not observe how the officer was struggling to control the subject due to the fact that the subject was flailing and maneuvering his body in an attempt to break free from the officer. Two other unknown officers were then observed arriving on scene and got behind the subjects back. As the officers got behind the subjects back to assist the first officer, the subject eventually leaned over and placed one knee on the ground as an unknown officer controlled his hands behind his back.heard the subject begin to snore as the officers continued to control him. After the incident, the officers seated the subject against the west wall of Obispo Avenue. stated that during the incident, he was afraid his life because he believed the subject could have broken Report Officer 11011/ERNENWEIN,HARRISON Printed At 08/22/2019 18:41 Page 4 of 5 17-45374 Supplement No ORIG LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative into the vehicle and hurt him. I observed vehicle and observed what appeared to be saliva on the top frame area of the rear passenger side door seal. I also observed smudge marks on both passenger side windows. There was no vehicle damage that found as a result of the incident. stated he did not desire prosecution against the subject. I provided a Report Receipt. Knock and Talks /Cameras Knock and talks were conducted by Officer J. Armstrong #10833, at Obispo Avenue, Obispo Avenue, and Theresa Street. No answer was received at Obispo Avenue. No answer was received at Obispo Avenue. Theresa Street was locked and no answer was received. I observed a surveillance camera on the south wall of Obispo Avenue. The camera was facing east down a walkway, and positioned slightly east of the gate where the subject was initially seated, opposite of the direction of the use of force. No other surveillance cameras were observed. Report Officer 11011/ERNENWEIN,HARRISON Printed At 08/22/2019 18:41 Page 5 of 5 17-45374 Supplement No 0001 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 07/29/2017 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense148(A)(1)PC OfficerELLIOTT,BRIAN P Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No17-45374 Supplement No0001 Reported Date07/29/2017 Reported Time22:18 CAD Call No 172101730 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFICER Location OBISPO AV/E 7TH ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90814 Rep Dist 503 Area 02 Beat 09 From Date 07/29/2017 From Time 22:18 Officer 10027/ELLIOTT,BRIAN P Assignment PATROL/EAST/CFS/W3 2nd OfficerVANDEMOORTEL,JEFFREY HUNT AssignmentPATROL/SOUTH/CFS/W2 Entered by10027 AssignmentPATROL/EAST/CFS/W3 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer10251 Approval Date07/31/2017 Approval Time16:26:10 Narrative ***Use of Force*** On 7/29/17 at 2218 hours, my partner (Officer J. Vandemoortel, #10920) and I (Officer B. Elliott, #10027) assisted unit 2C12 in the area of 7th Street and Obispo Avenue regarding a 911 emergency call for service (call #1730). While en route we were notified via dispatch the calling party was sitting in his vehicle when an unknown subject approached him and started cussing at him. While the subject was outside the calling party's vehicle the subject began punching and hitting the vehicle. When we arrived, I noticed Officer Torres was already on scene. I exited the patrol vehicle and heard a male subject screaming incoherently a short distance north of our location. I went to investigate the screaming and observed Officer Torres and a male subject (the defendant Mark Johnson) standing face to face along a wall in front of Obispo Avenue. It appeared Officer Torres was attempting to control the subject who was screaming incoherently. Officer Torres was holding each of the subjects arms down to the subjects sides and was telling the subject to calm down and to turn around. It was clear to me Officer Torres was attempting to detain the subject. The subject was refusing each of Officer Torres' requests while violently attempting to break free of Officer Torres' detention. The subject was twisting and pulling his arms away from Officer Torres while pushing his body into Officer Torres in what appeared to be an attempt to break free and escape the detention. Seeing the struggle between Officer Torres and the subject, I ran over to the location to assist. I immediately took control of the subject's left arm. As soon as I gripped the subject's left arm I felt the subject instantly become more violent. He began dropping his weight and lifting himself up again, pulling and twisting his arms and pushing at us to keep us from placing him into handcuffs. As we struggled to not only maintain control of the subject but to get him in handcuffs, I noticed Officer Torres shift his position followed by the subject turning away from Officer Torres. As the subject continued fighting with us, I observed Officer Torres maneuver his position to the subject's back. Once Officer Torres was positioned at the subject's back, he applied a carotid restraint to the subject. Once the carotid restraint was applied to the subject, the subject began to slow down his resistance to the detention. After a few moments, the subject dropped his weight suddenly causing Officer Torres to fall to his knees while maintaining control of the carotid restraint. A moment later, the subject suddenly leaned his body forward with his face hitting the sidewalk. While the subject was face down on the sidewalk I heard the subject begin to snore causing Officer Torres to immediately release the hold. My partner and I placed subject into handcuffs. When we sat the subject up, we checked the subject to ensure he was breathing normally and a request for Report Officer 10027/ELLIOTT,BRIAN P Printed At 08/22/2019 18:41 Page 1 of 2 17-45374 Supplement No 0001 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative paramedics was made. Long Beach Fire Department Engine 4 arrived on scene a short time later to check the subject's vitals. I noticed he had some blood trickling down the bridge of his nose and he was complaining of pain to his neck/back. Officer J. Kroeger, #6066 responded to the scene for photographs. Sgt. S. Benson, #6205 was notified and responded to the scene. Unit 2A9 (Officer J. Castro, #10763) transported the subject to the hospital for treatment. Report Officer 10027/ELLIOTT,BRIAN P Printed At 08/22/2019 18:41 Page 2 of 2 17-45374 Supplement No 0002 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 07/29/2017 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense148(A)(1)PC OfficerTORRES,MICHAEL S Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No17-45374 Supplement No0002 Reported Date07/29/2017 Reported Time22:18 CAD Call No 172101730 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFICER Location OBISPO AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90814 Rep Dist 503 Area 02 Beat 09 From Date 07/29/2017 From Time 22:15 Officer 6252/TORRES,MICHAEL S Assignment PATROL/EAST/CFS/W3 2nd OfficerHERRERA,ALVINO R JR AssignmentPATROL/EAST/CFS/W1 Entered by6252 AssignmentPATROL/EAST/CFS/W3 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer10251 Approval Date07/31/2017 Approval Time16:26:16 Narrative ***USE OF FORCE*** While working unit 2C12, I (Officer M. Torres #6252) assisted unit 2C71, Officer's J. Vandemoortel #10920 and B. Elliott #10027, in the area of 7th Street and Obispo Avenue regarding an incomplete wireless 911 call. The caller stated, "I need police over by the Good Bar" before hanging up. While on scene, we had dispatch call back the calling party to get a better location and we were eventually told he was on Obispo Avenue south of 7th Street. The calling party was whispering on the phone from inside a black Prius. Dispatch also advised us the calling party was stating the suspect was a male, White, 28-30 years old, wearing a black shirt and blue jeans. The calling party was not answering anymore questions, just kept saying the male is trying to kick his vehicle, and keeps saying get PD. The call stated the calling party does not know the subject and he just came up to him cussing and punched his car. The calling party stated the subject is also trying to fight others passing by. As I drove northbound Obispo Avenue from 6th street, I observed a male white get out of a black Prius in front of the church at Obispo Avenue. The male seemed frightened, thanked me for coming out and identified himself as the person who called the police. The male then pointed and directed my attention towards the sidewalk area on the side of his parked vehicle and stated, "He's over there laying on the sidewalk. He was kicking my car." I walked over to the sidewalk in front of Obispo Avenue and observed a male White (later identified as ARR Mark Johnson), wearing a dark colored shirt with blue pants. I identified myself as the police and asked him what was going on. Johnson stood up quickly and stated, "Nothing, I'm going to leave now." I told Johnson he was not free to leave and I was investigating him kicking the car and possibly causing damage to it. I recognized Johnson from past contacts and walking around the neighborhood. Johnson has a history of yelling and screaming at random subjects on the street. Johnson also at times appears to be mentally unstable and has admitted to using methamphetamine in previous contacts. Johnson tried walking around me and I used my left arm by extending it outward to block his path on the sidewalk. Johnson then stated, "Don't you touch me. I know how you guy's are. You shot my mom and family member." I told Johnson to calm down and stop resisting me. I again advised Johnson he was not free to leave and to stop moving so I could talk to him. Johnson stated, "I'm not talking to you. You shot my mom and family member." Johnson then grabbed his duffel bag nearby and Report Officer 6252/TORRES,MICHAEL S Printed At 08/22/2019 18:41 Page 1 of 2 17-45374 Supplement No 0002 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative again tried walking around me. When I went to extend my left arm outward to prevent him from walking around me, Johnson used his right arm to push my left arm away and then used his left arm to push against my chest and attempt to push me out of his pathway. I then grabbed a hold of Johnson's left arm to control his movement and he twisted his body to his right away from me. As Johnson did this, his duffel bag that was hanging over his left shoulder struck my right side and multiple CD's and movies fell out onto the sidewalk. I then attempted to grab both of Johnson's arms to control him until Officer Vandemoortel and Officer Elliott who were nearby were able to assist me. As I grabbed Johnson's arms, he began pushing his chest against mine trying to get me to move away from him. I was able to grab Johnson by his arms and pin his back against a nearby wall of the church to better control him and his movements. Johnson continued pushing his chest against me as I was holding both of his arms not allowing Johnson to move away from me. Officer Vandemoortel and Officer Elliott then arrived on scene and began each taking a hold of Johnson's arms to handcuff him. Officer Elliott took control of Johnson's left arm and Vandemoortel took control of his right arm as they moved Johnson away from the wall with me standing behind Johnson. As Officer Vandemoortel and Officer Elliott attempted to handcuff Johnson, he began violently resisting, twisting his body, pulling his arms away resisting them. I told Johnson multiple times to stop resisting the Officer's and he shouted, "Leave me alone. Leave me alone." Seeing that Johnson was not going to cooperate with us and the fact that he had already demonstrated using force and violence by pushing me away from him, I felt if Johnson broke free from Officer Vandemoortel and Officer Elliott's grasp that he would begin to violently strike one of them. Due to Johnson continuously, violently, and actively resisting our efforts to arrest and handcuff him, I then applied the department approved carotid restraint on Johnson. Due to the narrow sidewalk with a building and vehicles on either side and the close proximity of Officer Vandemoortel and Officer Elliott, I was unable to use any other lower force option (baton or impact weapon) without risking striking them in the process. I also felt if I used the Conducted Electronic Weapon (CEW) that it would have had little effect to stop or control Johnson's violent movement's since he was continuously twisting and pulling his body away from Officer Vandemoortel and Officer Elliott. As I was standing behind Johnson, I used my left forearm and encircled it around the front of Johnson's neck just under his chin and applied the carotid restraint. Johnson resisted me at first but as I applied more pressure, his body became limp, and his body weight fell towards the ground. I was unable to keep my balance and I fell with Johnson to the ground while still applying the carotid restraint. Johnson first fell to his knees, then fell face first onto the sidewalk. When Johnson fell to the sidewalk he began snoring and was no longer violently resisting. I believed at that time Johnson was passed out and released the carotid restraint allowing Officer Vandemoortel and Officer Elliott to handcuff him. Once Johnson was handcuffed, he was placed in a sitting position, instantly woke up and began breathing normally again. I then noticed Johnson had blood coming from his nose and right eyebrow area. I requested Long Beach Fire department respond to assess Johnson due to the use of the carotid restraint. 2S13, Sgt. Benson #6205, was notified of the Use of Force (UOF) and responded to the scene. Lt. McGuire was also notified of UOF. ARR Johnson was transported to the hospital for medical evaluation. Report Officer 6252/TORRES,MICHAEL S Printed At 08/22/2019 18:41 Page 2 of 2 17-45374 Supplement No 0003 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 07/30/2017 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense148(A)(1)PC OfficerVANDEMOORTEL,JEFFREY H Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No17-45374 Supplement No0003 Reported Date07/30/2017 Reported Time03:30 CAD Call No 172101730 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFICER Location OBISPO AV/E 7TH ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90814 Rep Dist 503 Area 02 Beat 09 From Date 07/29/2017 From Time 22:15 Officer 10920/VANDEMOORTEL,JEFFREY HUNT Assignment PATROL/SOUTH/CFS/W2 2nd OfficerHERRERA,ALVINO R JR AssignmentPATROL/EAST/CFS/W1 Entered by10920 AssignmentPATROL/SOUTH/CFS/W2 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer10251 Approval Date07/31/2017 Approval Time16:25:34 Narrative **** USE OF FORCE**** On 7/29/2017 at 2218 hours, while working uniformed patrol as Unit 2C71, my partner (Officer B. Elliott #10027) and I (Officer J. Vandemoortel #10920) assisted Unit 2C12 (Officer M. Torres #6252) regarding an unknown trouble call in the area of Obispo Ave and 7th St (call #1730). The call further stated the calling party needed police and hung up. On call backs from dispatch, it was determined the calling party was in a black Toyota Prius and there was a subject trying to kick his car who was possibly intoxicated on drugs. The call also stated the subject was also trying to fight others walking by. While searching the area of 7th St and Obispo Ave, Officer Torres located the possible victim's vehicle parked along the east curb of Obispo Ave facing northbound. Upon arrival, I observed Officer Torres' marked patrol vehicle facing northbound parked in front of Obispo Ave. Officer Torres' marked patrol vehicle had its forward facing red light clearly illuminated. As soon as I exited the driver seat of my marked patrol vehicle, I heard yelling coming from an unknown subject in front of Obispo Ave. As soon as I heard the yelling, I, along with my partner began to run to the area of where the yelling was coming from. As my partner and I ran up to assist Officer Torres, I observed Officer Torres trying to detain a male subject. Officer Torres was face to face with the subject. Officer Torres had both his hands gripping the subject's arms, who was pulling away from Officer Torres and trying to flail his arms to break Officer Torres' grasp. Officer Torres was using the church wall as a backdrop to hold the subject against to help him maintain control. As we approached Officer Torres, I heard Officer Torres telling the subject to turn around and relax. The subject continued yelling and tried to violently flail his arms. It appeared as if the subject was trying to pull away from Officer Torres grasp and flee. The subject dropped his body weight and then jumped back up in a violent manner trying to break free from Officer Torres's grasp and flee. As we got closer to Officer Torres and the subject, it became clear the subject was violently resisting a lawful detention. The subject was flailing both his arms and tried to get away from Officer Torres. I immediately recognized the subject Officer Torres was trying to detain as the subject who my partner and I observed earlier in the day in the area of 15th St and Cherry Ave. The subject was wearing the same light blue hospital pants and had the same body structure. My partner stated he had numerous contacts with the subject in the past. In most of the contacts with the subject, my partner stated the subject was either intoxicated on alcohol Report Officer 10920/VANDEMOORTEL,JEFFREY HUNT Printed At 08/22/2019 18:41 Page 1 of 2 17-45374 Supplement No 0003 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative or drugs. As we approached the subject, I took control of the subject's right arm and placed him into a twist lock and began to apply handcuffs to his right wrist. The subject continued to resist, continually trying to flail both arms and escape the grasp of Officer Torres, Officer Elliott, and myself. After placing the subject into a twist lock and cuffing the subject's right wrist, the subject continued to violently resist (violently dropping his body weight and jumping back up while still trying to flail his arms). At this point, if the subject broke free from our grasp, he could have used the handcuffs as a weapon against myself and other officers. Officer Elliott was able to gain control of the subject's left arm. While Officer Elliott and I had control of the subject's arms, the subject still was trying to pull away from us by twisting and pulling his arms. Officer Torres was soon able to position himself on the subject's back. Officer Torres then applied a carotid restraint on the subject. The subject began to waiver and Officer Torres and the subject fell to the ground. Once the subject was on his knees bending forward, I was able to control the subject's left arm. After controlling the subject's left arm, I placed his left wrist into the other half of my handcuffs (checking for fit and double locking). Officer Torres released the carotid restraint. While placing the subject's left wrist in the other half of my handcuff, I heard the subject begin to snore loudly. I, along with Officer Torres moved the subject onto his left side. The subject continued to snore until he began to regain consciousness five to ten seconds after the restraint had been originally placed. After getting the subject into custody, Officer Torres, Officer Elliott,and myself sat the subject along the east wall of Obispo Ave along the church wall at Obispo Ave. At this time, I observed the subject was bleeding from a cut on his nose. Long Beach Fire Engine 4 arrived on scene and assessed the subject. The subject was later transported by Officer Castro and medically cleared at the hospital Unit 2S13 (Sergeant S. Benson #6205) was notified and responded. Report Officer 10920/VANDEMOORTEL,JEFFREY HUNT Printed At 08/22/2019 18:41 Page 2 of 2 17-45374 Supplement No 0004 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 07/30/2017 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense148(A)(1)PC OfficerBENSON,SHALEANA R Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No17-45374 Supplement No0004 Reported Date07/30/2017 Reported Time03:45 CAD Call No 172101730 Rpt Typ FOLLOW-UP REPORT Primary Offense OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFICER Location OBISPO AV City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90814 Rep Dist 503 Area 02 Beat 09 From Date 07/29/2017 From Time 22:15 Officer 6205/BENSON,SHALEANA R Assignment PATROL/EAST/CFS/W1 2nd OfficerHERRERA,ALVINO R JR AssignmentPATROL/EAST/CFS/W1 Entered by6205 AssignmentPATROL/EAST/CFS/W1 RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer10251 Approval Date07/31/2017 Approval Time16:26:04 Narrative On 07/29/2017 at approximately 2231 hours, I (Sergeant S. Benson #6205) was made aware of an officer requesting a sergeant for a use of force incident at 7th Street / Obispo Avenue. (Call #1730) I responded to the location and contacted Officer M. Torres #6252 who advised me that he had responded to an unknown trouble call involving a possible impaired or "5150" subject kicking the calling party's vehicle and punching the windows. Officer Torres stated he arrived on scene and was directed by the calling party toward the subject described in the call that was lying down near the church. Officer Torres stated he attempted to detain the subject to conduct an investigation, but the subject (later identified as ARR Mark Johnson) tried to walk away from him. Officer Torres stated he used bodily force to prevent ARR Johnson from leaving the scene. ARR Johnson pushed Officer Torres multiple times to avoid detention and arrest. Officer Torres stated Officers B. Elliott #10027 and J. Vandemoortel #10092 arrived on scene and attempted to handcuff ARR Johnson. Officer Torres stated ARR Johnson continued to actively resist being handcuffed and was physically pushing and pulling away from the officers. During ARR Johnson's active resistance, Officer Torres was able to place a carotid restraint on ARR Johnson. Officer Torres stated ARR Johnson did lose consciousness and fell forward onto the sidewalk in front of the church, causing ARR Johnson to sustain minor injuries to his face. Once ARR Johnson was ground, Officers Elliott and Vandemoortel were able to place handcuffs onto ARR Johnson and request paramedics and a sergeant for use of force. I went to contact ARR Johnson, who was seated against the wall of the church handcuffed. I noticed ARR Johnson was wearing a black t-shirt,light blue medical pants ("scrubs"),and tennis shoes. He had blood on his nose and running down the right side of his face. I contacted ARR Johnson and identified myself. I asked ARR Johnson if the officers had advised him of his Miranda Rights and he replied, "No." I advised ARR Johnson of his Miranda Rights in the presence of Officers Torres and Elliott. ARR Johnson answered, "Yes," to waiver question one and said he would talk to me about what happened. ((I was not able to audio record the interview due to a malfunctioning tape recorder)) ARR Johnson told me the following: ARR Johnson stated he was sleeping near the fence and flowerbeds of the church when a black vehicle (he pointed to a black Toyota Prius parked along the east curb) pulled up. The driver tapped on the passenger window and yelled out, "Hey, you want to jack off?" ARR Johnson stated he did not know the driver. He stated the vehicle stayed parked there and did not leave. ARR Johnson stated he got up, walked over to the car on Report Officer 6205/BENSON,SHALEANA R Printed At 08/22/2019 18:42 Page 1 of 3 17-45374 Supplement No 0004 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative knocked on the passenger window. ARR Johnson said he then asked, "What do you want?" He said the male driver again said, "Do you want to jack off?" ARR Johnson said he replied, "No," and grabbed his belongings to leave the area. ARR Johnson stopped talking at this point, as if it were the end of the story.I asked ARR Johnson to confirm that he was sleeping near the church just east of the public sidewalk, when an unknown male subject in the black Prius parked along the curb and attempted to proposition him for sex. ARR Johnson said, "Yes." I asked ARR Johnson if he ever kicked, punched or tried to open the door of the Prius. ARR Johnson said, "No, I just knocked on the window and asked him what he wanted." I then tried to walk away from the car. I asked ARR Johnson what happened when the police officers got there. ARR Johnson told me the following: "I saw the police arrive and heard the cop yell, 'Hey! Hey!' and then he grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall. I grabbed t e officer's arm to prevent myself from falling and then the officer choked me out." I asked ARR Johnson if he knew the officer was speaking to him, if the officer ever told him to stop, or advised him that he was being detained. ARR Johnson replied, "No." I asked ARR Johnson if he grabbed the officer's arm in an attempt to flee or fight the officer. He again replied, "No, I grabbed his arm so I wouldn't fall over." I asked ARR Johnson if he ever pushed one of the officers or if he resisted being handcuffed. Again ARR Johnson replied, "No. He just choked me out." I asked ARR Johnson if he had anything else he wanted to tell me about the incident or if he wanted to make a complaint about the incident. He said, "No." I pointed out the injuries on his face and asked him if he had any other injuries. ARR Johnson said, "Just my neck and back. I am in pain." I told him that we were going to transport him to the hospital for medical clearance prior to booking him for resisting arrest. I further told him since he sustained facial injuries that an Internal Affairs Detective going to respond to the hospital as well and he would have the opportunity to speak with them. ARR Johnson said, "Okay." ARR Johnson was assisted into a standing position and walked to Officer Castro's vehicle without resistance. Officer J. Castro #10763 transported ARR Johnson to Community Hospital for medical clearance. I responded to Community Hospital and spoke a little more with ARR Johnson.During our conversation, ARR Johnson stated his knees hurt too. I took additional photographs after hospital personnel had cleaned his injuries. I noticed an approximate 1/4" laceration and small abrasion above the right eyebrow, an approximate ½" abrasion across the top of his nose, a small abrasion and redness to the right knee and redness to the left knee. No other injuries were observed or indicated. However I did notice what appeared to be a fresh, within the last 24-hours, injection site on the inside arm near the elbow. I asked ARR Johnson when he last used meth (methamphetamines) and he replied, "about five days ago." I asked him if he used any drugs or prescribed medications today. He replied, "I smoked some weed this morning when I woke up, but nothing else." ARR Johnson said uses marijuana for neck pain that was a result of a car accident several years ago. While talking about his neck pain, ARR Johnson did state that he randomly twitches and has spasms. ARR Johnson also stated he is prescribed which he gets when he sees his doctor once per month, for , but has not taken those in about two years. No further questions were asked. Officers A. Herrera #10047 and H. Ernenwein #11011 contacted the original calling party for a statement. Other officers attempted to locate video and/or witnesses to the use of force, but none could be located. See Officer Ernenwein's report for additional information. See Officers Torres, Elliott and Vandemoortel's supplemental reports for further on the use of force. Officer J. Kroger #6066 responded to the scene and took photographs of ARR Johnson, the victim's vehicle, the scene and all the officers involved in the use of force incident. Those photographs, along with photographs I took of ARR Johnson at Community Hospital, were uploaded into Mideo. I notified Lieutenant M. McGuire #5729 of the use of force incident. Internal Affairs Detective D. Mendoza #5710 responded to the hospital and spoke with ARR Johnson. No Report Officer 6205/BENSON,SHALEANA R Printed At 08/22/2019 18:42 Page 2 of 3 17-45374 Supplement No 0004 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Narrative allegations of misconduct were made. Report Officer 6205/BENSON,SHALEANA R Printed At 08/22/2019 18:42 Page 3 of 3 17-45374 Supplement No 0005 LONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 400 WEST BROADWAY Reported Date 08/02/2017 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Primary Offense148(A)(1)PC OfficerCASTRO,JOSE MANUEL Phone 562 570-7381 RECORDS Fax 562 570-7080 FAX Administrative Information AgencyLONG BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT DR No17-45374 Supplement No0005 Reported Date08/02/2017 Reported Time08:53 CAD Call No 172101730 Rpt Typ PROPERTY REPORT Primary Offense OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFICER Location OBISPO AV/E 7TH ST City LONG BEACH ZIP Code 90814 Rep Dist 503 Area 02 Beat 09 From Date 07/29/2017 From Time 22:15 Officer 10763/CASTRO,JOSE MANUEL Assignment PATROL/EAST/CFS/W1 2nd OfficerHERRERA,ALVINO R JR AssignmentPATROL/EAST/CFS/W1 Entered by10755 AssignmentINVEST/FSSD/EVID CONTROL/PROPERTY RMS TransferSuccessful Prop Trans StatSuccessful Approving Officer7108 Approval Date08/02/2017 Approval Time11:36:53 Property Prop # 1 Involvement PRISONER'S PROPERTY Invl Date 08/02/2017 In Custody? Yes Security No Tag No 884632 Item No 1 Description1. GYM BAG W/ CLOTHES, HYGIENE AND MISC ITEMS TypA CatPersonal accessories (incl serial jewelry)ArticleClothing Entered Date08/02/2017 Entered Time08:54 RMS Transfer Successful Control 10755 0802170855 Report Officer 10763/CASTRO,JOSE MANUEL Printed At 08/22/2019 18:42 Page 1 of 1